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Grave Mercy

par Robin LaFevers

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Séries: His Fair Assassin (1)

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2,9952544,822 (3.95)104
À 17 ans, Ismae échappe à la brutalité d'un mariage arrangé et trouve refuge dans le couvent de Saint-Mortain, o les religieuses vénèrent encore les anciens dieux. Elle y apprend que le dieu de la Mort lui-même lui a accordé de dangereux talents et un destin violent. Si elle décide de rester, elle sera formée dans l'art de l'assassinat en tant que servante de la Mort. Pour revendiquer sa nouvelle vie, elle devra détruire celle des autres.La plus importante mission d'Ismae la mène tout droit à la haute cour de Bretagne, o elle découvre qu'elle est bien peu préparée non seulement aux jeux mortels des complots et des trahisons, mais aussi aux choix déchirants qu'elle doit faire. Car comment peut-elle exercer la vengeance de la Mort contre un homme qui lui a ravi son cœur?… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 104 mentions

Anglais (251)  Allemand (2)  Toutes les langues (253)
Affichage de 1-5 de 253 (suivant | tout afficher)
Purchased after reading 2 sample paragraphs on the Kindle. Hopefully this will wash the taste of sloppily written UF out of my mouth cause the opening is gorgeously written.

R.L. LaFevers is now one of my favorite authors. Despite this being the first in a series, this book is complete in itself. Thank you, thank you for the lack of a cliffhanger.

The writing style in this book really reminded me of the elegance of J. Carey's Kushiel's Dart without any sex. And speaking of sex, although this qualifies to me as an entry into PNR, there is NO sex - although there is romance--some may argue against it, but to me sex doesn't equal romance.

I am eagerly awaiting the next installment from Ms LaFevers and will tentatively add her to my auto-buy list. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this classic fantasy feeling book of girl assassins, historical intrigue, and romance. While it did not stray into anything new, I gulped it up in two days and picked up the next book. ( )
  mslibrarynerd | Jan 13, 2024 |
Good story, interesting premise with a female assassin. The first-person present tense storytelling was a little distracting to me for some reason. ( )
  PurplOttr | Dec 1, 2023 |
I am not a big fan of paranormal stories, but that aspect of this book is fairly minor. The historical fiction aspects were well done and I found the setting of 1480s Brittany fascinating.

Erin Moon did an excellent narration - I look forward to listening her narrate other audiobooks. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
Grave Mercy
3.5 Stars

In a time period replete with prejudice and superstition, Ismae Rienne is shunned by family members and villagers alike for being a daughter of Death. Escaping the cruelty of an arranged marriage, Ismae seeks sanctuary at the convent of St. Mortain where she is instructed in the art of assassination and learns to make good use of the gifts bestowed by her father. On her first assignment, Ismae finds herself woefully unprepared for the political intrigue and deadly machinations of the court of Brittany and will have to make the most difficult choice of all between the destiny she longs to fulfill and the love of a man she may be forced to kill.

Despite the minor elements of magical realism included in the narrative, this is a work of historical fiction revolving around the early life of Anne, Duchess of Brittany.

As an Anglophile, most of my knowledge of this time period related to English history, so the focus on Brittany and France was both novel and interesting. Anne led a fascinating life and it was fun learning more about the various people and events depicted in the book.

The story itself was well paced albeit a little too lengthy. The slow burn romance is a highlight of the tale and will resonate with fans of Maria V. Snyder's Poison Study series. In fact, there are many similarities between Snyder's Yelena and LaFever's Ismae.

The series continues with different heroines, but neither is particularly appealing so it will remain on the backburner for now. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 253 (suivant | tout afficher)
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LaFevers, Robinauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Moon, ErinNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For Mark, who first showed me what true love looked like.
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I bear a deep red stain that runs from my left shoulder down to my right hip, a trail left by the herbwitch's poison that my mother used to try to expell me from her womb. That I survived, according to the herbwitch, is no miracle but a sign that I have been sired by the god of death himself.
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I am impervious to poison and know a dozen ways to escape a chokehold or garrote wire. But kindness? I do not know how to defend against that.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

À 17 ans, Ismae échappe à la brutalité d'un mariage arrangé et trouve refuge dans le couvent de Saint-Mortain, o les religieuses vénèrent encore les anciens dieux. Elle y apprend que le dieu de la Mort lui-même lui a accordé de dangereux talents et un destin violent. Si elle décide de rester, elle sera formée dans l'art de l'assassinat en tant que servante de la Mort. Pour revendiquer sa nouvelle vie, elle devra détruire celle des autres.La plus importante mission d'Ismae la mène tout droit à la haute cour de Bretagne, o elle découvre qu'elle est bien peu préparée non seulement aux jeux mortels des complots et des trahisons, mais aussi aux choix déchirants qu'elle doit faire. Car comment peut-elle exercer la vengeance de la Mort contre un homme qui lui a ravi son cœur?

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