Nuage d'auteur pour RalphWaldoEmerson

Jacob Abbott(3) John Abercrombie(1) Académie Française(1) Alexander Adam(1) John Quincy Adams(4) William Adams(2) Aeschines(1) Aeschylus(3) Louis Agassiz(2) Marie : de Flavigny Agoult, comtesse d'(1) Grace Aguilar(2) John Aikin(1) Robert Ainsworth(1) Mark Akenside(1) Luigi Alamanni(1) A. Bronson Alcott(7) Louisa May Alcott(2) Thomas Bailey Aldrich(1) William Rounseville Alger(1) Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali(1) Dante Alighieri(10) Luman Allen(1) William Allingham(4) Archaeological Institute of America(1) Fisher Ames(1) Hans Christian Andersen(2) Julia C. Andrews(1) of Rhodes. Andronicus(1) Anthologia Graeca(1) Boston Antimasonic Party (Mass.)., Mass.)(1) Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' Anville(1) Thomas Gold Appleton(3) Apuleius(1) Ludovico Ariosto(1) Aristophanes(1) Aristotle(3) Bettina von Arnim(1) Edwin Arnold(2) Matthew Arnold(3) Arrian(1) Arthur(1) Association of American Geologists and Naturalists.(1) Athenaeum Club.(1) William P. Atkinson(1) Jean-Marie-Vincent Audin(1) Saint Augustine(1) Marcus Aurelius(2) Sarah Austin(1) Teresa de Ávila(1) William Edmondstoune Aytoun(1) William Henry Babcock(1) Delia Bacon(1) Francis Bacon(2) Philip James Bailey(2) Samuel Bailey(1) Benjamin West Ball(1) Honoré de Balzac(1) George Bancroft(1) Anna Letitia Barbauld(3) baron Auguste Théodore Hilaire Barchou de Penhoen(1) George Barlow(1) William Barnes(1) Thomas Squire Barrett(1) Jean-Jacques Barthélemy(2) John Bartlett(1) C. A. Bartol(6) Frederic Boulton. [from old catalog] Barton(1) W. P. C. Barton(1) Claude Frédéric Bastiat(1) Charlotte Fiske Bates(1) Richard Baxter(1) George Miller Beard(1) William E. Bear(1) James Beattie(1) Francis Beaumont(2) Ludwig Bechstein(1) Bede(1) Catharine Esther Beecher(2) Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher(1) Jeremy Belknap(1) Robert Bell(1) Sir Charles Bell(1) S. G. W. Benjamin(2) Thomas Bewick(2) Hugh Blair(1) William Blake(1) Octavian Blewitt(1) Louis James Block(1) Lorin Blodget(1) Benjamin P. Blood(1) Benjamin Paul Blood(1) William Boade(1) Giovanni Boccaccio(2) Friedrich von Bodenstedt(1) Jakob Böhme(2) Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke(1) Napoleão Bonaparte(1) David Booth(1) George Borrow(1) Jacques Bénigne Bossuet(1) M. Bossu(1) Boston (Mass.)(3) Boston Female Anti-slavery Society.(1) James Boswell(1) Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta(1) Christian Nestell Bovee(1) Eli Bowen(1) Emily Bowles(1) Anna C. Brackett(1) Samuel Bradford(1) Sarah H. Bradford(1) Charles Bray(2) Fredrika Bremer(1) David Brewster(1) Marcus Fayette Bridgman(1) Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin(1) George C. Brodrick(1) Henry Brooke(1) Albert G. Browne(1) Henry Howard Brownell(1) Sir Thomas Browne(3) Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1) Robert Browning(1) Leonard Brown(1) Thomas Brown(1) Wallace Bruce(1) Giordano Bruno(1) John Howard. BRYANT(1) William Cullen Bryant(2) James Bryce(1) Joseph Buckminster(1) Peter Bulkeley(1) Bunker Hill Monument Association.,(1) John Bunyan(1) Thomas Burbidge(1) E. J. Burbury(1) Edmund Burke(2) Charles B. Burkhardt(1) Benjamin F. Burnham(1) John Burroughs(1) Robert Burton(2) Warren Burton(1) Horace Bushnell(2) David P. Butler(1) Josephine E. Butler(1) Samuel Butler(1) Samuel Butler(1) Thomas Fowell Buxton(1) Lord Byron(4) C.-L Cadet de Gassicourt(1) Julius Caesar(1) Edward Caird(1) Augustine Calmet(1) William Camden(1) Thomas Campbell(2) Augustin Pyrame de Candolle(1) Thomas Carew(1) Henry Charles Carey(1) Richard Carlile(1) Thomas Carlyle(17) Sarah E. Carmichael(1) Lant Carpenter(1) Mary Carpenter(1) William Benjamin Carpenter(1) John Carr(1) of Utica. Marcus Porcius Cato(1) Catullus(1) A. W. Caughey(1) Richard Cecil(1) Charles Chabot(1) Anthelme Édouard Chaignet(1) Mrs. C. A. Chamberlain(1) Robert Chambers(2) Adelbert von Chamisso(1) Baron Francis Allston Channing(1) William Ellery Channing(11) William Ellery Channing(5) Emily Thornton Charles(1) Charterhouse School.(1) Thomas Chatterton(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(4) Ednah D. Cheney(1) Cheshire Pastoral Association. [from old catalog],(1) Robert Chester(1) Gabriello Chiabrera(1) Chicago relief and aid society. [from old catalog](1) Francis James Child(3) Lydia Maria Francis Child(4) Jesus Christ(1) N.Y.) Church of the Messiah (New York(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(6) Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon(2) James Freeman Clarke(2) Mary Cowden Clarke(1) Arthur Hugh Clough(2) England) Cobden Club (London(1) Richard Cobden(1) David Smith Coddington(1) Joseph Cohen(1) H. T. Colebrooke(1) Henry Nelson Coleridge(1) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(7) D. C. Colesworthy(1) William Collins(1) Colman(1) Vittoria Colonna(1) J. H. Colton(2) Andrew Combe(1) Concord(1) Ascanio Condivi(1) Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet(1) Moncure Daniel Conway(6) Russell Herman Conwell(1) George Willis Cooke(1) Mary Cooper(1) William Cooper(1) J. L. Barthelemi Cormon(1) Pierre Corneille(1) Thomas Corneille(2) S. S. Cornell(1) Barry Cornwall(1) Juliet Corson(1) Amos Simon Cottle(1) Fustel de Coulanges(1) Victor Cousin(5) William Cowper(4) Samuel Sullivan Cox(1) Dinah Maria Mulock Craik(1) George L. Craik(2) Christopher Pearse Cranch(1) Oliver Cromwell(1) Titus Fey Cronise(1) Ralph Cudworth(1) Asa Cummings(1) George William Curtis(2) Elbridge Jefferson Cutler(1) Baron Georges Cuvier(1) Caroline Healey Dall(3) Andrew Dalzel(1) George Webbe Dasent(1) John Davis(1) John Brazer Davis(1) Sir H. Davy(1) John William De Forest(1) Joseph-Marie de Gérando(3) Eugénie de Guérin(1) Charles DeKay(1) Richard Delafield(1) Demosthenes(1) Edward Nichols Dennys(1) René Descartes(1) Aubrey De Vere(2) Orville Dewey(1) Charles Dickens(1) John Bathurst Dickson(1) Kenelm Digby(1) Isaac D'Israeli(1) W. Howard Doane(1) Mary Mapes Dodge(1) Robert Dodsley(1) Gaetano Donizetti(1) John Donne(2) E. J. Donnell(1) John Aylmer Dorgan(1) Benjamin Dorr(1) A. J. Downing(2) Daniel Drake(1) William Drummond(1) John Dryden(1) N. G. (Nicolas Gouin) Dufief(2) Alexandre Dumas(1) S. A. Dunham(1) S. F. Dunlap(2) Larkin Dunton(1) Richard Duppa(1) E P Dutton(1) M. A Dwight(1) Amos Eaton(1) Georg Ebers(1) Johann Peter Eckermann(1) Maria Edgeworth(2) William Elder(1) Andrew. 1718-1778 Eliot(1) George Eliot(1) Samuel Eliot(2) George Edward Ellis(2) Havelock Ellis(1) George B. Emerson(3) Irving Emerson(1) Ralph Waldo Emerson(24) William Emerson(5) George Emery(1) England. - Bank of England. [Appendix.](1) Church of England(1) Epictetus(2) Desiderius Erasmus(1) Emile Erckmann(1) Thomas Erskine(1) Euclid(1) Euripides(1) F. W Evans(1) Sir. William David Evans(1) John Evelyn(3) William Glanville Evelyn(1) Charles Carroll Everett(1) Edward Everett(9) Horace Everett(1) Greville Ewing(1) Frederick William Faber(1) Harriet Farley(1) Eliza Farnham(1) Mrs. John Farrar(1) C. C. Fauriel(1) Edgar Fawcett(1) Theodore S. Fay(2) F.E. Feller(1) Owen Felltham(1) François Fénelon(4) Robert Ferguson(1) Woodbury M Fernald(1) Ludwig Feuerbach(1) Johann Gottlieb Fichte(1) James T. Fields(1) Sidney George Fisher(1) Florian(2) Felix Flügel(1) Eugénie Foa(1) Charles Follen(1) Jean de La Fontaine(1) Robert Bennet Forbes(1) John Ford(1) John Foster(1) P. E. Foucaux(1) Charles Fourier(1) Thomas Foxcroft(1) E. Foxton(1) W. J. Fox(1) Convers Francis(1) Mass Freemasons. Concord(1) Jean Froissart(1) Ephraim L. Frothingham(1) N.L. Frothingham(4) Octavius Brooks Frothingham(2) Richard Frothingham, Jr.(1) James Anthony Froude(2) Margaret Fuller(2) Richard Frederick Fuller(1) Thomas Fuller(1) William Henry Furness(6) Thomas H. Gallaudet(1) William C. Gannett(2) Edward Lacy Garbett(1) James T. Gardner(1) William Lloyd Garrison(1) Agénor de Gasparin, comte de Gasparin(4) Léon Gautier(1) Théophile Gautier(1) Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis(1) Thomas G. Gentry(1) Friedrich von Gentz(1) Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius(1) Edward Gibbon(2) Howard Worcester Gilbert(1) John Gilchrist(1) J. A. Giles(1) Thomas Hornblower Gill(1) Arthur Gilman(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(13) Oliver Goldsmith(2) Thomas Goodwin(1) Joseph Gostwick(1) John B. Gough(1) Thomas Ridgeway Gould(1) Alfred Perceval Graves(1) Kate Greenaway(1) Herman Friedrich Grimm(7) Benjamin Grosvenor(1) E. Norman Gunnison(1) Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte Guyon(1) Arnold Guyot(1) Paul Hadol(1) Hafiz(2) S. Miller Hageman(1) Richard Hakluyt(1) Edward Everett Hale(1) Henry Hallam(1) David Hall(1) Edward B. Hall(1) Eugene J. Hall(1) Alexander Hamilton(1) Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall(1) Henry Harbaugh(1) James Harris(1) James Albert Harrison(1) Bret Harte(1) John S. Hart(1) Harvard Advocate(1) William Soden Hastings(1) Benjamin Hathaway(1) Alice B. Haven(2) Frances Ridley Havergal(1) H. R. Haweis(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(8) Joseph Haydn(1) Benjamin Robert Haydon(1) D.R. Hay(1) John L. Hayes(1) Rowland Gibson Hazard(2) William Hazlitt(1) Charles Heavysege(2) Frederic Henry Hedge(6) A. H. L. Heeren(2) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1) Heinrich Heine(1) Arthur Helps(5) Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans(4) Sara Sophia Hennell(1) George H. Hepworth(1) George Herbert(2) Hermes(1) William Lewis Herndon(1) Herodotus(1) Robert Herrick(2) John F. W. Herschel(4) J. C. Heywood(2) Thomas Hill(1) Mass. [from old catalog] Hinsdale(1) James Hinton(1) Ethan Allen Hitchcock(1) George Frisbie Hoar(2) Noah Hobart(1) William Hobby(1) Edwin R. Hodgman(1) William Ballantyne Hodgson(1) Hoefer(1) Barbara Hofland(1) James Hogg(1) William Henry Holcombe(1) Frederic May Holland(1) J. G. Holland(1) Mrs. Robert Holland(1) Oliver Wendell Holmes(12) Homer(8) John Page Hopps(1) Horace(4) George Horne(1) Burr Griswold Hosmer(1) Arsène Houssaye(1) Julia Ward Howe(3) James Howell(1) William Dean Howells(3) Nathanael Howe(1) Mary Howitt(2) William Howitt(2) Jehiel Keeler Hoyt(1) Harlan Page Hubbard(1) Evariste-Regis Huc(1) H. R. Hudson(1) (1) Thomas Hughes(3) Alexander von Humboldt(3) Wilhelm von Humboldt(1) Leigh Hunt(2) Thomas Sterry Hunt(3) L. Hutchinson(1) Jean Ingelow(3) Alexander Ireland(1) Arnold Isler(1) Isócrates(1) Helen Hunt Jackson(4) James Jackson(1) Georg H Jahr(1) Henry James(1) Anna Brownell Jameson(1) `Abd al-Ra.hmān Jāmĭ(1) Jane(1) Kristofer Janson(1) James Jackson Jarves(1) Thomas A. Jenckes(2) Sarah Orne Jewett(1) Mary Jewry(1) Jīmūtavāhana(1) Bayle St. John(1) A. J. Johnson(1) Samuel Johnson(3) Charles Colcock Jones(1) (1) Jones Judson. [from old catalog](1) Julia Clinton Jones(1) Ben Jonson(2) Flavius Josephus(1) Sylvester Judd(1) Marcus Junianus Justinus(1) Juvenal(1) Kalidasa(2) Immanuel Kant(1) H. Kater(1) Peter Kaufmann(1) John Keats(1) John Keble(2) Johann Karl Ehrenfried Kegel(1) Hall J. Kelley(1) Edward Kellogg(1) Grace Kennedy(1) J. C. G. Kennedy(1) John Kenyon(1) John Bellenden Ker(1) Justinus Kerner(1) Henry Kett(1) John Keyes(1) Omar Khayyám(1) Edward King(1) Moses King(1) Charles Kingsley(2) Thomas Starr King(1) Andrew Kippis(1) Robert Knox(1) Charles V. Kraitsir(1) William E. F. Krause(1) Charles Lacretelle(1) Lamb(1) Charles Lamb(2) Walter Savage Landor(4) Langlé,(1) Laurent Laporte(1) Lucy Larcom(1) Dionysius Lardner(1) Madame de Lasteyrie(1) Richard Lathers(1) George Parsons Lathrop(1) Hugh Latimer(1) Auguste Laugel(1) Théophile Sébastien Lavallée(1) William Lawson(1) William Law(2) Emma Lazarus(2) Jean Le Clerc(1) Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee(1) Mrs. R. Lee(1) Robert Leighton(1) Rufus Leighton(1) William Leighton(4) pseud. Lamy. Antoine Le Maistre(1) Emmanuel Le Maout(1) John Lempriere(1) Anna Harriette Leonowens(1) Alain-René Le Sage(2) J.P. Lesley(1) J. Peter Lesley(1) Susan I Lesley(1) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing(1) F. P. Leverett(1) Library of Useful Knowledge.(1) Francis Lieber(2) Justus von Liebig(1) J. von Liebig(1) Lincoln Guard of Honor.(1) W. J. Linton(1) M.A. William, Linwood(1) Adam Littleton(1) Titus Livius(2) James T Lloyd(1) Samuel H. Lloyd(1) David Ross Locke(1) John Locke(4) Frederick Locker-Lampson(1) John Gibson Lockhart(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(12) Longus : Sophista(1) Margaret Lonsdale(1) w.w. lord(1) George Bailey Loring(1) Louis Léouzon Le Duc(1) Richard Lovelace(1) anna C. Lowell(1) James Russell Lowell(9) J R Lowell(1) Martha Perry Lowe(2) Nathanael Low(2) Lucian(1) Charles Lyell(1) George Lyttelton, Baron Lyttelton(1) Thomas Babington Macaulay(1) George MacDonald(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(2) Thomas MacKellar(1) James MacKintosh(2) James M. Macrum(1) David M. Main(1) Maine(1) Paul-Henri Mallet(1) Conrad Malte-Brun(1) Manfred(1) Mary Tyler Peabody Mann(1) Manu(1) Alessandro Manzoni(2) Mrs. Marcet(1) Francis Andrew March(1) Marcy(1) Auguste Mariette(1) Mrs. Markham(2) Christopher Marlowe(2) Jeannie S. Marsh(1) Martial(1) Harriet Martineau(6) James Martineau(1) Andrew Marvell(1) John Mason(1) Lowell Mason(1) Luther Whiting Mason(1) Massachusetts.,(3) Massachusetts Histori...(2) Gerald Massey(1) Philip Massinger(2) Cotton Mather(1) Jacques Matter(1) Frederick Denison Maurice(1) J. R. McCulloch(2) Florence McLandburgh(1) Henry M'Cormac(2) A. B. Meacham(1) Edwin D. Mead(1) Herman Melville(1) Pliny Merrick(1) Michelangelo(1) Jules Michelet(2) Robert Millar(1) Joaquin Miller(1) Philip Miller(1) John Stuart Mill(3) Henry Hart Milman(2) John Milton(6) S. Augustus Mitchell(1) O. M. Mitchel(1) F. Max Muller(2) Molière(1) Monday Club.(1) Augustus Mongredien(1) Elizabeth Robinson Montagu(1) Michel de Montaigne(2) Montesquieu(1) James Montgomery(1) jr. Joseph Moore(1) Thomas Moore(4) Lewis Henry Morgan(1) James Morison(1) John Hopkins Morison(1) William Morris(1) William Motherwell(1) Robert Mudie(1) Theodor Mundt(1) John Murray(2) British Museum(1) Erwin Nasse(1) M. Needham(1) Cornelius Nepos(1) Christian Ludwig Neuffer(1) New Hampshire.(1) Isaac Newton(1) Richard Newton(1) John Nichol(1) J. P. Nichol(1) Charles Nodier(1) Roden Noel(1) Andrews Norton(2) Charles Eliot Norton(3) Novalis(2) T. Nuttall(1) Sara Louisa Oberholtzer(1) E. B. O'Callaghan(1) Adam Oehlenschläger(1) William Ogilby(1) John Oldham(3) Margaret Oliphant(1) John Boyle O'Reilly(1) Hans Christian Orsted(1) David 1747-1822 Osgood(1) Harrison Gray Otis(1) Emil Otto(1) Ovid(1) Thomas Paine(1) William Paley(1) Francis Winthrop Palfrey(1) Sara Hammond Palfrey(1) Sarah Hammond Palfrey(2) Daniel Parker(1) John Henry Parker(1) Lizzie G. Parker(1) Theodore Parker(3) Thomas William Parsons(1) Blaise Pascal(1) Arnold Thomas Gottfried Passow(1) Coventry Patmore(6) Jean Paul(1) Jean Paul(1) John Payne(1) Elizabeth P. Peabody(3) Thomas Brower Peacock(1) Aaron G. Pease(1) Thomas Percy(1) John Perrin(1) Matthew Calbraith Perry(1) Henry Peterson(1) Emily Pfeiffer(1) Almira Lincoln Phelps(2) George S. Phillips(1) Henry Phillips(1) Wendell Phillips(1) Philo-Dicaios.(1) M.D. Charles PICKERING(1) Pindar(1) F. e G. Pineider, pub. [from old catalog](1) Edward Coote Pinkney(1) Plato(8) John Playfair(1) Plotinus(1) Plutarch(5) Robert Pollok(1) Alexander Pope(2) Samuel Pordage(1) Edward G. Porter(1) Beilby Porteus(1) John Potter(2) H. W. Preston(1) Thomas Prince(1) J. W. Probyn(2) Proclus(2) J. H. Pulte(1) E. B. Pusey(1) Samuel P. Putnam(1) Josiah Quincy(3) François Rabelais(1) W. R. S. Ralston(1) John Witt Randall(1) Richard Randolph(2) Robert Rantoul(1) Friedrich Rückert(1) Charles Reade(2) John Edmund Reade(1) L. U. Reavis(1) James Redpath(1) David Reed(1) 1800-1880 Sampson Reed(1) Sir G. H. Reid(1) Ernest Renan(1) James Rennie(1) Walter Rew(1) Allen Thorndike Rice(1) Harvey Rice(1) Richard(1) Samuel Richardson(1) Daniel Ricketson(1) Frederick W. Ricord(1) James Ridley(1) Ezra Ripley(1) George Ripley(1) Antiquary. Joseph Ritson(1) Chandler Robbins(1) Frederick William Robertson(1) H. Robinson(1) Henry Crabb Robinson(1) Nicholas Robinson(1) Edward Röer(1) James E. Thorold Rogers(1) Nathaniel Peabody Rogers(1) Peter Mark Roget(1) Charles Rollin(1) E. D. Root(1) George F. Root(1) Karl Rosenkranz(1) Alexander Milton Ross(2) Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1) Gioachino Rossini(1) Bernard Rölker(1) Rousseau(1) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(6) Samuel Royce(1) John Ruskin(9) Earl John Russell Russell(1) Lady Rachel Russell(1) Sadi(1) Thomas Sadler(1) Sadānanda Yogīndra.,(1) Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve(1) Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre(1) Francis de Sales(1) Joseph Salyards(1) William Sampson(1) G. W Samson(1) F. B. Sanborn(1) George Sand(6) Henry Shelton Sanford(1) Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski(1) Epes Sargent(1) Domingo Faustino Sarmiento(1) Lambert Sauveur(1) Sarah Savage(1) Una Savin(1) Jean-Baptiste Say(1) John Christian Schaad(1) Wilhelm Schickard(1) Friedrich Schiller(4) August Wilhelm von Schlegel(1) Friedrich Schlegel(1) Friedrich Schleiermacher(1) Carl Schurz(2) Jonathan Scott(1) Sir Walter Scott(7) William B. Scott(1) William Bell Scott(2) Henry Scougal(1) Eugène Scribe(1) Horace Elisha Scudder(1) Edmund H. Sears(3) Catharine Maria Sedgwick(3) Mrs. Charles Sedgwick(1) Sir John Robert Seeley(1) Louise Seidler(1) Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Younger(1) William Sewel(1) William Shakespeare(9) Lemuel Shattuck(1) Mary Shelley(1) Percy Bysshe Shelley(1) William Shepherd(1) Elizabeth Sara Sheppard(2) Mary Martha Sherwood(1) Joel Shew(1) Rush Rhees Shippen(1) John Langdon Sibley(1) Sir Philip Sidney(1) George Augustus Simcox(1) George Frederick Simmons(1) John Hawkins Simpson(1) Karl Simrock(1) Catherine Sinclair(1) L. Sitgreaves(1) Fellow of Sidney Sussex College Smedley, Cambridge. Edward,(1) Adam Smith(1) Gerrit Smith(1) James Elishama Smith(1) London of Harley St. SMITH, Writer on Shakspere.(1) Samuel Francis Smith(1) William Smith(2) W. A. Smith(1) WILLIAM SMITH(1) William Smyth(1) Denton Jaques Snider(1) Caleb H. Snow(1) George D'Oyly Snow(1) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)(1) Mary Somerville(1) Sophocles(3) Richard Soule(2) Robert Southey(1) Joseph Spence(1) Bella Zilfa Spencer(1) Herbert Spencer(1) William Spence(2) Edmund Spenser(1) Mrs. N. S. Sperry(1) A. Spiers(1) Spirit of the Blue Mountains(1) Charles Sprague(2) Mary Aplin Sprague(1) Madame de Staël(1) J. B. Stallo(1) Arthur Penrhyn Stanley(1) Thomas Stanley(1) State of Vermont(1) England) Stationers' Company (London(1) Charles. Stearns(1) Edmund Clarence Stedman(4) Anne Steele(1) Steifenland.(1) Sarah Wilberforce Stephen(1) John Sterling(3) Daniel Stern(1) Dugald Stewart(1) George Stewart(1) Albert Stickney(1) James Hutchison Stirling(4) Sir William Stirling-Maxwell(1) Charles Henry St. John(1) James Augustus St. John(1) Julius Adolph St�ockhardt(1) Charles Warren Stoddard(1) Richard Henry Stoddard(1) Thomas T. Stone(1) William Wetmore Story(1) Harriet Beecher Stowe(5) Hesba Stretton(1) Snorri Sturluson(2) Eugène Sue(1) William Sullivan(1) Charles Sumner(2) Henry Sutton(1) Emanuel Swedenborg(14) M. F. Sweetser(1) Samuel Swett(1) Algernon Charles Swinburne(1) Andrew James Symington(1) Tacitus(2) Hippolyte Taine(2) Robert Tannahill(1) Henry Schenck Tanner(1) Torquato Tasso(2) Ann Taylor(1) Bayard Taylor(5) Emily Taylor(1) Jane Taylor(1) Sir Henry Taylor(2) Thomas Taylor(1) Theodore. [from old catalog] Tebbets(1) Alfred Lord Tennyson(8) Terence(1) James E. Teschemacher(1) Diogenes Teufelsdroeckh(1) James Thacher(1) William Makepeace Thackeray(2) Joseph Thomas(1) James Thomson(2) J. Cockburn Thomson(1) Henry David Thoreau(7) John Wingate Thornton(1) Robert Thornton(1) B. Thorpe(1) Benjamin Thorpe(1) Thucydides(1) J. G. Tiarks(1) Thomas Henry Tibbles(1) George Ticknor(2) Mary Wilder Tileston(1) A. Toussenel(1) J. T. Trowbridge(2) H. Clay Trumbull(1) H. Trusta(2) Thomas Tryon(1) Frederick Goddard Tuckerman(1) Henry T. Tuckerman(1) John Tulloch(1) Edward Turner(1) Sharon Turner(1) Louisa C. Tuthill(1) Mark Twain(1) John Tyndall(3) Alexander Fraser Tytler(1) Lao Tzu(1) United States(6) unitedstates-10(2) United States(1) United States(3) United States.(1) United States (Treasury Department)(1) unitedstates-37(1) United States.,(1) United States Coast Survey(1) 1849-1852 United States Naval Astronomical Expedition(1) Harvard University(2) Thomas Cogswell Upham(2) David Urquhart(1) E. Vacherot(1) Giorgio Vasari(1) Henry Vaughan(1) Angelo Vergani(1) Robert Verity(1) Jones Very(1) Antonio Vieyra(1) Alfred de Vigny(1) Visvanatha Panchanana Bhattacharya.(1) Venier Voldo(1) John Henry Vosburg(1) George Waddington(1) Benjamin Wadsworth(1) John Walker(1) John Walker(1) William Sidney Walker(1) Edmund Waller(1) Horace Walpole(2) Izaak Walton(1) James Warner Ward(1) John Ward(1) Henry Ware(2) John Ware(1) William Ware(1) Anna Letitia Waring(1) Susan Warner(1) William Tucker Washburn(1) Giles Waterfield(1) WATTS Alaric Alfred.(1) Isaac Watts(2) John Watts(1) Francis Wayland(2) Daniel Webster(8) John Webster(1) Noah Webster(2) J. W. Weidemeyer(1) John Weiss(2) Ellwood Austin Welden(1) Theodore Dwight Weld(1) Anna Maria Wells(1) Charles William Wendte(1) Richard Whately(1) William W. Wheildon(2) Edwin P Whipple(3) Edwin Whitefield(1) Henry Kirke White(1) Walter Whiter(1) William Whiting(1) Walt Whitman(2) A. D. T. Whitney(1) Daniel Bodwell Whittier(1) John Greenleaf Whittier(4) Charles Wilkins(2) John H Wilkins(1) James John Garth Wilkinson(3) J Gardner Wilkinson(1) W. Williams(2) John Willison(1) Forceythe Willson(1) Alexander Stephen Wilson(1) H. H. Wilson(2) Horace Hayman Wilson(1) John Albert Wilson(1) Thomas Wilson(1) Johann Joachim Winckelmann(1) Catherine Winkworth(2) William. [from old catalog] Withington(1) John Woolman(1) Abba Goold Woolson(1) Joseph Emerson Worcester(1) Christopher Wordsworth(1) William Wordsworth(5) Sir Henry Wotton(1) Chauncey Wright(1) William Bull Wright(1) William Wycherley(1) Wyld(1) Thomas Bellows Wyman(1) Xenophon(1) Xenophon of Ephesis(1) Charlotte M. Yonge(2) Edward Livingston Youmans(1) Edward Young(1) Washington] [Irving(1) Paul] [Aler(1) K(1) Henry] [from old catalog] [Winsor(1) George W.] [from old catalog] [Mooney(1) H. D.] [from old catalog] [Sewall(1) Patrick Edward] [Dove(1) Forceythe] 1837-1867 [Willson(1) J. L.(1)