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Nous les Menteurs

par E. Lockhart

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Séries: We Were Liars (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
7,4054431,259 (3.68)147
Bienvenue dans la splendide famille Sinclair. Tous sont beaux, riches, sveltes, sportifs, intelligents. Aucun n'a le droit a? l'e?chec. Ils passent leurs e?te?s sur une i?le prive?e au large du cap Cod. Cadence est l'ai?ne des petits-enfants. Voici son histoire et celle des Menteurs, quatre adolescents a? l'amitie? inde?fectible.… (plus d'informations)
  1. 50
    Maintenant, c'est ma vie par Meg Rosoff (amysisson)
    amysisson: Although ultimately the books are different, the love felt by the viewpoint characters seems similar, and there is a certain unusual poetic quality to the writing. Both are glorious books.
  2. 20
    Menteuse par Justine Larbalestier (legxleg)
    legxleg: Both have unreliable teen narrators
  3. 20
    Le dernier jour de ma vie par Lauren Oliver (bluenotebookonline)
  4. 11
    Nous avons toujours vécu au château par Shirley Jackson (Littlemissmops)
  5. 01
    Every Last Word par Tamara Ireland Stone (kgriffith)
  6. 01
    Vanishing Girls par Lauren Oliver (BookshelfMonstrosity)

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» Voir aussi les 147 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 442 (suivant | tout afficher)
I love We Were Liars. I have to be honest and say that it's not for everyone. It's slow and sometimes boring. It's all about patience. I recommended it to two people; one of which read it in 2 days, another of which read to page 10 and quit. The ending is the best part and I'm sure you'll be so surprised, you'll have to reread the last chapter to make sure you read it right. Give it a chance, it's amazing. ( )
  yosistachrista | Jul 22, 2024 |
The writing style wasn’t for me. I spotted the twist too early and I just did not care, at all, about any of the characters. That said, it wasn’t an awful book. I can see why it gets recommended all the time although it didn’t do anything for me. ( )
  yeffin | Jul 13, 2024 |
This book was really interesting. In a way, I feel I have a love hate relationship-as I do with many books I read-with this piece. I loved the idea and the ending to this book, but it could do with a little less pretension from all of the characters. Although, I think I understand what the author was going for and the point was quite clear, but sometimes it gets lost in the dialogue with the characters and you can't help but despise them at times.

However, not many books make my eyes water (lol), and this one managed to do so. The ending-or close to ending-was so beautifully written, that it did stir up a lot of emotions. I have to give Lockhart credit for being able to do that through the power of the pen. I feel that some authors miss the mark when trying to portray a moment of complete and utter emotional climax. But Lockhart hit it spot on. Well done!

All in all, I do recommend this book if you're not phased by pretentious rich white families who could use a huge dose of humbleness. ( )
  prebs29 | Jul 6, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this book. The writing style captured me as did the story. The main character is extremely traumatized and the question is why. I did not suspect the ending, but it made sense. I would definitely read more from this author. ( )
  Woodardja | Jan 30, 2024 |
Quick page turner about a teenaged girl with a traumatic brain injury and some memory loss.

The surprise of the story wasn't a huge surprise to me but I enjoyed the story anyway.

Once again I'm left feeling that as an adult this book is just so-so. If I was part of the YA intended audience I probably would have enjoyed it more.
( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 442 (suivant | tout afficher)
Of course I won't reveal the twists and turns of the cunning plot, but I can say that when the secret at the heart of the book is finally revealed, it turns out to be nastier and more shocking than anything I had imagined. This is a cunning, clever and absolutely gripping novel, full of surprises, which sent me straight back to its first page as soon as I reached the last.
ajouté par souloftherose | modifierGuardian, Josh Lacey (Jul 5, 2014)
What really makes a book of the summer is when we surprise ourselves. It’s not just about being fascinated by a book. It’s about being fascinated by the fact that we’re fascinated.

The odds:4-1
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart
Pros: Rich people on an island; sharp, funny-sad writing; a head-snapping fourth­quarter reveal.
Cons: It’s a YA novel, so some adults might pass.

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
E. Lockhartauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Meyers, AriadneNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Daniel
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Welcome to the beautiful Sinclair family.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Bienvenue dans la splendide famille Sinclair. Tous sont beaux, riches, sveltes, sportifs, intelligents. Aucun n'a le droit a? l'e?chec. Ils passent leurs e?te?s sur une i?le prive?e au large du cap Cod. Cadence est l'ai?ne des petits-enfants. Voici son histoire et celle des Menteurs, quatre adolescents a? l'amitie? inde?fectible.

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