NCSLMA Battle of the Books
Décerné par North Carolina School Library Media Association (NCSLMA)
287 oeuvres / 421 élements 1,025,149 Livres 36,348 critiques 4.2
[[Years listed are the end of an academic year. So, books listed as 2024 are for the 2023-2024 school year.]]
Battle of the Books began as a program for middle school students, grades 6-8. The afficher plus program has expanded to include the elementary and high school levels. Students at participating schools read books from a list established by the state Battle of the Books committees and then compete in quiz-bowl-style tournaments to test their knowledge of these books. afficher moins
Battle of the Books began as a program for middle school students, grades 6-8. The afficher plus program has expanded to include the elementary and high school levels. Students at participating schools read books from a list established by the state Battle of the Books committees and then compete in quiz-bowl-style tournaments to test their knowledge of these books. afficher moins
Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série
RLNunezKPL (240 œuvres), blowingrocklibrary (194), LMS_Library (158), kday_working (141), Conway_Library (140), Owlpower (139), ewyatt (138), chinatowne (135), ghsmediacenter (134), bethsand (132), lmackiewicz (132), ltfl_mountviewms (129), DWEmma (128), ltcl (126), JennyArch (123), Long-Viewbooks (120), mffowler (117), Saunders_Library (117), e-zReader (116), LibrarianDest (116), KatieLamb (115), OMSspartans (115), Linyarai (114), jennybeast (112), crimsonraider (111), rmatottNCSD (111), MorbidLibrarian (108), Salsabrarian (108), Sharquin (108), tlakelibrary (108), Spoto-Media (107), acargile (106), coveschool (106), emrsalgado (106), GPLDYouthServices (106), alaskabookworm (104), jothebookgirl (104), Lisa_Francine (104), rbauer42 (104), starbookworm (104), Kaethe (103), LectricLibrary (103), uplifthampton (103), amyjuengst (102), ejmam (102), MsKerri (102), RoshReviews (102), goodreads (101), kerribrary (101), wisemetis (101), CynthiaM (100), Pages_Aplenty (100), reader1009 (100), Summer345456 (100), tarr.chris (100), alo1224 (99), BrD (99), Carolyn.Lutz (99), parasolofdoom (99), Whisper1 (99), ALHS_Library (98), amandabock (98), mosylu1 (98), keeneam (97), kwagnerroberts (96), leslie.eiben (96), foggidawn (95), GowanScienceAcademy (95), saishac (95), Cora-R (94), DCPlibrarian (94), jcm790 (94), LutheranSouthUnity (94), saillergirl (93), MDGentleReader (92), prengel90 (91), huskynewbooks (90), meckert13 (90), pricem (90), briannad84 (89), eduscapes (89), Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone (89), Rachael_SJSU (89), tglovell (89), lbhlibrary (88), PeskyLibrary (88), stansteiner (88), brauer57 (87), GigasCodex (87), misscristina (87), bkladyatl (86), book_lady15 (86), boopingaround (86), mjphillips (86), rchevallier (86), sashathewild (86), fbmount (85), JediBookLover (85), mal2012 (85), Mrs.Connolly (85), theEcole (85), drmom62 (84), tcwLT (84), ThomasAcademy (84), DrFuriosa (83), slittleson (83), EBassett (82), FRJDC (82), matthewbloome (82), MercedesMLMW (82), BrandyLuther (81), Jill41 (81), ParkDay6th (81), PegD (81), suicidebybooks (81), AMQS (80), kategjstone (80), kteacherSC (80), SandSing7 (80), teenybeanie25 (80), FrontierGirl (79), librarian515 (79), manlius (79), panamamama (79), skullduggery (79), agenbiteofinwit (78), Casey.Woodard (78), klnbennett (78), ShanLand (78), bookdrunkard78 (77), Sarah7788 (77), ASIJ (76), booksatasteal (76), EuronerdLibrarian (76), fionaanne (76), kiwifoster (76), kswin (76), ltfl_isulaan (76), Morteana (76), shadrachanki (76), wanderlustlover (76), weber93 (76), cabyrum (75), claireelam (75), ebredberg (75), IntrovertedFaerie13 (75), LynbrookHSLibrary (75), MarylhurstHerons (75), mhagenberg (75), rebecca.pruitt (75), SonshineMusic7 (74)
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