Project LIT Book Selection
Décerné par Project LIT Community
221 oeuvres / 235 élements 203,203 Livres 9,141 critiques 4.2
Founded by high school teacher Jarred Amato, Project Lit is a national, grassroots LITeracy movement, a network of dedicated teachers and students who are committed to increasing access to afficher plus culturally relevant books and promoting a love of reading in our schools and communities. What originally started as a book drive has morphed into a monthly book club for students, teachers and community members to come together in a culture of shared reading. afficher moins
Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série
RLNunezKPL (199 œuvres), bethsand (144), LMS_Library (139), Owlpower (133), ewyatt (130), BrD (128), lmackiewicz (128), BackstoryBooks (125), amyjuengst (124), Conway_Library (124), ALHS_Library (122), alo1224 (116), KatieLamb (115), DWEmma (114), JennyArch (114), Linyarai (111), saishac (111), chinatowne (108), starbookworm (108), Emmie55 (107), KIPPLibrary (104), ghsmediacenter (101), MorbidLibrarian (100), Mrs.Connolly (98), DCPlibrarian (97), Rachael_SJSU (94), Salsabrarian (94), crimsonraider (93), jennybeast (93), reader1009 (93), Spoto-Media (93), Z_Brarian (92), ACLopez6 (89), briannad84 (89), CynthiaM (89), FleetSparrow (89), wisemetis (86), bookdrunkard78 (84), kkneff (84), lumenlibrary (84), tarr.chris (84), uplifthampton (84), RoshReviews (83), GowanScienceAcademy (82), emmy_of_spines (80), LibrarianDest (80), Summer345456 (79), boopingaround (76), Doner (76), kerribrary (76), LynbrookHSLibrary (76), rmatottNCSD (76), ebredberg (74), MrsBoscaino (74), acargile (73), Chinesa72 (73), ParkDay6th (73), FRJDC (72), tasslyn (72), bkladyatl (71), DestDest (71), parasolofdoom (71), VadersMorwen (70), floating_lush (69), mal2012 (69), saillergirl (69), SGKowalski (69), bfplteen (68), DMPrice (68), LutheranSouthUnity (68), mosylu1 (68), NancyH2020 (68), qdolezal (68), rbauer42 (68), shawclasslibrary (68), TrinityYouth (68), amandabock (67), apocalypsehunter (67), ejmam (67), gbenedick (67), kategjstone (67), nicholldenice (67), PeskyLibrary (67), smoberg (67), Carolyn.Lutz (66), EmmieeP (66), LeosLibrary (66), nyobombshell (66), RivieraBeach (66), EbbieBoyd (65), graceless880 (65), KatieDunne42 (65), LadyKnightLibrarian (65), leslie.eiben (65), agenbiteofinwit (64), BullisUSLibrary (64), Long-Viewbooks (64), rrreader (64), SpringfieldLibrarySA (64), alexfatch (63), azahlaway (63), becca14 (63), claireelam (63), erinmcbride (63), GPLDYouthServices (63), LMorlock (63), BlingthePing (62), DrFuriosa (62), gschroeder12 (62), RealLifeReading (62), emrsalgado (61), fionaanne (61), KHMSLibrary (61), LibrarianMaven (61), Lisa_Francine (61), Susz13 (61), JediBookLover (60), Jill41 (60), tlakelibrary (60), Cora-R (59), FrontierGirl (59), legrande (59), MaraudingStevie (59), MDGentleReader (59), coveschool (58), goodreads (58), jalacika (58), lflareads (58), Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone (58), jeanajo (57), kamlibrarian (57), katiekies (57), lbhlibrary (57), pussreboots (57), SandSing7 (57), AHCMediaCenter (56), jbarry (56), ltfl_mountviewms (56), mskenmedy (56), sarahlh (56), tatyanavogt (56), ChloeDeHart (55), e-zReader (55), kday_working (55), kwagnerroberts (55), LMHSMorris (55), scscott1214 (55), suicidebybooks (55), theEcole (55)
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