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The Lost Library (2023)

par Rebecca Stead

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20320136,478 (4.09)20
When a mysterious Little Free Library guarded by a large orange cat appears overnight, eleven-year-old Evan plucks two weathered books from its shelves, never suspecting that his life is about to change.

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In a Nutshell: A cute little mystery for middle-graders. The library setting and the presence of a friendly book-loving cat adds to the fun.

Story Synopsis:
A mysterious little free library appears overnight in the small town of Martinville. Fifth-grader Evan is mystified, but he takes two books from its shelves. He soon realises that there's something odd about the two titles, and he ropes in his best friend Rafe to help him in his "investigation".
The two boys soon discover that the books are connected to an event that took place two decades ago, but no adult is willing to talk to them about it. What's everybody hiding?
The story comes to us in the third person perspectives of Evan and Mortimer the kind-hearted cat who monitors the little free library among other things, and in the first person perspective of Al the ghost librarian.

(If your interest level didn't jump up at least five notches on reading about Mortimer and Al, you are too old for this book. ( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 26, 2024 |
I loved this book. It made my librarian's heart so happy. This is an interesting read for children of any age even the really big ones! I was completely caught up in solving the mystery with Evan and was so happy at the way the story ended. I found it both interesting and endearing and couldn't put it down. ( )
  FlowerBrookCottage | Jun 23, 2024 |
A sweet little book that warns my librarian heart
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
1. Teaches young readers the important parts of mystery novels, including: setting, tone, protagonist, antagonist, supporting characters, crime, motive, victim, suspects, and clues
2. Fantastical talking animals, including mice and Mortimer the cat
3. Library setting - recommended for anyone that feels at home when they are at the library
4. Author interviews: and
5. Novel study:
6. Activity idea: Decorate your own Little Free Library
7. This book can create discussions on first person narrative (Al's POV) vs. third person narrative (Mortimer and Evan's POV) ( )
  juliasmith22 | Mar 4, 2024 |
it is a beautifully developed story which hosts a profoundly deep message for any age to read and enjoy. At first, I must admit that I was a little unsure on how I was going to like it, but as the story progressed, I found myself losing track of time and becoming engrossed within the three main characters from which the story line is told. Like a narrator of a theatrical performance, Al helps to fill in the details as her own life’s story begins to take on a twist you may or may not see coming, as a little boy unknowingly unearths a major secret.

During the last week of attending elementary school, a free little library pops up overnight with an old orange cat to guard the books within the homemade structure. Evan pulls the two smallest books from the shelf and later realizes something peculiar about them. One of them has his dad’s name written on the circulation card from when the old library burned down years before he was born. Not only that, but all the cards say they were due the night of the fatal fire.

While Evan and his best friend, Rafe, begin their investigation into the mysterious circumstances surrounding the tragic event, the town’s reception to the new little library is better than Al had expected. Much to the satisfaction of Mortimer, the orange cat, more books are appearing by the day with even more visitors taking and leaving a book under his careful watch. But when Al, Mortimer, and Evan cross paths, their journey will change them forever. Who was Ms. Scoggin and Mr. Brock? Why do the mice call Mortimer “Six-Toed Grouch?” What does Al stand for? Did a famous writer used to live in Evan’s hometown? And most importantly…who started the fire twenty years ago?

Personally, I would consider this work alongside that of Natalie Babbitt, one of my favorite writers and one who was skilled at weaving fun tales in with deeper meaning. From me, that is one of the highest compliments I can bestow upon a book. I hope that you will take a chance to help Evan figure out How to Write a Mystery Novel, and perhaps meet a few ghosts while you’re at it. ( )
  SarahJI | Feb 16, 2024 |
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When a mysterious Little Free Library guarded by a large orange cat appears overnight, eleven-year-old Evan plucks two weathered books from its shelves, never suspecting that his life is about to change.

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