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I'll Give You the Sun (2014)

par Jandy Nelson

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,6271633,580 (4.31)56
Noah et Jude sont plus que fre?re et soeur, ils sont jumeaux, fusionnels. Sous le ciel bleu de Californie, Noah, le solitaire, dessine constamment et tombe amouruex de Brian, le garc?on magne?tique qui habite a? co?te?. Tandis que Jude, l'exube?rante, la casse-cou, est passionne?e par la sculpture. Mais aujourd'hui, ils ont seize ans et ne se parlent plus. Un e?ve?nement dramatique les a ane?antis et leurs chemins se sont se?pare?s. Jusqu'a? ce que Jude rencontre un beau garc?on, e?corche? et insaisissable, ainsi que son mentor, un ce?le?bre sculpteur... Chacun des deux jumeaux doit retrouver la moitie? de ve?rite? qui lui manque.… (plus d'informations)
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» Voir aussi les 56 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 163 (suivant | tout afficher)
I didn’t like the opening sequence of this and put it down for a week or so. After picking it back up and getting farther into it I was engaged. It actually describes quite well the challenge of coming of age while trying not to disappoint parents by the choices of significant others, and significant interests that could lead to career paths, while simultaneously balancing the fondness of siblings with the urge to compete with them for parental approval. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
I'll give you the sun: review I really loved this book. I loved both the main characters and how different the perspectives we got. I thought it was such a cool way to tell a story and how you literally needed both characters to know the complete story. I also liked how all the characters had different roles in each twin life and that made the story even more complex to follow because you never knew where the story was going because you were missing so many pieces. 
I also enjoyed how the author created such different perspectives in these two characters and how different the reading experience was. I was really interested in the the love of art that was developed by both teenagers in this story and how that effected their life in such different ways. 
I also really liked how the bond of twins were explored and that is something that i am always interested in and this book did it in such a unique way that really loved this book. I also loved how this book addressed so many hard issues in teenage years but in simple way!
I just wish the chapters were shorter but i understand why they were not!
Check out my video review ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
I'll give you the sun: review I really loved this book. I loved both the main characters and how different the perspectives we got. I thought it was such a cool way to tell a story and how you literally needed both characters to know the complete story. I also liked how all the characters had different roles in each twin life and that made the story even more complex to follow because you never knew where the story was going because you were missing so many pieces. 
I also enjoyed how the author created such different perspectives in these two characters and how different the reading experience was. I was really interested in the the love of art that was developed by both teenagers in this story and how that effected their life in such different ways. 
I also really liked how the bond of twins were explored and that is something that i am always interested in and this book did it in such a unique way that really loved this book. I also loved how this book addressed so many hard issues in teenage years but in simple way!
I just wish the chapters were shorter but i understand why they were not!
Check out my video review ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Deserves a million stars ( )
  HSwarm | Dec 2, 2023 |
I could have easily gone the other way with this book and found the asides peppered through the text alluding to the main characters' imaginations annoying. But I was pretty taken by it. It added an extra dimension to an already-well-described world, and an element of magical realism. A stunning book, which captures a lot of the tensions in teenage life.

I had a bit of a strange problem, though - my printing of the book had about 60 pages out of order, about 2/3 of the way through. Like they'd just been put in the wrong place by the machine or person binding the book. I had to flick forward and back and try not to get any spoilers! Did anyone else have that problem? ( )
  finlaaaay | Aug 1, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 163 (suivant | tout afficher)
I'll Give You The Sun is a colourful, fantastical novel about art, love and jealousy. Despite the fact that parts of the story were a little hand-knitted I found it an enjoyable read. The way it talked about art was interesting and beautiful and the characters were vivid and engaging. This book tells the story of twins Noah and Jude who share an almost telepathic bond until they are torn apart by tragedy and jealousy. It alternates between 13-year-old Noah's perspective and 16-year-old Jude's. This way of telling the story was original and interesting but it took me a while to get used to and the novel would have been much easier to read if the chapters had been shorter. I would forget what had been happening in the previous chapter and often there was no convenient place to stop reading. ... I would recommend this novel to readers aged 13 and up, but I think readers need to make their own decision about whether I'll Give You The Sun is for them, having read my review. It had its ups and downs, but for me, it was a compelling, involving read that I won't be forgetting anytime soon.
ajouté par Cynfelyn | modifierThe Guardian, Valentine (Jan 23, 2015)

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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.  I'll meet you there.  --Rumi
I believe in nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of the imagination. --John Keats
Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
--Willa Cather
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. --E.E. Cummings
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for Dad and Carol
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This is how it all begins.
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Noah et Jude sont plus que fre?re et soeur, ils sont jumeaux, fusionnels. Sous le ciel bleu de Californie, Noah, le solitaire, dessine constamment et tombe amouruex de Brian, le garc?on magne?tique qui habite a? co?te?. Tandis que Jude, l'exube?rante, la casse-cou, est passionne?e par la sculpture. Mais aujourd'hui, ils ont seize ans et ne se parlent plus. Un e?ve?nement dramatique les a ane?antis et leurs chemins se sont se?pare?s. Jusqu'a? ce que Jude rencontre un beau garc?on, e?corche? et insaisissable, ainsi que son mentor, un ce?le?bre sculpteur... Chacun des deux jumeaux doit retrouver la moitie? de ve?rite? qui lui manque.

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