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Hey, Kiddo

par Jarrett J. Krosoczka

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1,0146320,955 (4.35)13
A National Book Award Finalist!   In kindergarten, Jarrett Krosoczka's teacher asks him to draw his family, with a mommy and a daddy. But Jarrett's family is much more complicated than that. His mom is an addict, in and out of rehab, and in and out of Jarrett's life. His father is a mystery -- Jarrett doesn't know where to find him, or even what his name is. Jarrett lives with his grandparents -- two very loud, very loving, very opinionated people who had thought they were through with raising children until Jarrett came along. Jarrett goes through his childhood trying to make his non-normal life as normal as possible, finding a way to express himself through drawing even as so little is being said to him about what's going on. Only as a teenager can Jarrett begin to piece together the truth of his family, reckoning with his mother and tracking down his father. Hey, Kiddo is a profoundly important memoir about growing up in a family grappling with addiction, and finding the art that helps you survive.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parRoshReviews, bibliothèque privée, KatMorin, Brosalyn, doomedfire, HillsideSchool, sam.ms384, booklover3258

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» Voir aussi les 13 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 63 (suivant | tout afficher)
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube VLog at:

Enjoy! ( )
  booklover3258 | Jul 14, 2024 |
Nothing objectively wrong with it. I liked it, just didn't love it ( )
  sam.ms384 | Jul 8, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – I am a huge fan of Jarrett J. Krosoczka’s illustrations in the Jedi Academy books. When I’d seen this book was coming out I wanted to read it so that I could learn more about the artist and writer. Jarrett didn’t have what would be considered a normal upbringing but to him and his family it was by all accounts normal. It was all he or they knew.

As an adult I am able to relate to a lot of the issues and struggles mentioned within the pages of this book. I can relate to being raised by my grandparents. I can relate to them not always getting along and lots of arguing and fighting. I can relate to the alcohol abuse by one grandparent. Although. in my case it was my grandfather that did the drinking and my grandmother that did most of the yelling. I can relate to not having a mother or a father around. I can relate to having a mother being in and out of my life, but for different reasons then that of what Jarrett’s mother had gone through. I can relate to not knowing or meeting my father until I was well into my teenage years. I can relate to considering my grandparents were my only parents. I can relate to all of that and more within the pages of this book.

Jarrett might not have had the ideal childhood, but he did something that most people don’t. He didn’t let himself become a victim of circumstances and situation and he made the most out of what life had offered him. He proved to his grandparents that his true passion was in his art and they supported him attending art school. Through that support from his family he was able to make a name for himself. He was able to be someone. He was able to be better then his own mother and father.

I really enjoyed reading through this book. At many points it made me feel sad for him and what he’d been through. At other points it made me want to laugh and cry. Through his words and illustrations he was able to pull me into the story of his life. He was able to show me what he’d been through, what he’d overcome and what he was able to achieve.

I recommend this book for any child that is mature enough to handle the content and the language within it’s pages. There is so much that can be learned from within the pages of this book and it would be a crime to prevent children from reading it and seeing that they can become more, with the proper support and desire to be more then their circumstances. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
Jarrett J. Krosoczka’s graphic memoir, "Hey, Kiddo," is a poignant and deeply moving exploration of family, addiction, and the search for identity. Through a blend of powerful storytelling and evocative illustrations, Krosoczka opens up about his tumultuous upbringing with a raw honesty that resonates long after the final page.

"Hey, Kiddo" follows Jarrett's journey from childhood to adolescence, growing up with his grandparents after his mother’s struggles with heroin addiction make it impossible for her to care for him. This memoir doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of addiction, instead presenting them with a candidness that is both refreshing and heartbreaking. Krosoczka's narrative is unflinchingly honest, capturing the pain, confusion, and longing that defined his early years, as well as the resilience and love that ultimately helped him find his way.

The artwork in "Hey, Kiddo" is a crucial part of its storytelling. Krosoczka’s illustrations are expressive and emotive, using a limited color palette that enhances the memoir’s emotional depth. The sepia tones and sketch-like quality of the drawings evoke a sense of nostalgia, while the occasional bursts of color highlight moments of significance and emotional intensity. This artistic choice effectively mirrors the highs and lows of Jarrett’s life, drawing readers deeper into his personal experiences.

One of the most striking aspects of "Hey, Kiddo" is its portrayal of family dynamics. Krosoczka's grandparents are vividly brought to life, depicted with both their flaws and their fierce love for Jarrett. His complex relationship with his mother is handled with great sensitivity, showing not just the pain of her absence, but also the enduring hope and desire for connection. These relationships are the heart of the memoir, illustrating the profound impact of family—both biological and chosen—on Jarrett’s development and sense of self.

In addition to its emotional depth, "Hey, Kiddo" is also a story of artistic discovery and personal growth. Krosoczka’s journey towards becoming an artist is woven throughout the narrative, showing how art provided him with an outlet for his emotions and a means of making sense of his world. This aspect of the memoir is inspiring, highlighting the transformative power of creativity and the importance of pursuing one’s passions.

"Hey, Kiddo" is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It’s a story about overcoming adversity, finding strength in unexpected places, and the enduring power of love and support. Krosoczka's ability to convey complex emotions and experiences with such clarity and compassion makes this memoir a truly exceptional work.

In conclusion, "Hey, Kiddo" is a beautifully crafted memoir that offers a compelling and deeply personal look at the challenges of growing up in the shadow of addiction. Jarrett J. Krosoczka’s skillful blend of art and narrative creates a powerful and unforgettable reading experience. This is a book that will resonate with readers of all ages, offering both solace and inspiration. A must-read for anyone who has faced adversity or is seeking to understand the complexities of family and personal resilience. ( )
  Dr.Howard | May 27, 2024 |
Content warning: heroin addiction, absent parents ( )
  boopingaround | Mar 6, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 63 (suivant | tout afficher)
In this deeply vulnerable, moving graphic memoir, Krosoczka, well known for his popular Lunch Lady series, recounts his sometimes troubled childhood, spent largely with his grandparents; his struggle to maintain a relationship with his heroin-addicted mother; and his gradually developing love for making art and comics. His grandfather officially took custody of Krosoczka when he was not yet five years old, and it wasn’t until much later that his learned about his mother’s heroin addiction and imprisonment. Life with his grandparents—a hard-drinking couple who bickered constantly—wasn’t always easy, but his grandfather was a stalwart supporter of his artistic aspirations, and he slowly realized that the atypical family he ultimately collected (even eventually his father, whom he finally met late in his teen years) could be enough. Krosoczka’s brushy, expressive artwork, incorporating snippets of his childhood drawings and letters, beautifully conveys the difficult circumstances of his upbringing. There’s a tender quality to his graceful line work and muted color palette, which adds to the compassionate way he depicts his family, even when he can’t count on them. A closing author’s note fills in additional backstory and helpful context, including the ultimate, heartbreaking result of his mother’s addiction. There have been a slew of graphic memoirs published for youth in the past couple of years, but the raw, confessional quality and unguarded honesty of Krosoczka’s contribution sets it apart from the crowd.

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Jarrett J. Krosoczkaauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Birdsall, JeanneNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ferrone, RichardNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lamia, JennaNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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A National Book Award Finalist!   In kindergarten, Jarrett Krosoczka's teacher asks him to draw his family, with a mommy and a daddy. But Jarrett's family is much more complicated than that. His mom is an addict, in and out of rehab, and in and out of Jarrett's life. His father is a mystery -- Jarrett doesn't know where to find him, or even what his name is. Jarrett lives with his grandparents -- two very loud, very loving, very opinionated people who had thought they were through with raising children until Jarrett came along. Jarrett goes through his childhood trying to make his non-normal life as normal as possible, finding a way to express himself through drawing even as so little is being said to him about what's going on. Only as a teenager can Jarrett begin to piece together the truth of his family, reckoning with his mother and tracking down his father. Hey, Kiddo is a profoundly important memoir about growing up in a family grappling with addiction, and finding the art that helps you survive.

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Jarrett J. Krosoczka est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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Jarrett J. Krosoczka a discuté avec les utilisateurs de LibraryThing du Aug 17, 2009 au Aug 28, 2009. Lire la discussion.

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