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The foundling Tom Jones is found on the property of a benevolent, wealthy landowner. Tom grows up to be a vigorous, kind-hearted young man, whose love of his neighbor's well-born daughter brings class friction to the fore. The presence of prostitution and promiscuity in Tom Jones caused a sensation at the time it was published, as such themes were uncommon. It is divided into 18 shorter books, and is considered one of the first English-language novels.
uncultured: Surprisingly easy to read 18th century novel, written as a series of letters. The characters (and letter writers) include a cranky old maid; her nephew, a hotheaded young aristocra; his sister, an innocent romantic; and their gruff uncle, a country squire with a heart of gold. They travel about England, with especial emphasis on Bath and London, allowing the author [a physician) to point out just how disgusting even the highest society could be. Part travelogue, part comedy, part bittersweet commentary on age and family. Easily the equal of Henry Fielding.… (plus d'informations)
•Ce roman et sa traduction sont très estimés en France. Il y eut un arrêt du conseil qui supprima la première édition (Londres, 1730) avec des circonstances désagréables pour l'auteur. » D. P.
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais.Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
To the Honourable George Lyttleton, Esq. One of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury
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Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais.Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
An author ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private or eleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which all persons are welcome for their money.
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And such is their condescension, their indulgence, and their beneficence to those below them, that there is not a neighbour, a tenant, or a servant, who doth not most gratefully bless the day when Mr. Jones was married to his Sophia.
The foundling Tom Jones is found on the property of a benevolent, wealthy landowner. Tom grows up to be a vigorous, kind-hearted young man, whose love of his neighbor's well-born daughter brings class friction to the fore. The presence of prostitution and promiscuity in Tom Jones caused a sensation at the time it was published, as such themes were uncommon. It is divided into 18 shorter books, and is considered one of the first English-language novels.
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