Nuage d'auteur pour baroc

Douglas Adams(3) Kingsley Amis(2) Martin Amis(2) Anonymous(3) Margaret Atwood(4) Iain Banks(5) John Banville(1) Nicola Barker(1) Jonathan Barnes(1) Julian Barnes(2) John Barth(2) Louis Bayard(2) Matt Beaumont(4) Louis de Bernières(5) Jeremy Blachman(1) Wu Ming(1) W. E. Bowman(1) William Boyd(11) T.C. Boyle(1) John Boyne(1) Malcolm Bradbury(1) Ray Bradbury(1) James Bradley(1) Marius Brill(1) Christopher Brookmyre(1) Christopher Buckley(1) Mikhail Bulgakov(1) A.S. Byatt(2) Andrea Camilleri(1) Truman Capote(1) Peter Carey(5) Cheeta(1) Susanna Clarke(1) Jonathan Coe(3) Eoin Colfer(1) Douglas Coupland(1) Michael Cox(2) Gordon Dahlquist(1) R. M. Dashwood(1) Andrew Davidson(1) Robertson Davies(3) Patrick deWitt(2) Charles Dickens(1) Philip K. Dick(1) Stephen Donaldson(3) Stephen Donaldson(1) Tim Dowling(1) Roddy Doyle(1) Joe Dunthorne(1) Umberto Eco(5) Dave Eggers(1) Charles Elton(1) Steven Erikson(9) Ian C. Esslemont(1) Jeffrey Eugenides(3) Michel Faber(2) Ildefonso Falcones(1) Joshua Ferris(1) Jasper Fforde(12) Henry Fielding(1) Jonathan Safran Foer(1) Ken Follett(2) James Forrester(1) E. M. Forster(1) John Fowles(3) George MacDonald Fraser(13) Stephen Fry(3) Neil Gaiman(1) Jane Gardam(1) Stella Gibbons(1) William Golding(1) Rob Grant(3) Robert Graves(2) Alasdair Gray(2) John MacLachlan Gray(2) Graham Greene(1) Nicholas Griffin(3) George Grossmith(1) Mark Haddon(2) Matt Haig(1) James Hamilton-Paterson(2) Robert Harris(1) Carole Hayman(1) Joseph Heller(1) Hermann Hesse(1) Carl Hiaasen(2) James Hogg(1) Tom Holt(1) M. J. Hyland(1) John Irving(3) Kazuo Ishiguro(1) Mick Jackson(1) Howard Jacobson(2) Cynan Jones(1) Lloyd Jones(1) Daniel Kehlmann(1) Ross King(1) Stephen King(1) Hari Kunzru(2) Andreï Kourkov(1) Allen Kurzweil(2) Doris Lessing(1) Marina Lewycka(2) David Lodge(15) Sergei Lukyanenko(3) Scott Lynch(3) Lynn(2) Gregory Maguire(1) Erika Mailman(1) David Maine(1) Mathias Malzieu(1) Hilary Mantel(3) Gabriel García Márquez(6) Yann Martel(1) R. Arthur Mathews(1) Cormac McCarthy(1) Pete McCarthy(1) Ian McEwan(1) Stuart McLean(1) Andrew Miller(2) Magnus Mills(7) Giles Milton(2) David Mitchell(1) Christopher Moore(1) Haruki Murakami(8) Vladimir Nabokov(2) Paul Neilan(1) Patrick Ness(3) David Nicholls(2) Audrey Niffenegger(1) David Nobbs(4) Lawrence Norfolk(3) Amélie Nothomb(1) John O'Farrell(3) George Orwell(2) Charles Palliser(2) Orhan Pamuk(1) Steve Coogan(1) Mervyn Peake(1) Matthew Pearl(2) Iain Pears(4) Arturo Pérez-Reverte(3) DBC Pierre(1) Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett(1) Terry Pratchett(42) Christopher Priest(1) Philip Pullman(4) Mario Puzo(3) Thomas Pynchon(1) Rankin(1) Robert Rankin(7) Julian Rathbone(6) Dan Rhodes(1) Tom Robbins(8) Adam Roberts(1) James Robertson(1) Philip Roth(1) J. K. Rowling(7) Christopher Rush(1) Salman Rushdie(1) Sam Savage(1) Will Self(2) Tom Sharpe(14) Ali Shaw(1) Steven Sherrill(1) Lionel Shriver(1) Gary Shteyngart(1) E Œ Somerville and Martin Ross(1) Neal Stephenson(6) Suetonius(1) Patrick Süskind(1) Donna Tartt(1) Scarlett Thomas(3) Harry Thompson(1) Hunter S. Thompson(1) Steve Toltz(1) (1) John Kennedy Toole(1) Sue Townsend(3) Rose Tremain(1) Anthony Trollope(4) Barry Unsworth(4) P J Vanston(1) Kurt Vonnegut(2) Keith Waterhouse(1) Evelyn Waugh(3) Irvine Welsh(1) Nigel Williams(1) Tim Willocks(1) P. G. Wodehouse(6) Georgina Wroe(1) Ma Yan(1) Markus Zusak(1)