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Chargement... Les Raisins de la colère (1939)par John Steinbeck
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Un monument de la littérature sociale américaine ! ( ) Le soleil se leva derrière eux, et alors... brusquement, ils découvrirent à leurs pieds l'immense vallée. Al freina violemment et s'arrêta en plein milieu de la route. — Nom de Dieu ! Regardez ! s'écria-t-il. Les vignobles, les vergers, la grande vallée plate, verte et resplendissante, les longues files d'arbres fruitiers et les fermes. Et Pa dit : — Dieu tout-puissant !... J'aurais jamais cru que ça pouvait exister, un pays aussi beau.
Seventy years after The Grapes of Wrath was published, its themes – corporate greed, joblessness – are back with a vengeance. ... The peaks of one's adolescent reading can prove troughs in late middle age. Life moves on; not all books do. But 50 years later, The Grapes of Wrath seems as savage as ever, and richer for my greater awareness of what Steinbeck did with the Oklahoma dialect and with his characters. This is the sort of book that stirs one so deeply that it is almost impossible to attempt to convey the impression it leaves. It is the story of today's Exodus, of America's great trek, as the hordes of dispossessed tenant farmers from the dust bowl turn their hopes to the promised land of California's fertile valleys. The story of one family, with the "hangers-on" that the great heart of extreme poverty sometimes collects, but in that story is symbolized the saga of a movement in which society is before the bar. What an indictment of a system — what an indictment of want and poverty in the land of plenty! There is flash after flash of unforgettable pictures, sharply etched with that restraint and power of pen that singles Steinbeck out from all his contemporaries. There is anger here, but it is a deep and disciplined passion, of a man who speaks out of the mind and heart of his knowledge of a people. Appartient à la série éditorialeDelfinserien (162) dtv (10474) — 24 plus Gallimard, Folio (83-7343) Keltainen kirjasto (11) Keltainen pokkari (25) Lanterne (L 272) Nobelpreisträger Coron-Verlag (weiß) (1962 (USA)) Penguin Modern Classics (833) Tascabili [Bompiani] (496) Zephyr Books (28) Est contenu dansCannery Row | East of Eden | Grapes of Wrath | The Moon is Down | Of Mice and Men par John Steinbeck ContientFait l'objet d'une adaptation dansEst en version abrégée dansA été inspiré parA inspiréContient une étude deContient un commentaire de texte deContient un guide de lecture pour étudiantContient un guide pour l'enseignantPrix et récompensesDistinctionsListes notables
Classic Literature.
HTML: First published in 1939, The Grapes of Wrath creates an unforgettable portrait of the migrants who left the dust bowl for the promised land of California. Although he wrote it quickly, Steinbeck spent much time gathering detailed reports of the desperate conditions in migrant camps. He also worked in one camp helping to care for its starving residents. Although they have planted the land for generations, the Joads are tenant farmers. Now drought and mechanization have forced them off the Oklahoma farm they call home. As they travel toward new jobs in California, the penniless, hungry Joads learn that America has no mercy for the poor. Their fate is one that was repeated in hundreds of lives. Brilliant in its fusion of drama and rhetoric, The Grapes of Wrath changed the way the world saw migrant workers. They would never again be faceless masses who could be ignored and abandoned. This landmark work's impact earned John Steinbeck the Pulitzer Prize and contributed to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. .Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
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Google Books — Chargement... GenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)813.52Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1900-1944Classification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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