Isinglass Teen Read Award
Décerné par New Hampshire Library Association YALS
Autres noms: Isinglass Award (Anglais), Isinglass Teen Reads Award (Anglais), New Hampshire Isinglass Teen Read Award (Anglais)
335 oeuvres 863,676 Livres 36,128 critiques 4.0
The Isinglass Teen Read Award was begun in 2001 by the Barrington Public Library and the Barrington Middle School in order to promote teen reading, the participation of teens in the creation of afficher plus their own reading list, and to honor those authors whose works speak to youth. Voting is open to all New Hampshire libraries that are interested in participating and occurs in April of each year. Recommendations for the list will be accepted from any 6-8th grader in the state. afficher moins
Winner 22
Runner-Up 3
Nominee 318
Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série
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