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T. H. White (1906–1964)

Auteur de The Once and Future King

48+ oeuvres 28,436 utilisateurs 396 critiques 67 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Terence Hanbury White was born on May 29, 1906 in Bombay, India. He attended Cheltenham College, Gloucestershire, and Queen's College, Cambridge. The success of his autobiography, England Have My Bones, allowed him to leave teaching after six years and devote his time to writing. Although he wrote afficher plus a wide array of novels and some poetry, he is best known for The Once and Future King, his four-volume retelling of the legend of King Arthur, which became the basis for both the musical, Camelot, and the Disney film, The Sword in the Stone. White died on January 17, 1964, while returning home from a lecture tour in America. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins


Œuvres de T. H. White

The Once and Future King (1940) 15,505 exemplaires, 207 critiques
Book of Merlyn (1941) 3,754 exemplaires, 38 critiques
Excalibur : L'épée dans la pierre (1938) 3,413 exemplaires, 48 critiques
Mistress Masham's Repose (1946) — Auteur — 1,389 exemplaires, 25 critiques
The Once and Future King, Including The Book of Merlyn (1938) 1,347 exemplaires, 20 critiques
The Goshawk (1951) 570 exemplaires, 11 critiques
The Age of Scandal (1950) 308 exemplaires, 5 critiques
The Maharajah and Other Stories (1981) 154 exemplaires
The Ill-Made Knight (1940) 148 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Elephant and Kangaroo (1947) 146 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Darkness at Pemberley (1932) 137 exemplaires, 7 critiques
England Have My Bones (1981) 118 exemplaires, 3 critiques
The Witch in the Wood {original version} (1939) 117 exemplaires, 5 critiques
The Master (1957) 115 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Farewell Victoria (1963) 88 exemplaires, 3 critiques
The Godstone and the Blackymor (1959) 60 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Queen of Air and Darkness (2006) 29 exemplaires, 1 critique
America at last; the American journal (1965) 26 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Scandalmonger (1952) 23 exemplaires, 1 critique
They Winter Abroad (1969) — Auteur — 15 exemplaires
A Joy Proposed (1982) 10 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Troll (1935) 8 exemplaires
First Lesson (1969) — Auteur — 5 exemplaires
Earth Stopped (1934) 1 exemplaire
The Unicorn 1 exemplaire
Dead Mr. Nixon 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

The Sword in the Stone [1963 film] (1963) — Original story — 646 exemplaires, 3 critiques
The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories (1986) — Contributeur — 547 exemplaires, 7 critiques
The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales (1993) — Contributeur — 372 exemplaires, 6 critiques
21 nouvelles histoires de sexe et d'horreur (1993) — Contributeur — 232 exemplaires, 1 critique
Unicorns! (1982) — Contributeur — 229 exemplaires, 3 critiques
The Golden Treasury of Children's Literature Set (1972) — Contributeur — 213 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Modern Classics of Fantasy (1939) — Contributeur — 211 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Oxford Book of English Short Stories (1998) — Contributeur — 198 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Science Fiction Stories (1991) — Contributeur — 184 exemplaires, 1 critique
Camelot (1967) — Original story — 169 exemplaires, 1 critique
Black Water 2: More Tales of the Fantastic (1990) — Contributeur — 152 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Murder & Other Acts of Literature (1997) — Contributeur — 149 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Bestiary! (1985) — Contributeur — 123 exemplaires
Great Irish Tales of Fantasy and Myth (1994) — Contributeur — 110 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 5 (1980) — Contributeur — 87 exemplaires
Camelot: A New Musical [libretto] (1961) — Original play — 84 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Camelot: Original 1960 Broadway Cast Recording (1960) — Original story — 80 exemplaires, 1 critique
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Scream Along with Me (1981) — Contributeur — 66 exemplaires, 1 critique
65 great tales of horror (1981) — Contributeur — 60 exemplaires
Reading for Pleasure (2023) — Contributeur — 52 exemplaires
The Young Oxford Book of Nasty Endings (1997) — Contributeur — 42 exemplaires
The Best of Both Worlds: An Anthology of Stories for All Ages (1968) — Contributeur — 25 exemplaires, 1 critique
Lapham's Quarterly - The Future: Volume IV, Number 4, Fall 2011 (2011) — Contributeur — 24 exemplaires
Tales of Dungeons and Dragons (1986) — Contributeur — 24 exemplaires
Open the Door (1965) — Contributeur — 22 exemplaires
Kingdoms of Sorcery: An Anthology of Adult Fantasy (1976) — Contributeur — 21 exemplaires
The British at Home (2006) — Introduction — 15 exemplaires, 1 critique
Walt Disney's The Wizards' Duel (1963) — Original story — 15 exemplaires
Visions and Imaginations: Classic Fantasy Fiction (2005) — Contributeur — 13 exemplaires
Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob [2021 film] (2021) — Original novel — 12 exemplaires
Tall Short Stories (1960) — Contributeur — 8 exemplaires
Ghostly, grim and gruesome: An anthology (1976) — Contributeur — 7 exemplaires
Das Hobbit-Buch (1988) — Auteur — 7 exemplaires
Classic Tales [2008 TV series] (2008) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire


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The Once and Future King Group Read: General Thread à 75 Books Challenge for 2010 (Juin 2010)


I have no idea what to make of this book. It’s the second book in The Once and Future King quartet, was extensively revised after initial publication, when it was titled The Queen of Air and Darkness. Except The Witch in the Wood is supposedly longer than The Queen of Air and Darkness, but the version I read, which had the former title, was barely 100 pages long. And, to be honest, it didn't have much of a plot. Arthur is now king, but apparently not everyone has accepted this so he has to fight to prove himself. Merlyn lectures him on how fighting for the sake of fighting is not a good idea, and while combat may be fun for knights, it isn’t for the serfs, the foot soldiers, who get killed in large numbers. Meanwhile, King Pellinore is visiting Orkney with two companions, while King Lot is off fighting Arthur. Pellinore didn’t want to be there–he was following the Questing Beast, and having great fun, and then he fell in love with the daughter of the King of Flanders, but this magic boat appeared so he climbed into it. And now he’s stuck in Orkney. His friends try to improve his mood by faking the Questing Beast, but the real Questing Beast turns up and falls in love with their fake one (think pantomime horse). Then there’s a big battle and Arthur revolutionises tactics by attacking the knights and not the serfs. So, of course, he wins. This didn’t even feel like a novel, more like an info-dump. The scenes with Sir Grummor and Sir Palomides are funny, but feel like music hall. There are several lectures on politics and authority, which reference Hitler, and are well argued. But none of it feels like a novel in a series of four. I mean, White’s prose is… idiosyncratic, but so much more appealing than Tolkien’s. White throws in anachronisms, but he makes it work. And he’s funny. The Hobbit cannot compare. Two more books to go, but it’s already clear The Once and Future King is greatly superior to The Hobbit.… (plus d'informations)
iansales | 206 autres critiques | Jul 9, 2024 |
I hadn't expected the series to take this turn but I thoroughly enjoyed the message of this book! I found the last few chapters incredible!
LaPhenix | 37 autres critiques | Jul 8, 2024 |
Read this in high school and I really enjoyed it.
LaPhenix | 206 autres critiques | Jul 8, 2024 |
This book is a mess, but kind of a glorious, interesting mess. It is a retelling of the Arthurian legend, based on Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur. As originally published, it consisted of four books. After the author's death a fifth book (The Book of Merlyn) was published, and the edition of The Once and Future King I read included that too.

Let's talk about each of the books:

1) The Sword in the Stone: this is about Arthur's childhood, and about how the wizard Merlyn mentored him to prepare him to become the king of England who would put an end to the abuses of the often brutal feudal lords and redirect the energies of those warriors towards the defense of what is right. It is a children's book, told in a very whimsical way, with magic adventures, blundering and comical knights, Arthur being turned into different animals to learn lessons from them... White tells the story in a very conversational tone, on purpose using many anachronisms that contribute to the whimsical atmosphere of the story. However, there are also some serious themes underlying it all. White introduces a strong pacifist message in the story.

2) The Queen of Air and Darkness: this book is mostly about Queen Morgause and her children (Gawain, Agravain, Gaheris and Gareth... Mordred would come later). It tells how their mother's pernicious brand of love influenced and, to a certain extent, warped those children. It also tells how Mordred was conceived. At the same time, it tells about the first part of Arthur's reign and the wars he fought against the lords who were not ready to accept his vision. Although some whimsical elements remain (like King Pellinore's eternal persecution of the Questing Beast), the tone is much more serious. It is particularly interesting for the complex psychological portrayal of Gawain and his brothers.

3) The Ill-Made Knight: this book is mainly about Lancelot, and about his ill-fated love affair with Queen Guinevere. In White's hands, Lancelot is a truly complex and fascinating character. This is the longest book and and the one that develops the central themes of the story.

4) The Candle in the Wind: this book tells the end of Arthur's tale, and it shows how his kingdom and the Round Table fall apart, consumed by resentments and tragic sins.

5) The Book of Merlyn: this one was included in the edition I read, but in many other editions it is not included. It is set during Arthur's last night, when Merlyn appears again and they revisit many of the lessons he had as a boy, and spend too much time on lengthy political and philosophical lectures. I frankly did not see the point. I mean, I think Arthur's story is very well-suited for the pacifist message White includes, but sometimes the more a message is hammered the less effective it becomes. At this point in the narrative, these lectures are really out of place. They should have remained unpublished. If your edition has it, unless you are a completist, my advice would be to read only the last chapter of this book, which is a nice epilogue to Arthur's story.

All in all, the book is a bit disorganized. Sometimes an important event that we had not read about is mentioned in passing, and later it is actually told, thus causing some confusion. Sometimes White is given to digressions that contribute little to the story. However, it is also a huge, fascinating story, at times beautifully told. The interpretation of the characters is excellent. White makes them complex and conflicted, in a way that makes them seem real people.
… (plus d'informations)
jcm790 | 206 autres critiques | May 26, 2024 |


1950s (1)
1940s (1)
1930s (1)

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