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Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
1001 Books to read before you die, 18th-19th Century Britain, 75 Books Challenge for 2011, A Pearl of Wisdom and Enlightenment, All Things Discworldian - The Guild of Pratchett Fans, ARC Junkies, Art History, Art is Life, Baker Street and Beyond, Banned Books, Best of British, Biographies, Memoirs and Autobiographies, Blank Generation, Book Arts, Book Fiend, Bookcases: If You Build/Buy Them, They Will Fill, Books Compared, Books in Books, Books off the Shelf Challenge, Books on Books, Books that made me think, Californians Who LT, Cats, books, life is good., Cemeteries & Gravestones, Cheese!, Children of the Night, Club Read 2011, Comics, Council of Elrond, Crime, Thriller & Mystery, Deep South, Dewey Decimal Challenge, Drawn!, Early Reviewers, Edward Gorey, Fairy Tales Retold, FantasyFans, Fiber Arts, Freebies, Book Giveaways, and Contests, Gothic Romance, Historical Fiction, Hobnob with Authors, Hogwarts Express, Illustrated Books, Inklings, Knitters Inc., Le Salon Littéraire du Peuple pour le Peuple, Librarians who LibraryThing, LibraryThing Coffeehouse, LibraryThing-ers Anonymous, Literary Snobs, Los Angeles Loves Librarything, Manga!, Member Giveaways, Memoirs and autobiographies, Music to read by, Needlearts, Poetry Fool, Rare, Old or Offbeat, ravelry, Reading Resolutions, Science Fiction Fans, Taggers!, The 11 in 11 Category Challenge, The Chapel of the Abyss, The Green Dragon, The Prizes, Thing(amabrarian)s That Go Bump in the Night, Things found in books, Underappreciated Books and Authors, Urban Fantasy, Used Books, Victoriana, What Are You Reading Now?, What did YOU buy today?, Writer-readers, Written in Stone - The Literary Cemetery
Inscrit depuis
Oct 13, 2006
A propos de ma bibliothèque
YES I do own all of these books... Except for the ones under My Wishlist Collection. Yes, after 3 years of not having a Wishlist on here i finally relented and made one. Mainly to appease that insatiable "Ooooh! Gimme Gimme!" urge those of us with the Bibliomania/Bibliophilia gentle madness are prone to.

All items on here are present in my library and accounted for. (Well, *sideways smile*. Almost all of them!) I've been collecting books since I was about 5. No really, I have. I even have my first Dr. Seuss book. It's all here somewhere, everything is. Sometimes it just doesn't want to be found..."unripe mind apples"... do you think books have ghosts? Well, I suppose if you believe in Vitalism as it pertains to books, then when they fall off shelves, it means that they are trying to commit suicide (like I read in one of my many philosophy books somewhere) then maybe they -do- have ghosts. Which would make sense (to me, anyways) because there has always been a kind of ephemeral sense hanging around my library, a personality, and all those voices humming and singing and whispering their esoteric thoughts to me. Something to ponder on, in any case.

I can remember almost every book I've ever had in my library, although some of them have not been with me for quite sometime now and may not, unfortunately, remember me. They have since been placed into hands other than mine, in locations unknown. I am quite sure Lucien would know, I must remember to ask him next time I run into him in Dream's library.

As for My Library, it has recently spent a huge amount of time in boxes being relocated to another house, another bedroom, and different bookshelves. A new home. *sigh* So I am mostly using this website to catalog my books and enter their names as I go about my slow but deliberative pace of delightedly unpacking and shelving them. A bit like welcoming back old friends, no?

This is by any comprehensive means a rather minute representation of my expansive Library, so far... and the works cataloged are firstly recent purchases, or recently read (or devoured) so, for the present time, the most "accurate" glimpse of my taste would be to take a look at my tags and or/authors, I suppose.

They -are- an eccentric bunch, but then again so am I. :O)

RECENT UPDATE: Still wandering, wondering & pondering... Ever the ethereal enchants me and follows my hallows. I am still adrift and nomadic as ever; but aspire to carve myself a brighter future... Hopefully soon I will have time to update my reading thread with more but for now, Please don't give up on me. Comments are sometimes the sunshine that keeps me going, so please, Please, PLEASE KEEP LEAVING ME COMMENTS!!! (For the MOST CURRENT INFO READ MY GD READING THREAD). I apologize if it takes longer than usual to respond to any comments left! Please forgive the delay & know it's never intentional! :)



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A propos de moi

I am first and foremost an artist/writer/bibliophile/bibliomane... which means I spend a lot of time Here in My Head, and also inside books, libraries, book stores, music stores, art stores, etc. I have a voracious appetite for words and art... in fact, I think there are some who could verily present a most productive argument that I spend more time outside of reality than in it. They just may be right. I think even I could easily come up with a much more interesting reality.

oh wait... I already did.

In any case, although my personal collection is a rather ecclectic and strange one, I am first & foremost an AVID reader and welcome any comments, suggestions and observations any of you may have. Please feel free to leave an imprint on this page, or ramblings of the ink-style; all forms of communication on here will be most welcome! That is, if you should be so inclined. *smile*
Lieu (géographique)
Nomadic Wandering Gypsy & Starving Artist
En cours de lecture
Auteurs favoris
Favoris locaux

Librairies: Acres of Books (Long Beach, CA), Ames' Bookstore, Bargain Books, Henry Berkelouw Books, Iliad Bookshop, Powell's City of Books (Portland)

Autre: Laguna College of Art & Design

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