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John Flanagan (1) (1944–)

Auteur de L'apprenti d'Araluen, Tome 1 : L'ordre des rôdeurs

Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent John Flanagan, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

John Flanagan (1) a été combiné avec John A. Flanagan.

73 oeuvres 41,344 utilisateurs 837 critiques 36 Favoris


Œuvres de John Flanagan

Les œuvres ont été combinées en John A. Flanagan.

L'apprenti d'Araluen, Tome 1 : L'ordre des rôdeurs (2004) 6,466 exemplaires, 202 critiques
L'apprenti d'Araluen, Tome 2 : Le chant des Wargals (2005) 4,232 exemplaires, 91 critiques
L'apprenti d'Araluen, Tome 3 : La promesse du rôdeur (2005) 3,548 exemplaires, 67 critiques
L'apprenti d'Araluen, Tome 4 : Les guerriers des steppes (2006) 3,215 exemplaires, 51 critiques
L'apprenti d'Araluen, Tome 5 : Le sorcier du nord (2006) 2,806 exemplaires, 46 critiques
L'Apprenti d'Araluen - Tome 6 - Le siège de Macindaw (2007) 2,571 exemplaires, 49 critiques
L'apprenti d'Araluen - Tome 7 - La rançon (2007) 2,289 exemplaires, 35 critiques
The Kings of Clonmel (2008) 2,137 exemplaires, 33 critiques
Halt's Peril (2009) 2,013 exemplaires, 33 critiques
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja (2010) 1,825 exemplaires, 32 critiques
Ranger's Apprentice: The Lost Stories (2012) 1,402 exemplaires, 22 critiques
The Outcasts (2011) 1,396 exemplaires, 30 critiques
The Royal Ranger (2013) 1,192 exemplaires, 34 critiques
The Invaders (2012) 921 exemplaires, 22 critiques
The Hunters (2012) 767 exemplaires, 16 critiques
Slaves of Socorro (2015) 578 exemplaires, 10 critiques
The Tournament at Gorlan (2016) 551 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Scorpion Mountain (2014) 507 exemplaires, 11 critiques
The Ghostfaces (2016) 422 exemplaires, 4 critiques
The Red Fox Clan (2018) 367 exemplaires, 6 critiques
The Caldera (2017) 310 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Duel at Araluen (2019) 303 exemplaires, 6 critiques
The Missing Prince (2020) 212 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Return of the Temujai (2019) 207 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Escape from Falaise (2021) 158 exemplaires, 4 critiques
The Ranger's Apprentice Series (Complete 12 Book Set) (2013) 70 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Stern Chase (2022) 67 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Grey Raider (2015) 13 exemplaires
BrotherBand Chronicles 7 Book Set (2019) 5 exemplaires
Ranger's apprentice 3 & 4 bindup (2011) 3 exemplaires
Zwiadowcy 7 Okup za Eraka (2021) 1 exemplaire
Aprendiz de Ranger 1 exemplaire
El puente en llamas (2017) 1 exemplaire, 1 critique


Partage des connaissances

Date de naissance
Lieu de naissance
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Lieux de résidence
Manly, New South Wales, Australia
Flanagan, Kitty (daughter)



Ranger's Apprentice Group Read à 75 Books Challenge for 2019 (Septembre 2021)
Ranger's Apprentice Series à The Green Dragon (Septembre 2013)


The book is fine. My issue really is the order it was written and published in. I enjoy apprentice Ranger Will as much as the next person, but having already read full fledged Ranger Will in the last two books, this felt like a step back that I didn’t want to take. I was perfectly happy knowing that Will completed his training and became a Ranger, without needing this added intermission.

As for the writing, while it flows as easy as always and is crystal clear, the plot is a little hard to fathom. Why was Gilan even there? They didn’t need two and three quarters Rangers, it was extra. Same for Horace, lovable though he is. I get that it was a form of getting the gang back together, but it didn’t feel earned. Also, the whole Araluens going to save the Oberjarl from the Arridi only to find him kidnapped by the Tualaghi was a bit too contrived for me, as was Will surviving the desert.

I’m not sure I buy that one Ranger sent to rescue Erak wouldn’t have been sufficient, no matter the amount of dialogue spent on attempting to establish that fact. But perhaps that’s due to the reputation and achievements of said Rangers being too good to be true for so long? Like, if you’re going to write super spies capable of pulling plans out of thin air that suffice to stop armies, at least three times that I can easily think of, those same spies should be able to get one Oberjarl out of a bind.

I think I would’ve preferred reading about the Ranger tests Will went through that were mentioned in the previous two books, all things considered.
… (plus d'informations)
_raegun | 34 autres critiques | Jul 18, 2024 |
This one’s tough for me, as far as ratings go. It has some of my most and least favorite moments in the entire RA series, so take my star rating with a grain of salt. I don’t have much to add, the writing is stellar as always and the new characters feel just as real and developed as the familiar ones. I don’t know, I’m feeling a little lukewarm on the whole for this one.

I will say that this book has one of my most favorite but also the least believable strategies of all the RA series, with the overturned cart shtick. I used to think it was the height of cleverness, now I think it’s the height of improbability.… (plus d'informations)
_raegun | 48 autres critiques | Jul 18, 2024 |
You can feel the build up in this book, which serves to introduce another adventure with our familiar cast of characters. Not too much seems to happen, but when you look to summarizing events, you can see how much foundation this book lays for the next. The writing is so solid, and once you notice it you can’t stop noticing it. Not my favorite book from the series, but it’s largely setup anyhow. And as far as reading books mostly for setup, I could do much much worse.
_raegun | 45 autres critiques | Jul 18, 2024 |
This book is the perfect conclusion to the foursome that start out this series. It’s up there with The Burning Bridge in my ranking. I love to see Horace and Will working together as friends and the development that their relationship goes through.

Also, the battle techniques discussed here and played out in the story are the first that I can remember reading, understanding clearly, and seeing the specific strategic approaches of each side clash against each other. While I have since read many more battle scenes and enjoyed various different approaches, the ones in this book were the first to spark my interest in battle and war strategizing and plot points carried through events of war. It’s a major element of high fantasy and one that I’m grateful I was able to appreciate even in my middle grade reading as a youngster.

The joy when Erak becomes Oberjarl and the relief Halt is pardoned also still hit just as hard too, the emotional beats in this book are simply great. And it’s funny! I laughed out loud several times at Halt’s antics, which is the best compliment to comedic writing through dialogue that I can think of.

Anyway, this is probably my favorite book in the series.
… (plus d'informations)
_raegun | 50 autres critiques | Jul 18, 2024 |


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