Colorado Blue Spruce Award
Décerné par Partners in Literacy
335 oeuvres / 343 élements 2,671,589 Livres 76,114 critiques 4.0
The Colorado Blue Spruce Young Adult Book Award (Blue Spruce Award) has been recognizing the most popular books among middle and high school students in the State of Colorado since 1985.
The award afficher plus is unique in being entirely nominated and voted for by teens. Inclusion on the nominations list does not imply endorsement by any adult as this is a program of entirely student-selected titles. Each year teens in grades 6-12 are free to nominate their favorite titles; a list of 12-15 titles is then compiled by the Blue Spruce Award committee based on number of nominations received.
Students must have read at least three of the titles to vote for a winner. Adults do not nominate or vote for books, and publishers are not allowed to submit their books for consideration. afficher moins
The award afficher plus is unique in being entirely nominated and voted for by teens. Inclusion on the nominations list does not imply endorsement by any adult as this is a program of entirely student-selected titles. Each year teens in grades 6-12 are free to nominate their favorite titles; a list of 12-15 titles is then compiled by the Blue Spruce Award committee based on number of nominations received.
Students must have read at least three of the titles to vote for a winner. Adults do not nominate or vote for books, and publishers are not allowed to submit their books for consideration. afficher moins
Winner 38
Nominee 306
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