Prometheus Award
Décerné par Libertarian Futurist Society
405 oeuvres / 407 élements 656,397 Livres 14,073 critiques 4.0
The Prometheus Award is given by the Libertarian Futurist Society to provide encouragement to science fiction writers whose books examine the meaning of freedom. You can also see the shortlist afficher plus and the nominees. afficher moins
Winner 48
Shortlist 221
Nominee 402
Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série
randys_bookbuzz (188 œuvres), jcm790 (179), StormRaven (177), fitzwater (161), SF4MLibrary (161), ginger.hewitt (158), IntangiblesInc (156), stephenandcissa (151), SFF1928-1973 (147), tootstorm (144), MRN (141), AsYouKnow_Bob (135), paulhurtley (135), ringman (135), steelprimate (132), battlinjack (131), TaraWood (131), sbisson (129), slothman (126), EmScape (125), goobertellii (123), remlub (120), Eisler (118), GunnCenter (118), daves0 (117), Echinopsis (117), link_rae (116), bertilak (114), JaredMcLaine (111), hblanchard (109), PRDurham2 (109), chilperic (108), trevor68 (108), AlMargheim (107), Dureo (107), TerryWeyna (107), CorwynM (106), elieazoulay (106), FredKiesche (106), naokoken (106), LamSon (105), BiblioCave (104), sardonicmanor (104), kamintra (102), andyl (101), johnnyapollo (100), knownspaceguy (100), sturmvogel (100), Sterling4589 (99), Rynosseros (98), svfreeman (98), joiedelivre (97), SirMacHinery (97), cosmicdolphin (96), dean (96), jennmaine (96), dwinston (95), Murphyslawyer (95), William_T_Goodall (95), bookstothesky (94), Ann_Louise (93), teeps29 (93), Oryphany (92), RLNunezKPL (92), aulsmith (91), Leischen (91), venza (91), amweb (90), duncjo (90), iresam (90), mvuijlst (90), tredegartrafalgar (90), esther_a (89), ivarrthekean (89), Kaethe (89), oakes (89), DrPlokta (88), sdobie (88), bellinghwoman (87), danielskatz (87), Markober (87), AndrewWheeler (86), LadyDita (86), WestBranch (86), agentx216 (85), cmthomas (85), kbuxton (85), Larou (85), psybre (85), agmlll (84), dwgray (84), iftyzaidi (84), jim.antares (84), lairdb (84), Rynemonn (84), shagger (84), tiane23 (84), tkpunk (84), wpwhite (84), bradleyhorner (83), Ethaisa (83), frink (83), MartinWisse (83), tr10pt1c0n (83), nuatha (82), sfaddict (82), strangefate (82), aekfv20134 (81), hegadornr (81), Musereader (81), wm3395 (81), aragorn620 (80), Gord.Barker (80), JillMcElderry (80), NickPetty (80), Patentnonsense (80), RobertDay (80), chris-hanson (79), dpeace (79), libraryofus (79), Maddz (79), nielsnej (79), RedQueen (79), speljamr (79), Surtac (79), TheThomasFamily (79), vicwong (79), DavidCraddock (78), Drab (78), DWWilkin (78), pbeagan (78), saulegriza (78), mart1n (77), pinax (77), sfuhrman (77), andrew.j.stephens (76), cabridges (76), mckinlay (76), scififan42 (76), jjmcgaffey (75), joeyreads (75), mffowler (75), murfman (75), RandyStafford (75), reecejones (75), TedBond (74), CoreyScott (73), lcd (73), mjfmjfmjf (73), nelsam (73), TomVeal (73), travelinlibrarian (73), CAPederson (72), davidt50 (72), FicusFan (72), JeanGoodrich (72), mtullius (72), PaulWood (72), scottyn73 (72), barrybaker (71), bryfrawood (71), bstecher (71), Mr.Halloween (71), snbooks (71), spereira82 (71), aabdelrahmanm (70), iansales (70), jtl (70), Khavrinen (70), lizandkats (70), mlsestak (70), monkity (70), scifi3 (70), bughunter (69), CadeFamily (69), JohnSapienza (69), Rtrace (69), wildwily (69)
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