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Henry Fielding (1707–1754)

Auteur de Histoire de Tom Jones, enfant trouvé

267+ oeuvres 14,629 utilisateurs 171 critiques 36 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Henry Fielding, 1707 - 1754 A succcessful playwright in his twenties, Henry Fielding turned to the study of law and then to journalism, fiction, and a judgeship after his Historical Register, a political satire on the Walpole government, contributed to the censorship of plays that put him out of afficher plus business. As an impoverished member of the upper classes, he knew the country squires and the town nobility; as a successful young playwright, the London jet set; as a judge at the center of London, the city's thieves, swindlers, petty officials, shopkeepers, and vagabonds. As a political journalist (editor-author of The Champion, 1739-1741; The True Patriot, 1745-1746; The Jacobite's Journal, 1747-1748; The Covent-Garden Journal, 1752), he participated in argument and intrigue over everything from London elections to national policy. He knowledgeably attacked and defended a range of politicians, from ward heelers to the Prince of Wales. When Fielding undertook writing prose fiction to ridicule the simple morality of Pamela by Samuel Richardson, he first wrote the hilarious burlesque Shamela (1741). However, he soon found himself considering all the forces working on humans, and in Joseph Andrews (1742) (centering on his invented brother of Pamela), he played with the patterns of Homer, the Bible, and Cervantes to create what he called "a comic epic poem in prose." His preface describing this new art form is one of the major documents in literary criticism of the novel. Jonathan Wild, a fictional rogue biography of a year later, plays heavily with ironic techniques that leave unsettled Fielding's great and recurring theme: the difficulty of uniting goodness, or an outflowing love of others, with prudence in a world where corrupted institutions support divisive pride rather than harmony and self-fulfillment. In his masterpiece Tom Jones (1749), Fielding not only faces this issue persuasively but also shows for the first time the possibility of bringing a whole world into an artistic unity, as his model Homer had done in verse. Fielding develops a coherent and centered sequence of events-something Congreve had done casually on a small scale in Incognita 60 years before. In addition he also relates the plot organically to character and theme, by which he gives us a vision of the archetypal good person (Tom) on a journey toward understanding. Every act by every character in the book reflects the special and typical psychology of that character and the proper moral response. In Tom Jones, Fielding affirms the existence of an order under the surface of chaos. In his last novel, Amelia (1751), which realistically examines the misery of London, he can find nothing reliable except the prudent good heart, and that only if its possessor escapes into the country. Fielding based the title character on his second wife, with whom he was deeply in love. However, ill himself, still saddened by the deaths of his intensely loved first wife and daughter, and depressed by a London magistrate's endless toil against corruption, Fielding saw little hope for goodness in that novel or in his informal Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon (1755). Shortly after traveling to Lisbon for his health, Fielding died at the age of 47, having proved to his contemporaries and successors that the lowly novel was capable of the richest achievements of art. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
Crédit image: wikipedia


Œuvres de Henry Fielding

Histoire de Tom Jones, enfant trouvé (1749) 8,216 exemplaires, 94 critiques
Joseph Andrews (1742) 1,792 exemplaires, 23 critiques
Joseph Andrews and Shamela (1741) 1,517 exemplaires, 9 critiques
Jonathan Wild (1741) 527 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Amélia (1751) 382 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Tom Jones (Norton Critical Editions) (1973) 344 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Anti-Pamela AND Shamela (1741) 104 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Shamela (1741) 93 exemplaires, 3 critiques
100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 1 (2017) — Contributeur — 61 exemplaires
Journal d'un Voyage de Londres a Lisbonne (1996) 60 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Pamela/Shamela (1980) 52 exemplaires
The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq. (2010) 36 exemplaires
Joseph Andrews (1/2) (2006) 31 exemplaires
The Age of Enlightenment: An anthology of eighteenth-century texts: Volume 1 (1979) — Contributeur — 27 exemplaires, 1 critique
Amelia (2/2) (1962) 23 exemplaires
Joseph Andrews (2/2) (2007) 22 exemplaires
Historical register for the year 1736 and Eurydice hissed (1967) — Auteur — 20 exemplaires
Tom Jones [abridged] (1964) 20 exemplaires
The Grub-Street opera (1968) 18 exemplaires
Amelia (1/2) (2008) 17 exemplaires
[unidentified works] (2009) 8 exemplaires
Miscellanies (1973) 6 exemplaires
The Female Husband (2010) 6 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Henry Fielding : Romans (1964) 6 exemplaires, 1 critique
Amelia (3/3) (2012) 4 exemplaires
Vintage Lust: "The Rachel Papers" (2007) 4 exemplaires
The Lovers Assistant (2010) 4 exemplaires
Tom Jones (4/4) — Auteur — 4 exemplaires
The Mock Doctor (2004) 3 exemplaires
Amelia (1/3) (1903) 3 exemplaires
Amelia (2/3) (1903) 3 exemplaires
Tom Jones (3/4) — Auteur — 3 exemplaires
Tom Jones (1/3) (1966) 3 exemplaires
Pasquin 3 exemplaires
Tom Jones (3/3) — Auteur — 2 exemplaires
the works of henry fielding volume eight 2 exemplaires, 1 critique
Farsy 2 exemplaires
Tom Jones (2/3) — Auteur — 2 exemplaires
The wedding-day 2 exemplaires
the works of henry fielding volume nine 2 exemplaires, 1 critique
Rape Upon Rape (2019) 2 exemplaires
Tom Jones 2 Cilt Takim 2 exemplaires
Tom Jones, Vol 2 1 exemplaire
Ameilia 1 exemplaire
The Grub Street Opera (1968) 1 exemplaire
Tom Jones vol. 1 1 exemplaire
Tom Jones Vol II 1 exemplaire
Everyman's library 1 exemplaire
Ton Jones 1 exemplaire
JOSEPH ANDREWS AND SHAMELE (2009) 1 exemplaire
Pasquin 1 exemplaire
Covent-Garden Journal 1 exemplaire
Hry, Jonathan Wild 1 exemplaire
Scenes and Characters 1 exemplaire
Tom Jones (2/4) — Auteur — 1 exemplaire
Tom Jones (1/4) — Auteur — 1 exemplaire
The Modern Husband (2004) 1 exemplaire
Amelia Parts ll & lll 1 exemplaire
the works of henry fielding volume ten 1 exemplaire, 1 critique
Izbrannye sochineniia (1989) 1 exemplaire
The Intriguing Chambermaid (2019) 1 exemplaire
South Wind 1 exemplaire
Amelia. Vol I (2008) 1 exemplaire
Shamela Andrews 1 exemplaire
The Works (2016) 1 exemplaire
Miscellanies and poems (1872) 1 exemplaire
Фарсы 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books (1938) — Contributeur — 524 exemplaires, 1 critique
English Poetry, Volume II: From Collins to Fitzgerald (1910) — Contributeur — 514 exemplaires, 1 critique
Eighteenth-Century English Literature (1969) — Auteur — 188 exemplaires
Eighteenth-Century Plays (1966) — Contributeur — 156 exemplaires
The Adventures of David Simple (1744) — Preface, quelques éditions144 exemplaires, 1 critique
British Dramatists from Dryden to Sheridan (1975) — Contributeur, quelques éditions92 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Essential Writings of Jonathan Swift [Norton Critical Edition] (2009) — Contributeur — 84 exemplaires
Tom Jones (1992) — Original book — 65 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Eighteenth Century Plays (1972) — Contributeur — 62 exemplaires, 1 critique
Modern Arthurian Literature (1992) — Contributeur — 31 exemplaires
A Skeleton At the Helm (2008) — Contributeur — 30 exemplaires, 1 critique
Eighteenth Century Women: An Anthology (1984) — Contributeur — 23 exemplaires, 1 critique
Lock Up Your Daughters, Acting Edition (1967) — Original book — 17 exemplaires
Law in Action: An Anthology of the Law in Literature (1947) — Contributeur — 13 exemplaires
Englische Essays aus drei Jahrhunderten (1980) — Contributeur — 10 exemplaires
Great Love Scenes from Famous Novels (1943) — Contributeur — 5 exemplaires
Famous Stories of Five Centuries (1934) — Contributeur — 4 exemplaires
Joseph Andrews [1977 film] (1977) — Original book — 3 exemplaires
Satire, burlesque, protest, and ridicule II (1974) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
Political operas I: Satire and allegory (1974) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
The medical and legal professions [ballad operas] (1974) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
Farce: amorous intrigue and deception I (1975) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
70 Greatest Love Stories in Fiction: Historical Novels Edition (2021) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire


Partage des connaissances



Folio Archives 297: Tom Jones by Henry Fielding 2008 à Folio Society Devotees (Novembre 2022)


»Madame de Riccoboni a altéré l'original anglais, mais elle a rendu le roman plus agréable, d'autant plus qu'elle a pris la liberté d'abréger quelques détails peu intéressants. » D. P.
MarieAntoinette | 4 autres critiques | Jan 21, 2008 |
»Cette traduction (par l'abbé Desfontaines) a eu peu de succès, quoique le roman soit par lui-mc'me assez particulier. Il peint bien les mœurs anglaises. L'abbé Desfontaines, dans ni dernier tome des Observations sur les écrits modernes, lit un éloge excessif de ce roman qui avait paru en anglais l'année précédente, 1742 : il dit que l'auteur s'est proposé pour modèle Michel de Cervantes, et qu'il l'égale et le surpasse il assure que ce roman est un chef-d'œuvre de conduite. » D. P.… (plus d'informations)
MarieAntoinette | 22 autres critiques | Jan 21, 2008 |
•Ce roman et sa traduction sont très estimés en France. Il y eut un arrêt du conseil qui supprima la première édition (Londres, 1730) avec des circonstances désagréables pour l'auteur. » D. P.
MarieAntoinette | 93 autres critiques | Jan 21, 2008 |
TB. Jaquette
Mairesse | Dec 1, 2013 |


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