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Si je reste

par Gayle Forman

Séries: If I Stay (1)

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9,610557841 (3.87)230
Adam est une rock star. Un jour, a? New York, il tombe en arre?t devant une affiche: son ancienne petite amie, Mia, violoncelliste virtuose, joue au Carnegie Hall. Depuis trois ans qu'ils ne se sont pas vus, Adam n'a ve?cu, compose? que pour Mia. Mia, qui l'a quitte? apre?s l'accident de voiture dont elle a re?chappe? de justesse. Mia, partie pour revivre. Sans lui. Cette nuit, ils se retrouvent enfin. De bars en restaurants, ils vont errer dans New York endormie, a? la recherche de leurs souvenirs perdus. Pour que, de nouveau, leurs coeurs battent a? l'unisson....… (plus d'informations)
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Affichage de 1-5 de 557 (suivant | tout afficher)
{My Thoughts} – Mia is a seventeen year-old girl that has a loving family, a love for classical music and a caring boyfriend.

When this story begins there is a snow day announced so Mia and her family go on a road trip to visit some family friends. On their way there they get into an accident. I have to point out that the scene in which the accident takes place is remarkably well written. Once the scene starts to shift Mia is left on the side of the road looking back at the devastation that was once her car. She notices immediately that her mother and father have passed due to the accident. she starts looking around for her little brother but doesn’t find him, instead she finds herself and realizes that she is looking at her own lifeless body on the side of the road. Once she makes that realization the story starts to pick up at a much faster pace.

I really enjoyed reading this book because it helps to show that there are still teens that care about their families. That they aren’t afraid to bond with their families and love them. This book showed the close relationship that she shared with her family. The close relationship that she had with her music and the closeness she had with her friend Kim as well as her boyfriend Adam.

The thing I took away most from reading this book is that it’s okay to be afraid. It’s okay to be uncertain. It’s okay to want to give up and stop being strong, but when you have a solid support system it is possible to overcome anything. Mia has a choice to make in this book. Does she want to live or does she want to join her family? The idea that she gets to make this choice is brilliant because who doesn’t wonder about the afterlife or how one ends up there? Who doesn’t wonder if when it is their time to go will they be given the option to choose to stay or choose to leave?

I think this book would be ideal for any teenager that is wanting a decent read. Any teenager that is dealing with a power struggle within themselves trying to figure out which direction to turn. Teenagers that want to make the right choice for their lives but are uncertain of what that choice might be. Mia gets the opportunity to make a choice that will effect the rest of her life and by making her choice she will also effect the lives of all those that are near and dear to her. Often times, teenagers don’t think about the choices they make and how they can effect others around them. This book helps to show them that they can make a choice and that choice can be good or bad and depending on the choice can have a huge impact on the lives of those around them.

I think the only thing I disliked most about this book was the un-natural use of the f-bomb. I realize it was to help better understand the personality of Mia’s parents, but I disagree with it being used as many times as it was in such a short amount of time. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My Thoughts} – Mia is a seventeen year-old girl that has a loving family, a love for classical music and a caring boyfriend.

When this story begins there is a snow day announced so Mia and her family go on a road trip to visit some family friends. On their way there they get into an accident. I have to point out that the scene in which the accident takes place is remarkably well written. Once the scene starts to shift Mia is left on the side of the road looking back at the devastation that was once her car. She notices immediately that her mother and father have passed due to the accident. she starts looking around for her little brother but doesn’t find him, instead she finds herself and realizes that she is looking at her own lifeless body on the side of the road. Once she makes that realization the story starts to pick up at a much faster pace.

I really enjoyed reading this book because it helps to show that there are still teens that care about their families. That they aren’t afraid to bond with their families and love them. This book showed the close relationship that she shared with her family. The close relationship that she had with her music and the closeness she had with her friend Kim as well as her boyfriend Adam.

The thing I took away most from reading this book is that it’s okay to be afraid. It’s okay to be uncertain. It’s okay to want to give up and stop being strong, but when you have a solid support system it is possible to overcome anything. Mia has a choice to make in this book. Does she want to live or does she want to join her family? The idea that she gets to make this choice is brilliant because who doesn’t wonder about the afterlife or how one ends up there? Who doesn’t wonder if when it is their time to go will they be given the option to choose to stay or choose to leave?

I think this book would be ideal for any teenager that is wanting a decent read. Any teenager that is dealing with a power struggle within themselves trying to figure out which direction to turn. Teenagers that want to make the right choice for their lives but are uncertain of what that choice might be. Mia gets the opportunity to make a choice that will effect the rest of her life and by making her choice she will also effect the lives of all those that are near and dear to her. Often times, teenagers don’t think about the choices they make and how they can effect others around them. This book helps to show them that they can make a choice and that choice can be good or bad and depending on the choice can have a huge impact on the lives of those around them.

I think the only thing I disliked most about this book was the un-natural use of the f-bomb. I realize it was to help better understand the personality of Mia’s parents, but I disagree with it being used as many times as it was in such a short amount of time. ( )
  CrimsonSoul | Jun 1, 2024 |
This book was all right. I wish there wasn't SO MUCH swearing in it. Usually swearing in books doesn't bother me too much, but this book just had so much that didn't even seem to fit. Adam and Mia's relationship would just be getting to "super duper cute" and then someone would drop three f-bombs in a row and destroy the mood of the scene. If you swear in every other sentence then this book will probably feel very romantic and moving to you. To me, it seemed like the writing didn't even fit the story, which cut down my enjoyment of the book. I can't say I REGRET reading it; I just wish it had been different. ( )
  johanna.florez21 | May 27, 2024 |
This novel takes place mostly in the head of the protagonist, Mia. Well, I guess it's in her head. She and the rest of her family (mom, dad, little brother) have all been in a terrible car accident and Mia is hanging onto life at the hospital. But she's having an out-of-body experience where she can see everyone visiting her, or trying to see her, talking about her, talking to her - she can even see her own body in the hospital bed. She can wander around in the hospital, so she can see even who is in the waiting area. She has some memories - flashbacks - while she's in this state so the reader can get some backstory. And her main conflict is that she has to decide whether she wants to live (stay) or die. The story takes place in the span of just a couple of days, but you still get to know Mia and learn about what has been going on in her life - who is important to her and what matters to her. The most well-drawn relationships in the novel are between Mia and her best friend and Mia and her boyfriend. I don't want to give any more away than that - it's a pretty interesting story and I enjoyed it - in fact, I finished it in just a couple of days... but I didn't like some of the things that were suggested about people who believe in God and angels or what was suggested about Heaven and the afterlife. But those things were very minor in the book. Mostly it was about Mia, her friend, her boyfriend, her family, and her decision about staying. ( )
  clamagna | Apr 4, 2024 |
I just finished this last night a very sad but quick read... if you had to choose between living alone and dieing with your family would You stay
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 557 (suivant | tout afficher)
If you want a story that really grabs at your heart this is perfect. Mia is a teenager who plays cello which comes almost natural to her. She even auditioned for Julliard . I really should have read this one at a better time than on a road trip. Considering the first chapter puts you right into a horrific car crash after a great morning with her family trying to decide what to do on their snow day. When I grabed this book I kind of just scimmed through it not really knowing what I was really in store for. During the car crash scene I had to stop several times because of the gore and pain I felt reading this. Of course I don't think it help stoping either for a while because every time my husband had to change lanes i was cringing inside, I'm just glad it wasn't snowing. I had to get back into the story because I just had to know what was going to happen to Mia.
The parnormal effect in this book was perfect, She was an apparition standing in the whole time looking over her life from the outside looking in. She was in a coma and heard everything but was unable to do anything. She had to decide whether to go with her family she lost or stay with the ones left be hide. Every character in this story I loved from the quite grandfather to the punk rocker boyfriend. I loved the flash backs of her family they made the book even more enjoyable. This story had me on the verge of tears several times. I was begging Mia to just stay the whole time. If this happen to me I think I would have a really hard time choosing. I will be reading this one over and over again!
Via Mia's thoughts and flashbacks, Forman (Sisters in Sanity) expertly explores the teenager's life, her passion for classical music and her strong relationships with her family, friends and boyfriend, Adam. Mia's singular perspective (which will recall Alice Sebold's adult novel, The Lovely Bones) also allows for powerful portraits of her friends and family as they cope: Please don't die. If you die, there's going to be one of those cheesy Princess Diana memorials at school, prays Mia's friend Kim. I know you'd hate that kind of thing. Intensely moving, the novel will force readers to take stock of their lives and the people and things that make them worth living.
ajouté par sduff222 | modifierPublishers Weekly

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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Adam est une rock star. Un jour, a? New York, il tombe en arre?t devant une affiche: son ancienne petite amie, Mia, violoncelliste virtuose, joue au Carnegie Hall. Depuis trois ans qu'ils ne se sont pas vus, Adam n'a ve?cu, compose? que pour Mia. Mia, qui l'a quitte? apre?s l'accident de voiture dont elle a re?chappe? de justesse. Mia, partie pour revivre. Sans lui. Cette nuit, ils se retrouvent enfin. De bars en restaurants, ils vont errer dans New York endormie, a? la recherche de leurs souvenirs perdus. Pour que, de nouveau, leurs coeurs battent a? l'unisson....

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