Photo de l'auteur

Laurence Sterne (1713–1768)

Auteur de La vie et les opinions de Tristram Shandy, gentilhomme

196+ oeuvres 11,573 utilisateurs 157 critiques 70 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

If Fielding showed that the novel (like the traditional epic or drama) could make the chaos of life coherent in art, Sterne only a few years later in The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1760--67) laughed away the notion of order. In Sterne's world, people are sealed off in their afficher plus own minds so that only in unpredictable moments of spontaneous feeling are they aware of another human being. Reviewers attacked the obscenity of Tristram's imagined autobiography as it was published (two volumes each in 1759, early 1761, late 1761, 1765, and one in 1767), particularly when the author revealed himself as a clergyman, but the presses teemed with imitations of this great literary hit of the 1760s. Through the mind of the eccentric hero, Sterne subverted accepted ideas on conception, birth, childhood, education, and the contemplation of maturity and death, so that Tristram's concerns touched his contemporaries and are still important. Since Tristram Shandy is patently a great and lasting comic work that yet seems, as E. M. Forster said, "ruled by the Great God Muddle," much recent criticism has centered on the question of its unity or lack of it; and its manipulation of time and of mental processes has been considered particularly relevant to the problems of fiction in our day. Sterne's Sentimental Journey (1768) has been immensely admired by some critics for its superb tonal balance of irony and sentiment. His Sermons of Mr. Yorick (1760) catches the spirit of its time by dramatically preaching benevolence and sympathy as superior to doctrine. Whether as Tristram or as Yorick, Sterne is probably the most memorably personal voice in eighteenth-century fiction. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins

Comprend les noms: Laurence Sterne, Lawrence STERNE, Laurence Sterne

Comprend aussi: Sterne (1)

Crédit image: From Wikipedia

Å’uvres de Laurence Sterne

La vie et les opinions de Tristram Shandy, gentilhomme (1759) — Auteur — 7,742 exemplaires, 115 critiques
Voyage sentimental à travers la France et l'Italie (1768) 1,758 exemplaires, 24 critiques
Tristram Shandy [Norton Critical Edition] (1980) 396 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Britannica Great Books: Swift and Sterne (1726) 286 exemplaires, 1 critique
A Sentimental Journey & Journal to Eliza (1975) 92 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Œuvres complètes (2010) 43 exemplaires
Le roman politique (1759) 26 exemplaires
The sermons of Mr. Yorick (1973) 22 exemplaires
The Journal to Eliza (2012) 8 exemplaires
Letters of Laurence Sterne (1935) 8 exemplaires
Laurence Sterne (Pocket Books) (2009) 5 exemplaires
Briefe und Dokumente (1985) 4 exemplaires
Torisutoramu Shandi 001 (1969) 3 exemplaires
Duygusal Bir Yolculuk (2015) 3 exemplaires
The novels of Laurence Sterne (1905) 2 exemplaires
Briefe (2018) 2 exemplaires
Sterne Laurence (Spanish Edition) (2001) 2 exemplaires
The Works of Sterne 1 exemplaire
Dario para Eliza 1 exemplaire
Tristram Sendi (2004) 1 exemplaire
Per Eliza. Diario e lettere (1981) 1 exemplaire
Un romanzo politico 1 exemplaire
Sterne's Sermons 1 exemplaire
Novels 1 exemplaire
SterneÕs novels 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Love Letters (1996) — Contributeur — 186 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Penguin Book of Irish Fiction (1999) — Contributeur — 152 exemplaires
The Norton Book of Travel (1987) — Contributeur — 112 exemplaires, 1 critique
Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story [2005 film] (2005) 64 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Lock and Key Library (Volume 7: Oldtime English) (1909) — Contributeur — 42 exemplaires, 1 critique
Pathetic Literature (2022) — Contributeur — 26 exemplaires, 1 critique
The World's Greatest Books Volume 08 Fiction (2004) — Contributeur — 24 exemplaires
Great English Short Stories (1930) — Contributeur — 19 exemplaires, 1 critique
Englische Essays aus drei Jahrhunderten (1980) — Contributeur — 10 exemplaires


Partage des connaissances

Nom canonique
Sterne, Laurence
Date de naissance
Date de décès
Lieu de sépulture
St. Michael's Churchyard, Coxwold, Yorkshire, England, UK (reinterred 1969)
St. George's Churchyard, Hanover Square, London, England, UK
Ireland (birth)
Lieu de naissance
Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland
Lieu du décès
London, England
Cause du décès
Lieux de résidence
Coxwold, North Yorkshire, England, UK
Jesus College, Cambridge University (BA|1737|MA|1740)
Anglican Cleric (Deacon, 1737|Priest, 1738)
Church of England
Courte biographie
Laurence Sterne was born in Clonmel, Ireland in 1713, son of an army ensign. During his first ten years the family moved from barracks to barracks. At the age of ten, Laurence went to school in Halifax and later went on to study divinity and classics at Jesus College, Cambridge. He was ordained into the Church of England as a deacon in 1737 after graduating that year. With the help of his uncle, Dr Jaques Sterne (Precentor of York), he began to make a moderately successful ecclesiastical career. He was ordained priest in 1738 and was granted the living of Sutton-on-the-Forest, to which he added six years later the living of Stillington. He married Elizabeth Lumley in 1741 and had a daughter, Lydia – the only one of his children to survive infancy.

Two of his sermons were published in 1747 and 1750, but the publication of a satirical pamphlet in 1759 displayed his talents as a writer.

The pamphlet, A Political Romance, was suppressed; but it gave Sterne the inspiration for a more ambitious work, and he contacted the London bookseller, Robert Dodsley with the draft of one volume of a work entitled The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. Unable to secure a guarantee of publication, Sterne revised the work and in 1759 printed and published the first two volumes of Tristram Shandy by paying for it himself and sending it to London.

Tristram Shandy was an immediate success. Sterne became famous virtually overnight and following the exhibition of his portrait painted by Joshua Reynolds became a celebrity within the first few months of the book's release.

Sterne had already published the first two volumes of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman when he came to Coxwold in 1760. He wrote the next seven volumes of Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy while living at Shandy Hall.

His friends celebrated his success as a writer by christening his new home ‘Shandy Hall', the word Shandy being a dialect word for ‘wild, nonsensical, merry or odd'.
Alterations to the house were made by Sterne including the building of a coach house, a cellar and a box-like two-storey brick façade at the west end.

He had been afflicted all his life with illness, and travelled for his health to France, where his wife and daughter took up residence. In the last years of his life he fell in love with Eliza Draper, and wrote A Journal to Eliza after she returned to India and her husband.

Laurence Sterne died in 1768, and was buried three times: once in the graveyard of St. George's, Hanover Square; again when he was recognized after having been disinterred for anatomists; and finally, when development took place at the London burial ground, his skull and a femur were taken to Coxwold and buried outside the church where he was once the preacher.



the life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy à Folio Society Devotees (Juin 2022)
Laurence Sterne - Resources and General Discussion à Literary Centennials (Janvier 2016)
Laurence Sterne - Tristram Shandy à Literary Centennials (Mars 2014)
Laurence Sterne - A Sentimental Journey à Literary Centennials (Décembre 2013)
Tristram Shandy: Books 7-9 à Group Reads - Literature (Février 2012)
Tristram Shandy, Books 4-6 à Group Reads - Literature (Août 2011)
Tristram Shandy: Books 1-3 à Group Reads - Literature (Août 2011)


Roman anglais du 18ème siècle, sommet de la littérature anglaise et pourtant fort peu connu en France, peut-être parce qu'il concurrence notre Rabelais national.

Je dis roman mais c'est un bien pauvre terme pour décrire cette œuvre de Laurence Sterne(1713-1768), pasteur irlandais, dont c'est le chef-d’œuvre, écrit entre 1759 et 1767, dans la lignée de Rabelais ou de Cervantès, qu'il cite régulièrement dans ses pages.
La traduction de Guy Jouvet, après celle de Charles Mauron en 1947, se veut fidèle à l'esprit d'origine du livre et reprend en particulier toute la typographie très surprenante, avec de nombreux tirets dans le texte, des étoiles, des pages blanches, des dessins (la structure du récit ou les moulinets de cane d'oncle Tobie), des onomatopées.

L'histoire est celle de Tristram Shandy et de sa famille. Mais le récit commence avant même la naissance du personnage principal (qui n'arrivera qu'après 1/3 du livre), dès sa conception. On y découvre la vie du manoir familial avec son père, sa mère, son oncle Tobbie, le pasteur Yorrick, le Dr Bran, les voisins, la servante Suzanne ou le valet Obadiah, le caporal l'Astiqué et tant d'autres. On y apprend pourquoi Tristram porte ce drôle de nom, pourquoi son nez est déformé et pourquoi c'est un si grand malheur,..

Laurence Sterne prend toutes les libertés qu'il souhaite avec le récit et sa forme: il retourne régulièrement en arrière retardant ainsi la progression de l'histoire; il insert des digressions ou des réflexions dans des argumentations, ou l'inverse, au risque parfois de perdre totalement le fil de l'histoire; il interpelle le lecteur ("Votre honneur") ou la lectrice("Madame"); il affirme sa position d'auteur qui décide de quoi il veut parler et comment ("Ouf! tous mes héros, à l'heure qu'il est, se débrouillent donc seuls [...] aussi m'en vais-je profiter de ce répit pour écrire ma préface" ); il laisse des chapitres vides qu'il complète plus tard; il place la préface au chapitre XX du volume III .

Les "opinions" de Tristram, qui sont le plus souvent mises dans la bouche de son père, abordent de nombreux thèmes : religion, histoire, géographie, philosophie, sexe, sociologie, guerre, avec les propres termes de l'auteur mais aussi en détournant et parodiant des textes d'auteurs contemporains, le tout avec beaucoup d'humour et d'ironie. On y trouve ainsi de nombreux passages inspirés de Locke, Epitécte, Bacon, Burton, Kant. Les commentaires du traducteur éclaire le lecteur sur toutes ces subtilités.
Sterne parle aussi régulièrement des "califourchons" (dada dans le langage sternien ou "hobby-horse" en VO) de ses héros, et en particulier de la passion de son oncle Tobbie pour la reconstitution, dans son jardin, de sièges militaires fameux, qui lui rappellent en outre sa propre carrière stoppée par un éclat de pierre à l'aine, et sujet de nombreux passages humoristiques.

Ces presque 1000 pages de littérature loufoque et débridée ne sont pas forcément faciles d'accès mais justifie largement l'effort à faire pour accéder à l'univers Shandéen.

De nombreux écrivains se sont inspirés des audaces littéraires et narratives de Sterne, parmi lesquels, Voltaire, Diderot , Hoffman, Balzac,James Joyce.
… (plus d'informations)
KersuFr | 114 autres critiques | Nov 19, 2019 |


AP Lit (1)
1750s (1)

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