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Le Secret de Térabithia

par Katherine Paterson

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MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
22,580609180 (4.01)289
The life of a ten-year-old boy in rural Virginia expands when he becomes friends with a newcomer who subsequently meets an untimely death trying to reach their hideaway, Terabithia, during a storm.
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» Voir aussi les 289 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 606 (suivant | tout afficher)
Shayla: this book was so cute and I would definitely recommend! ( )
  Shayla_Hi | Jun 3, 2024 |
This novel is exactly what a good children's book should be, in my opinion. It's got a relatable protagonist, a well-paced interesting plot, and emotional highs and lows. I'm very glad I finally took time to read this. ( )
  AngelReadsThings | May 29, 2024 |
This follows the story of Jesse who makes friends with Leslie. The friends explore their creativity where they are the rulers of their own world. This would be a good book to have in the classroom because it will encourage students to explore their creativity and how much it can help them get through issues in their real lives. In mathematics, it isn't always about logic and we want students to explore their creativity and ask questions. ( )
  jxm304 | Apr 28, 2024 |
“It was Leslie who had taken him from the cow pasture into Terabithia and turned him into a king. He had thought that was it. Wasn't king the best you could be? Now it occurred to him that perhaps Terabithia was like a castle where you came to be knighted. After you stayed for a while and grew strong you had to move on. For hadn't Leslie, even in Terabithia, tried to push back the walls of his mind and make him see beyond to the shining world—huge and terrible and beautiful and very fragile? (Handle with care—everything—even the predators.)

Now it was time for him to move out. She wasn't there, so he must go for both of them. It was up to him to pay back to the world in beauty and caring what Leslie had loaned him in vision and strength.
  taurus27 | Apr 26, 2024 |
I was particularly impressed with Paterson’s writing during Jesse’s grieving process. This portion of the book was weird, messy, confusing, frustrating, and stupid and that is exactly how grieving feels. ( )
  Connverser | Apr 25, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 606 (suivant | tout afficher)
Valerie O. Patterson (Children's Literature)
Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr. practices all summer so that he can be the fastest runner in his rural Virginia fifth-grade class. Despite his practice, however, he loses the race on the first day of school to Leslie Burke, the new girl in school whose hippy parents have moved from Washington, DC. Despite Jesse’s lost running dream, he becomes fast friends with Leslie. Together they build the imaginary kingdom of Terabitia in the woods. To Jesse, Leslie is “more than his friend. She was his other more exciting self--his way to Terabithia and all the worlds beyond.” When Jesse’s favorite teacher takes him to see the art museums in Washington one rainy day, he returns home to find his world permanently changed by tragedy--Leslie’s death. Despite his heartache, Jesse moves forward, a stronger and more whole individual for his friendship with Leslie. Written by the author for her then young son whose best friend was killed by lightning, this Newbery Medal winner moves the heart and spirit with its beautiful writing, wrenching honesty, and hopeful ending. 2005 (orig. 1977), HarperCollins, $5.99. Ages 9 to 12.
ajouté par kthomp25 | modifierChildren's Literature, Valerie O. Patterson

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (15 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Paterson, Katherineauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Diamond, DonnaIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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I wrote this book
for my son
David Lord Paterson,
but after he read it
he asked me to put Lisa's name
on this page as well,
and so I do.


David Paterson and Lisa Hill,

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Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity - Good.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

The life of a ten-year-old boy in rural Virginia expands when he becomes friends with a newcomer who subsequently meets an untimely death trying to reach their hideaway, Terabithia, during a storm.

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Moyenne: (4.01)
0.5 5
1 69
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2 168
2.5 25
3 685
3.5 131
4 1306
4.5 125
5 1341

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