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Holly Goldberg Sloan

Auteur de Counting by 7s

12+ oeuvres 4,774 utilisateurs 313 critiques 1 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Holly Goldberg Sloan was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She attended college at Wellesley in Massachusetts. After graduating, she worked in commercial advertising as a production assistant, then a script supervisor, a producer, and finally as a commercial director. She also writes screenplays. She afficher plus sold her first screenplay at the age of twenty-four to Paramount Pictures. Her screenplays include Made in America, Collision Course: The Crocodile Hunter Movie, Angels in the Outfield, and The Big Green, which she also directed. She has written several books including I'll Be There, Keeper, and Counting By 7s. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins


Œuvres de Holly Goldberg Sloan

Counting by 7s (2013) 2,851 exemplaires, 221 critiques
Short (2017) 469 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Cavale (2011) 454 exemplaires, 35 critiques
To Night Owl from Dogfish (2019) 412 exemplaires, 26 critiques
Appleblossom the Possum (2015) 222 exemplaires, 8 critiques
The Elephant in the Room (2021) 167 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Just Call My Name (2014) 93 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Pieces of Blue (2023) 50 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Big Green [1995 film] (1995) — Directeur — 25 exemplaires
Keeper (Dream Series) (2002) 18 exemplaires
Whispers: An Elephant's Tale [2000 film] (2000) — Screenwriter — 12 exemplaires
The Secret Life of Girls [1999 film] (2008) — Directeur — 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Angels in the Outfield (1994) 125 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Crocodile Hunter - Collision Course (2002) — Screenplay — 83 exemplaires
Pure Country Pure Heart [2017 film] (2017) — Writer — 13 exemplaires


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In a Nutshell: Well, I liked this more than I expected. Having zero expectations helped, I guess.

Twelve year old Willow Chance is a genius in many fields but finds it difficult to connect with people. When her adopted parents die in a car crash, she is left alone in a world where there’s no one to understand her. How Willow gets back on her feet again with the help of a motley assortment of people forms the crux of the story.
The book is written in the first person perspective of Willow and third person povs of many other key characters.

What I liked about the book:
✔ This was a very fast-paced read, despite its choppy writing style. I didn’t feel the 380 pages at all. It was easy to complete this within a day.

✔ The start is a bit challenging as the narrative goes on jumping from topic to topic, and also from person to person. (Reminded me of every single conversation with my kids where we begin with one topic and end up with a totally different topic after a few minutes.) But once I got used to this writing pattern, I began enjoying the quick jumps across perspectives. It was challenging, but it added to my fun.

✔ Most of the secondary characters are outstanding. Willow’s Vietnamese friend Mai and her brother Quang-ha, and Willow’s counsellor Dell Duke have impactful characters that make a mark. Dell’s journey was the most interesting for me.

✔ There’s a lot of subtle humour in the book which adds a touch of levity to the dark themes of grief and adjustment.

✔ Willow’s character seems to be on the autism spectrum, though the book doesn’t make any mention of this. Her struggles to converse normally, to adapt to the upending of her routine life after her parents’ sudden deaths, to fit into the new pattern and to let go of her grief were all very touching to me. I loved her character’s name: Willow Chance. Willow is as multi-talented, strong, and adjustable as the tree she's named after. Moreover, as per Chinese symbolism, the willow tree symbolizes the sorrow of parting and also the celebration of new life. This idea also suits Willow’s character perfectly.

✔ There are so many beautiful lines in the book that connected very strongly with my heart and mind. Here are some favourites:
… (plus d'informations)
RoshReviews | 220 autres critiques | Jul 26, 2024 |
This was a beautiful story; I loved the ending, it was the perfect ending for everyone. This story made me feel all the emotions and I cannot wait to read more of Holly Goldberg Sloan's work in the future.
Shauna_Morrison | 5 autres critiques | Apr 28, 2024 |
This was a great little book. Pulled me right in from the beginning. I was a little worried around chapter 6 or 7 that I was starting to really dislike the main character, but it got much better around chapter 13 again. I'd consider reading this book aloud to my class, but it's a bit longer than the usual book.
GrowWithMe | 220 autres critiques | Apr 23, 2024 |
This book is about a girl who is born "gifted" but faces many difficulties in her own life and must be resilient. This book is touching, emotional, and wonderfully crafted while it deals with labels in the classroom, struggles, and resilience.
kaylee.dicey | 220 autres critiques | Apr 23, 2024 |


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