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Modifié : Jan 9, 2017, 7:19 pm

My name is Mamie. 49. Mother of four. Happily married. I am an Indiana transplant currently residing in Georgia. I like to wax poetic about the pecan trees and complain about the heat. I miss winter. I believe in the power of kindness and shared laughter. I heartily embrace wine, snark, and shenanigans; I like to think of them as my posse.

This is my sixth year in the 75ers group. I will read almost anything (Um…NOT self-help), but I tend to lean towards crime fiction, space opera, and historical fiction. I have a soft spot for quirky characters and magical realism.
This group has greatly increased my reading of truth - I love memoirs, travel writing and narrative non-fiction. I am greatly looking forward to another reading year spent amidst the chaos of the 75.

Modifié : Jan 17, 2017, 9:15 am



snail's pace

Books Read in January:
1. Rivers of London: Volume 1: Body Work by Ben Aaronovitch, art by Lee Sullivan (3.75 stars), GN - police procedural, off my shelves
2. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John LeCarré (5 stars), paperback/audio combo, espionage, off my shelves
3. The Chisellers by Brendan O'Carroll (4 stars), library paperback, historical fiction/humor - series recommended by Nancy
4. The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner (5 stars), ebook, off my shelves - series recommended by Jenn
5. The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu (4.5 stars), ebook, short story collection, off my shelves - recommended by Mark
6. Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham (3.75 stars), ebook, off my shelves, police procedural - series recommended by Julia and Joe and Mary
7. Nutshell by Ian McEwan (5 stars), 2017 acquired audiobook, literary fiction - Katie's Dirty Dozen
8. Summer Knight by Jim Butcher (4 stars), audiobook, urban fantasy, off my shelves - Roberta said to keep going
9. The End of the Affair by Graham Greene (4 stars), audiobook, literary fiction, off my shelves

Modifié : Jan 9, 2017, 7:21 pm

I am planning on walking the cat this year. That is, I am just going to go where my reading takes me. I am not committing to any challenges except for Ellen’s Reread Challenge, which is a perfect match for me because every year I reread multiple books. I love to reread - it’s like getting together with old friends. I like the comfort of knowing where I am going and the surprise of discovering new truths in a familiar landscape.

So some thoughts I have:

It would be nice to read some of the hundreds of books I have sitting on my shelves - especially the authors that I have multiple standalone books by, such as Elmore Leonard, Philip K. Dick, and George Orwell

I want to keep going on some of the series I focused on this past year as well as some that I have neglected for a while: Harry Bosch, Harry Hole, Inspector Montalbano, Bruno Courrèges, Barsetshire, the Vorkosigan Saga, The Others, Sebastian St. Cyr, ...

I would like to eventually read all of the books mentioned in The English Patient, starting with The Histories by Herodotus

Modifié : Jan 11, 2017, 8:43 am

Usually I list my print and ebook purchases, but I thought it might be fun to follow my audiobook purchases instead this year. My husband always gets me the 24 credit Audible membership for Christmas, so…

1. Nutshell by Ian McEwan, narrated by Rory Kinnear, Katie's Dirty Dozen 2016

Modifié : Jan 9, 2017, 7:21 pm

Katie’s Dirty Dozen - That’s right, folks, KAK’s reserved spot is back for a third year, let’s see what she gets me with this time


Modifié : Jan 16, 2017, 10:39 am

Every year, LT is an embarrassment of riches for me. I like to keep track of who recommends what and any other pertinent info that lands a book on WL.

1. Winter by Christopher Nicholson - read Suz's review on her thread, it was one of her top reads from last year
2. News of the World by Paulette Jiles - because Mark said so!
3. The Return: Fathers, Sons, and Between by Hisham Matar - memoir -read Rhonda's review on her thread
4. Those Who Hunt the Night by Barbara Hambly - read Roni's blurb on her thread about this series
5. Knots and Crosses by Ian Rankin - series recommended by Deborah - read her review of the third book on her thread
6. Read This Next by Sandra Newman - Joe says this is delightful
7. The Inquisitor's Tale, Or, The Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog by Adam Gidwitz - read Anne's review on her thread
8. A World of Love by Elizabeth Bowen - read Meg's review on her thread
9. Under Another Sky by Charlotte Higgins - read Susan's review on her thread, and she said that she heard about it on Jennifer's (inge87) thread
10. He Wants by Alison Moore - read Nancy's review on her thread
11. A Robot in the Garden by Deborah Install - read Caro's review on her thread
12. Full Dark House by Christopher Fowler - read Robin's review of the 13th book in this series
13. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro - read Faith's review on her thread
14. Moonglow by Michael Chabon - Charlotte talking about reading this on her thread has made me add it to the list, and I was really trying not to...
15. The Assault by Henry Mulisch - read Anita's review on her thread

Jan 9, 2017, 7:18 pm

This should do it - next one's yours!

Modifié : Jan 9, 2017, 7:23 pm

Happy New Thread, Mamie! Good timing, huh? Boo to the LT cold! We have to stop having such close contact.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:25 pm

Thank you, Mark! You are first, my friend!! I am trying to ditch the cold, but so far no such luck.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:28 pm

Mamie! Hi. It's in the teens here in PA. Going to warm up as the week progresses. Despite the cold, we've got two or three robins toddling about the yard. Stay warm.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:29 pm

Hello, Bill! No worries about staying warm - it's going to 64 here tomorrow, and then 70s the rest of the week. I guess winter was just here for the weekend. Heh.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:38 pm

Wow, thread 3!! Congratulations (but could you slow down a bit? It's very hard to keep up :))

Jan 9, 2017, 7:39 pm

Thank you, Reba! I will try to slow it down a bit.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:40 pm

One of my rare audio blunders, I did not have the entire audio of The Drunken Botanist downloaded from Audible. I was missing the 3rd part. Fortunately it was only 2 hours. The good thing is, I started Victoria: A novel of a young queen and I am really enjoying it. I do not know a lot about Vic, so this hopefully gives me a little insight, in novel form.

I did grab the last part of Drunken Botanist too. Smiles...

Jan 9, 2017, 7:42 pm

Happy New Thread, Mamie. I dropped off some wine at the end of your last thread.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:43 pm

Oh, no, Mark! At least you have it now. I also do not know a lot about Victoria, so I will be awaiting your thoughts.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:43 pm

>15 ronincats: Thank you, Roni! And thanks for the wine! And the soup!

Jan 9, 2017, 7:46 pm

Thanks for keeping my spot Mamie. Loving all the shenanigans in your previous thread.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:49 pm

Hope your cold stays as just a cold and leaves you very quickly!
Happy new thread!

Jan 9, 2017, 7:52 pm

Happy new thread! I hope you feel better soon. My best remedy is curling up in the recliner with a book, a dog, and a cup of tea.

Jan 9, 2017, 7:52 pm

No worries, Roberta - you always have a reserved seat here. And yes - hooray for shenanigans. NOW it's a New Year!

Jan 9, 2017, 7:54 pm

>19 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle - me, too!

>20 cbl_tn: Thank you, Carrie! Sounds like a sure fire remedy - I hardly ever drink tea, but when I am feeling under the weather it hits the spot.

Jan 9, 2017, 8:08 pm

Thread #3?!?! Really?!?!

I guess I should just be grateful you haven't forgotten about the little people like me...

Jan 9, 2017, 8:09 pm

Haha, Katie! I would never forget about you. *makes a note to ask the butler about this Katie person*

Jan 9, 2017, 8:19 pm

*takes her reserved seat for shenanigans*

Jan 9, 2017, 8:24 pm

Ooooo, shenanigans!

Jan 9, 2017, 8:24 pm

Happy new thread, Mamie. Love the toppers.

Jan 9, 2017, 8:27 pm

>24 Crazymamie: Just kidding, Katie - let me make it up to you:

There's even a purple napkin!

Jan 9, 2017, 8:28 pm

>25 Morphidae: Well, come on in, Morphy!

>26 drneutron: Our fearless leader! Come in, Jim! Never too early for shenanigans.

>27 BLBera: Thank you, Beth! So glad you love the toppers!

Jan 9, 2017, 8:29 pm

>28 Crazymamie: *pulls some shenanigans* Pssst, royal blue napkin.

Jan 9, 2017, 8:31 pm

>28 Crazymamie: - LOVE! And you remembered purple is my favorite :-)

Jan 9, 2017, 8:34 pm

>30 Morphidae: Nope. It's purple. I used to always argue about colors with my oldest sister, and then I found out she was color blind.

>31 katiekrug: Of course I did - you are always a VIP in this joint!

Jan 9, 2017, 8:37 pm

Happy new thread, Mom. Hope I'm not catching your cold. I have been on LT a lot. . .

Jan 9, 2017, 8:37 pm

Thank you, Birdy! Oh, dear! Another victim...

Jan 9, 2017, 8:44 pm

>32 Crazymamie: LOL, I am NOT color blind. Sheesh.

Jan 9, 2017, 8:53 pm


Jan 9, 2017, 9:14 pm

Definitely purple! I want to try some Pimm's.

Jan 9, 2017, 9:26 pm

>37 ronincats: Yep. me, too, with the Pimm's, Roni - I have never had it.

Jan 9, 2017, 9:58 pm

Y'all just need to come visit me!

Jan 9, 2017, 10:00 pm


Jan 9, 2017, 10:50 pm

*still recovering from all those strippers obiedient slaves from your last thread*

Happy new thread, nice to see some clothes on this one ;)
And some pimms.

Jan 10, 2017, 12:12 am

Another new thread, Mamie? No wonder I can't keep up!

Jan 10, 2017, 1:58 am

Hi Mamie, happy Tuesday! Over 50 posts in the last thread and already 42 in this one since yesterday... I better take a seat before #4 is up tomorrow or so. :)

Get better soon!

Jan 10, 2017, 4:05 am

Welcome to the three thread club, Mamie. I reckon at this pace you're going to leave me in the dust shortly. The wheezy boy that just couldn't keep up. xx

Jan 10, 2017, 4:31 am

Happy new thread, Mamie! I managed to catch up on the 70 posts over last night and this morning while I was on the bus :-)

Jan 10, 2017, 5:30 am

Happy new thread Mamie! #3? I think I must have blinked and missed your second thread :-)

Jan 10, 2017, 6:42 am

Happy new thread, Mamie!

Jan 10, 2017, 7:45 am

Good morning, Mom. Hope you are feeling better soon. At least it's not Monday anymore, right?

Jan 10, 2017, 8:11 am

I thought I was caught up as I scrolled to the end of the other thread AND THEN THERE WAS A BRAND NEW ONE WITH 50 MESSAGES ALREADY. Ahhh!!! LOL. Hope you're feeling a bit better today. ^_^

Jan 10, 2017, 8:23 am

>28 Crazymamie: Pimms and a cosy chair, I could do with some of that!

Jan 10, 2017, 8:39 am

I promise to behave on this new thread, and I hope you're beginning to feel a bit better.

Jan 10, 2017, 9:34 am

Wow! alot of activity on your new thread while I slept. Anywhooo, happy new thread, Mamie!!

Jan 10, 2017, 10:01 am

What Lynda said, Mamie. Happy New Thread!

I just started an ER book called Lola by Melissa Scrivner Love, set among LA gangs, and so far it's very good.

Jan 10, 2017, 11:22 am

Morning Mamie! Hope you are feeling better.

Jan 10, 2017, 12:58 pm

Good morning, Mamie! Happy new thread.

>1 Crazymamie: That. Is. Indeed. Awesome!

Jan 10, 2017, 12:59 pm

I had to run errands today, which I was not looking forward to since my head still feels like it weighs about 50 pounds, BUT I made it to the vet for Bailey's med refill, and I did not have to wait in line. I went to the market, it was not crowded, and they had everything I wanted. I filled up the gas tank, and I was able to pull straight out of the lot - that has never happened before, there is always traffic. Then I stopped by the library to return some books, and they had just gotten in two holds for me. Whoop! And now I am done. I plan to sit on the deck and read this afternoon - bright, sunny, and 53F currently, but it's going to 64F. A good day for decking. Stuffed peppers with toasted bread for dinner.

On the reading front, I finished up Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham yesterday. This is the first book in the Fiona Griffiths series, recommended by Julia and Joe, and I liked it a lot. Review coming soonish. And I finally started Nutshell, which unfortunately had to go back today, so I used one of my Audible credits because after listening to the sample, I loved the narrator - it's narrated by Rory Kinnear.

What did I get from the library?

The Game of Kings by Dorothy Dunnett - I am excited to start this series that Lucy really loved last year

Going After Cacciato by Tim O'Brien - this book was mentioned in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, and I loved The Things They Carried, so I thought I would check it out.

Jan 10, 2017, 1:02 pm

I am jealous of your deck sitting today! Mine is snow covered :-(

Jan 10, 2017, 1:04 pm

>41 LovingLit: Yes, well, there might have been some shenanigans going on last evening, Megan. And thank you! Help yourself to some Pimm's - but not Katie's! We'll get you your own.

>42 Familyhistorian: Yep, Meg. Things should start to slow down soon.

>43 Deern: Thank you, Nathalie! I think you should have plenty of time to get comfortable here, so yes, please do take a seat. And thank you for those good wishes.

>44 PaulCranswick: Thanks, Paul! Very doubtful that I'll leave you in the dust, but I do predict that Amber and Mark will blow past us at some point. I look forward to eating their dust. Hope you are feeling better today. xx

>45 susanj67: Thank you, Susan! I am thrilled to be your bus entertainment!

Jan 10, 2017, 1:08 pm

I love Dorothy Dunnett and need to get back to her. I can't even remember where I am in either of her series, so I suspect I would need to start from scratch. Annoying, but she's a fabulous writer so it's not that big a burden!

It sounds like all your errands went incredibly smoothly, so hooray for that.

Jan 10, 2017, 1:08 pm

>46 souloftherose: Thanks, Heather! You can always scroll back over and scan for photos. The end of the thread is mostly shenanigans.

>47 scaifea: Thank you, Amber!

>48 thearlybirdy: Morning, Birdy! SO true about the backside of Monday. And thanks for those good wishes.

>49 dk_phoenix: Sorry, Faith, although it wasn't completely my fault - I had a lot of help. I do think that I at least have a bit more energy today - of course, that could be the drugs. Ha!

>50 eclecticdodo: Coming right up, Jo! Welcome to my thread!

Jan 10, 2017, 1:12 pm

>51 lunacat: Now, Jenny, let's not get completely carried away. A little mischief is always a goof thing. And thanks for those good thoughts.

>52 Carmenere: While you were sleeping, Lynda! LOL! And thank you.

>53 jnwelch: You, too, Joe?! And thank you! I have not heard of that one, so I'll await your thoughts.

>54 msf59: Morning, Mark! Thank you - feel about the same, but my drugs are working, so that's a good thing.

>55 brodiew2: Morning, Brodie! Thank you! SO happy you like the topper!

Jan 10, 2017, 1:15 pm

>57 ChelleBearss: Too bad you and Chloe can't come over and hang out for a bit, Chelle. Truth be told, I am jealous of your snow.

>59 lunacat: I have not read her before, Jenny, but they sounded so good in Lucy's reviews. Maybe you'll get back to her this year, and we can compare notes.

Yep. The errands went better than I dared to hope for, so I am thankful and not planning on pushing my luck by leaving the house again.

Jan 10, 2017, 1:17 pm

>62 Crazymamie: Can we trade? Some warm weather would nice about now!
Nate and I were planning on taking a Caribbean vacation this winter but then the Zika virus took over the world so we can't risk it with the babe in the oven. Perhaps next winter

Jan 10, 2017, 1:24 pm

Sounds like your day is going surprisingly well, Mamie. Good!

Madame MBH and I always remind ourselves to appreciate it when that happens, because the usual of course is bumps and hassles and stumbles and adjustments, just by the nature of things. We just reminded ourselves that way after the uncharacteristically smooth drive to and from Ann Arbor for the holidays.

I'm looking forward to your reaction to Going After Cacciato. I thought The Things They Carried was terrific, and I've thought about reading GAC about a million times.

Jan 10, 2017, 1:36 pm

>63 ChelleBearss: Oh! I would LOVE to trade! And smart of you to reschedule the vacation. Something to look forward to next year.

>64 jnwelch: It is, Joe! I like how you and Madame MBH think - I try to do that, too. Life is short - it's important to be thankful for small moments.

I am feeling like I want to jump right into the O'Brien book, so I think I'm going to do just that. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you about it.

Jan 10, 2017, 2:03 pm

>56 Crazymamie: You have my sympathy for the cold, Mamie, but not for the afternoon sitting on the deck. I am home with a cold too but if I go outside I have to slip and slide through an icy parking lot.

Jan 10, 2017, 2:26 pm

Oh dear, I thought I'm much behind. Luckily to know that you started the new thread today, Mamie. Happy new one.

Jan 10, 2017, 5:33 pm

>66 Familyhistorian: I have to admit that the deck was lovely - nothing like sitting in the sun that is not too hot when you are feeling the need to recharge your inner batteries. The head cold I could do without.

>67 Ameise1: But you are good to go now, Barbara. And thank you!

Jan 10, 2017, 7:43 pm

Oh no! You have " the cold " too! I think it's spreading via LT! Ah, I'd love a nice afternoon on a deck, but here it is supposed to get colder overnight. And there is a bit of snow and ice on my deck.

Jan 10, 2017, 9:22 pm

>60 Crazymamie: The end of the thread is mostly shenanigans.

I hope you have that on a Text Expander shortcut, Mamie. I think it will come in handy more than once this year. ;-)

Jan 11, 2017, 6:34 am

Glad/impressed how much you managed to get done despite being under the weather.

>70 rosalita: Ha!

Jan 11, 2017, 6:42 am

Morning, Mamie! Yay for errands going so smoothly - I love it when that happens!

Jan 11, 2017, 7:29 am

Definitely looking forward to what you have to say about Going after Cacciato. I read it and liked but didn't love it. I think I might have given it a bit of short shrift though, I seem to remember not really having time to pick it up at the beginning so the reading experience was a little fractured.

Jan 11, 2017, 8:29 am

Morning, Y'all! Starting today, we're back into the 70s for the week. Laundry and some household chores to do, but what I really want is to get my steps in today. But first, coffee.

On the reading front, I have almost finished Nutshell by Ian McEwan - I'll listen to the last little bit on my walk this morning. I finished it last night, but I was sleeping. Heh. Craig came in and woke me up, so now I'll have to backtrack and figure out what I remember last listening to. Katie and Ellen were right - this one is really good, and I am loving it on audio.

I also started Get Shorty by Elmore Leonard. Those of you who have been following my thread for awhile know that I have big love for Mr. Leonard. I started collecting his books in the trade paperbacks that I love a few years ago, so I have a lovely stack of them on the bedroom bookshelf. But Get Shorty happens to be one of the few that I have in ebook form because I picked it up as a Kindle deal. Anyway, Leonard is on my list up top of authors that I want to make sure to read this year as I have multiple standalone books by him.

And also Going After Cacciato by Tim O'Brien, which I mentioned yesterday had just come in for me at the library. I really loved O'Brien's The Things They Carried, and this one was mentioned in How to Read Literature Like a Professor. The parts mentioned in there seemed so familiar, and I know I haven't read the book before, but I am thinking that I read an excerpt from it in one of the kid's English courses, so we'll see if I am right about that. Anyway, just a few chapters in, but I am liking it so far.

Jan 11, 2017, 8:34 am

Your thread is so hard to keep up with when you have a busy schedule. Hope you are feeling a bit better.

Jan 11, 2017, 8:38 am

>69 vancouverdeb: OH, Deborah, you poor baby! Sorry that you have caught The Cold, too. And sounds like no decking for you at the moment - I think the ice and snow would be a deterrent. I am planning on sitting out there again today, so I will send you some warm thoughts. And I do have to say thanks so much for mentioning that Stash's Christmas Tea - I bought a box of it for Craig, and he is loving it. I also really like it even though I am not much of a tea drinker. Which other ones do you like?

>70 rosalita: Ha! I like how you think, Julia! I hope I need that on a Text Expander shortcut!

>71 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte. I did nap in the after noon after reading a bit in my library book out on the deck and before making the stuffed peppers for dinner. Which were very good, by the way.

That Julia is a card, isn't she?!

>72 scaifea: Morning, Amber! I also love when that happens - so awesome!

>73 ursula: Morning, Ursula! I'll be very interested to compare thoughts on it. I do think it is one that would suffer from not reading it all at once - so many characters and it is layered with that quality of not knowing what is reality and what is illusion. It's hooked me already.

Jan 11, 2017, 8:40 am

>75 thornton37814: Morning, Lori! Thanks for keeping up with me. I do think I feel a bit better today - not so heavy headed, if you know what I mean.

Jan 11, 2017, 8:50 am

Hi Mamie! Glad you're feeling a bit better. Today was Punjabi day in the canteen so I'm in an onion bhaji coma, which I hope ends by 3.30 when I have a meeting. Your errands yesterday worked out well!

Jan 11, 2017, 8:53 am

Hello, Susan! And thank you. Punjabi day!! Most exciting, but I am sorry to hear about the coma. Crossing my fingers for you about it being gone by the meeting time. The errands yesterday were such a stroke of luck - not planning on risking it by going out again today. Heh.

Jan 11, 2017, 10:16 am

79 posts went by in a flash! Stopping in to say good morning and to commend you on your most excellent topper! Love that!

Jan 11, 2017, 10:18 am

Good morning, Marianne! And thank you - so happy you love the topper!

Jan 11, 2017, 11:11 am

Morning Mamie! I LOVE your current reads. I might try to bookhorn in Nutshell, into my audio rotation. Everyone seems to love that one. I was crazy about Get Shorty too and the film version was spot-on.

I believe I have the O'Brien book in the stacks.

Jan 11, 2017, 11:16 am

Morning, Mark! I finished Nutshell on my walk this morning, and I LOVED it - 5 stars from me! Rory Kinnear does a fabulous job with the narration, so definitely do the audio. Believe it or not, I have not yet seen the film Get Shorty, so I will remedy that after I finish reading the novel.

I am hoping to read a chunk in the O'Brien today.

Modifié : Jan 11, 2017, 12:09 pm

Book #6: Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham (3.75 stars), ebook, off my shelves, police procedural - series recommended by Julia and Joe

So this is the book I mentioned when I said that Julia and Joe were discussing this series (over on Joe's thread, I am thinking), and it sounded good, so I looked up the first one on Amazon, only to realize that I already had it in the stacks. It was offered for free on Kindle back in November. It's a contemporary murder mystery set in Wales, and featuring Detective Constable Fiona Griffiths, a very unusual person who we will slowly discover has suffered a traumatic past. Fiona is smart and spunky and resourceful but does not follow directions well. She is outspoken and tends to think on her feet, not always to her best advantage. The writing here is good, and so is the pacing. For that I could put up with a few holes in the plot and a bit of unevenness with the storyline. I will definitely read the next one.

Book #7: Nutshell by Ian McEwan (5 stars), 2017 acquired audiobook, literary fiction - Katie's Dirty Dozen

This. Is. Brilliant. I really loved this small novel narrated by a fetus. It's a retelling of Hamlet, but you do not have to be familiar with the play to appreciate the story here. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Witty, Irreverent. Full of snark and humor. I listened to the audiobook narrated by Rory Kinnear, who is a perfect match for the story. Just so well done. Highly recommended. Well, what are you waiting for? This was a Katie's Dirty Dozen from last year's batch, so thank you, Katie!!

Jan 11, 2017, 12:10 pm

>84 Crazymamie: - You're welcome!

Jan 11, 2017, 12:14 pm

>84 Crazymamie: and it sounded good, so I looked up the first one on Amazon

That's my girl!

Jan 11, 2017, 12:16 pm

Good morning, Mamie! I hope all is well.

>74 Crazymamie: Get Shorty! I loved the book first and the film is also one of my favorites.

Jan 11, 2017, 12:38 pm

>85 katiekrug: *grin*

>86 susanj67: Ha! I do try to start at the beginning, Susan.

>87 brodiew2: Morning, Brodie! All is well. I am loving Get Shorty so far - nobody does dialogue like Leonard. And I am looking forward to the film.

Jan 11, 2017, 12:46 pm

What?! You've never seen the film? *shakes off stunned reaction*

Jan 11, 2017, 1:00 pm

Nope. Not yet.

Jan 11, 2017, 1:31 pm

Love that description of Talking to the Dead, Mamie. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thumbed by moi.

I'm already reading what must be the 4th in the series, This Thing of Darkness. Fiona's a blast, isn't she?

You've come closer to persuading me on Nutshell than anyone. I've never felt I matched up well with McEwan, but maybe I'll give him another go at some point.

Jan 11, 2017, 1:42 pm

Good day, Mom. Another two books down? Nice!

Jan 11, 2017, 2:19 pm

>91 jnwelch: A thumb?! For me?! *does happy dance* Why thank you, kindly, Joe! I really want to just go straight into book two, but I'm trying to make myself wait. I really should finish up the ones I have started first. And yes, Fiona's a blast - and I loved that at the end of the book the author stated that although he is unsure how many books are in the series, we will learn who Fiona's parents are and what her traumatic past is. Good enough for me because I hate when you don't get resolution at some point.

Nutshell was my first McEwan, so I don't know how it compares with his others. I though it was snarky and fun and clever.

>92 thearlybirdy: Good day, Birdy. I am just chugging along, aren't I?

Jan 11, 2017, 6:12 pm

>84 Crazymamie: I've been hearing good things about that book! The Ian McEwan one, that is. Strange, as it is apparently very odd, too! Narrated by a foetus, and all :)

Jan 11, 2017, 7:46 pm

Hmmm- like Joe, me and Ian McEwan have never done well together. I've tried Atonement - not for me, and The Children Act - not too bad. The idea of a book narrated by a fetus - hmm , I'm not sure.

Jan 11, 2017, 9:37 pm

Hi Mamie, Happy no longer new thread!

Mary recommended Talking to the Dead to me probably years ago now and I really do need to get to it! I also recently moved Going After Cacciato to a read soon stack. I'll be interested in your thoughts!

Jan 11, 2017, 10:16 pm

I just got Nutshell from the library.

Jan 11, 2017, 11:18 pm

>84 Crazymamie: Seven books already! Way to go Crazy!! And nice job, Katie. ; )

Jan 12, 2017, 8:18 am

>94 LovingLit: It is definitely a unique perspective, Megan, and not everyone will like the snarky wine-savvy fetus, but it worked for me.

>95 vancouverdeb: I'm sure it's not for everyone, Deborah. I have not read anything else by the author, but I do have Atonement in the stacks.

>96 Copperskye: Hello, Joanne! And thank you. Now you have me wondering if Mary mentioned the Kindle deal on her thread, which is why I picked it up in the first place. Because when Julia and Joe were talking about it, and then I looked, it was already on my Kindle and I had picked it up for free. I'm going to check my notes from last year and see. I am liking Going After Cacciato - I'm about 100 pages in.

>97 BLBera: Hooray, Beth! Can't wait to see what you think of it.

>98 Berly: Thank you, Kim!

Jan 12, 2017, 8:24 am

Oy! I'd be happy to trade anyone a cold for this persistent migraine...anyone?

Jan 12, 2017, 8:31 am

Morning Mamie! Sweet Thursday! I am off today and it looks like a good day, to curl up with the books. Sounds like a plan, eh?

Glad Going After Cacciato is working for you. I may be enticed to relocate it to the Must Read Now Shelf.

Jan 12, 2017, 8:35 am

Okay, so I'm back, and I checked my notes from last year to see if maybe I picked up the first Fiona Griffiths book because Mary had mentioned them on her thread, and nothing, BUT then I went back to Mary's thread from November of last year to see if she mentioned it there, and she did! SO, I picked up the first book in the series for free because Mary tipped us off, and that is also where Julia heard about them. Then, when Julia and Joe were discussing the series, it sounded like something I would like...

Here's Mary's blurb from November 18, 2016: "I like mysteries, and a couple of years ago discovered a series that was new to me. Talking to the Dead is the first in the Fiona Griffiths series, and I loved it! It's set in Wales, featuring a female protagonist with a different take on things, and so far I've enjoyed all five books in the series very much. Anyway, the author - Harry Bingham - is offering ebook downloads of the first 3 novels in the series for free."

Now why oh why did I not pick up books two and three for free when I had the chance?!! I will mention that Amazon has the fifth book available as a Kindle Countdown Deal for just $.99 right now - offer expires in 1 day 14 hours or something like that. And I guess it's being made into a tv series!

Jan 12, 2017, 8:37 am

>100 dragonaria: But thanks for the offer, Kimberly. I definitely do not want the migraine. Hoping you get rid of it soon.

>101 msf59: Morning, Mark! Sweet Thursday! Hooray for a day off, and your plan sounds perfect. I'll be sure to share my thoughts when I have finished the O'Brien book.

Jan 12, 2017, 9:10 am

Morning Mamie. I have heard all the warbling about the Fiona Griffiths series - particularly on Joe's thread. You finally pushed me to put it on my tbr list and it is at my library! Just what I need, another series (I just noticed the series button on my library yesterday and it is at 450! *sigh*)

Good for you for getting in the steps. I was sick the last three days and stayed home from work so my daily steps are abysmal. Back to work today, I better go out and defrost the car soon - when I do I will picture you on your deck reading and dream of our deep freeze being over some day.

Jan 12, 2017, 9:13 am

Morning, Meg! Oh, good - hoping you like it. I love me a good series, so I never hesitate to add a new one, even though I know I can never get to them all.

I only got half of my steps in yesterday - the arthritis in my knee is acting up currently, so I settled for some steps instead of trying to push it. I'll try again today.

I love that you will picture me on my deck reading - I am honored! Hoping today is a good one for you and that you continue to feel better and better.

Jan 12, 2017, 9:19 am

Last night Rae and I started watching The Witnesses - it's a noir type police procedural. Subtitles because it is in French, but this is really good so far - we watched the first two episodes, and I can't wait to get back to it. Anyone else watched this? We always come to things late, so this is a few years old. Of course, there is just one season, which means I will probably love it. All the shows I love seem to only get one season. *sigh*

Jan 12, 2017, 9:23 am

Yeah! more love for Nutshell! Such an original work, don't you thing? I gave it 4.5 stars but could have easily slipped it to a 5!
Have a wonderful day!!

Jan 12, 2017, 9:25 am

Hello, Lynda! Yes, I agree - very original. I think it would have gotten 4.5 stars if I had read it in print - the audio narration elevated it to 5 for me. Hoping your day is also full of wonder!

Jan 12, 2017, 9:57 am

Morning, Mamie!

Jan 12, 2017, 10:05 am

Happy Thursday, Mamie! You are tempting me with that Fiona Griffiths series...

Jan 12, 2017, 10:10 am

>109 scaifea: Morning, Amber!

>110 katiekrug: Happy Thursday, Katie! I hope you do pick up the first Fiona; I would love to know what you think of it.

Jan 12, 2017, 10:16 am

Nutshell is now in my Nano. I am still looking for the O'Brien. I swear I had it somewhere...puts on miner's helmet and trudges on...

Jan 12, 2017, 10:28 am

I see on Amazon you can get the 5-book series for $22....

Jan 12, 2017, 10:36 am

>112 msf59: I think you will really like it, Mark, so hurry up and get to it. Good luck with locating the O'Brien!

>113 katiekrug: I am dying to jump right into the next book, Katie. But I am trying to be good. We all know how that usually works out. *runs off to Amazon*

Jan 12, 2017, 10:41 am

Morning Mamie! Hope you are feeling better today!

Jan 12, 2017, 10:42 am

Morning, Chelle. I am definitely on the mend.

Jan 12, 2017, 11:11 am

Howdy Mamie! This is my work week where my shifts are 2 on 1 off through next week so not much reading being done, but I'm trying to sneak in my North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. Have you read or listened? It's narrated by Juliet Stevenson. It's absolutely lovely. Why I have not read anything by Gaskell, I have no idea?

Jan 12, 2017, 11:46 am

Howdy, Roberta! I have not read or listened to North and South, but I adore Juliet Stevenson. I'll await your final thoughts before adding it to the list, but I am betting it will end up there.

Jan 12, 2017, 11:51 am

Nope, was underwhelmed by Nutshell. I'm rather jealous of the mac she's wearing in >102 Crazymamie: though. That looks nice and warm...

Jan 12, 2017, 11:57 am

I love that we all have differing opinions abut books, Charlotte. Keeps things interesting. Her mac does look warm - it would cause heat exhaustion if you wore that in Georgia.

Jan 12, 2017, 12:00 pm

Sweet Thursday, Mamie!

Fun to hear about the roots with Mary of the Fiona Griffiths enjoyment. I would've loved to have snapped up the first three for free - but at least I picked up the 5th for .99, thanks to your tip.

>93 Crazymamie: Totally agree re your Fiona spoiler point. We readers need resolution on that.

>106 Crazymamie: I've never heard of the French "Witnesses" series, but I'm making note. I'm loving the Italian Montalbano series, also with subtitles, so I could see trying this one, too.

Jan 12, 2017, 12:28 pm

Sweet Thursday, Joe! I should have trusted Mary and snapped up the first three, but at least I picked up the first one for free and the latest one for just $.99. And I did end up just going back to Amazon and getting the others while they were still reasonably priced. So now I'm all set. And yes, I love a slowly unfolding mystery or backstory, but I want to know that at some point it will be resolved.

Hoping you do check out Witnesses - we watched it on Netflix, and it was so good. I can't wait for Rae to get home from work so we can see what happens next. I am going to at least do the seven day free trail of the MHZ Choice to check out the Montalbanos - I've been wanting to see those for years. Since Caro first brought them up, as she was taking them on long flights with her, I didn't even know about them before that. Gotta LOVE LT!

Jan 12, 2017, 12:46 pm

Morning, Mamie! I hope all is well with you.

Jan 12, 2017, 12:46 pm

Morning, Brodie! All is well. How are you doing?

Modifié : Jan 12, 2017, 1:26 pm

Better. At 63% on The Atlantis Gene and 68% on Just Mercy. I have not started another audio since completing Darktown last week. I'm waiting for Ready Player One to come to the library.

It's been a tough parenting season and it has worn me down a bit. But it's on the upswing.

>106 Crazymamie: I love the promo image. I have not seen it, but will have to check it out.

Jan 12, 2017, 1:26 pm

>120 Crazymamie: That is a relief Mamie. It may seem silly, given that I read murder mysteries, but I just couldn't cope with the mother drinking. I tried to get past it, but each time it was mentioned, I was turned off...

Jan 12, 2017, 1:29 pm

The hardest part about parenting, I think, is being consistent. Glad to hear you are on the upswing.

Looks like you're making good progress on the reading front - I love when you get to the 70% mark! It's all downhill from there, and I start getting giddy about what I will read next.

Jan 12, 2017, 1:35 pm

>125 brodiew2: Hoping you do check it out, Brodie!

>126 charl08: I didn't like the mother drinking when she was pregnant, either, and I never would do that, but women do. And smoke. I could just let that go because it was fiction, and I thought the point was that she wasn't a good mother - her focus was only on her needs. It was a clever way to place "a fly on the wall", so to speak, and have the narrator be present when they thought no one was listening.

Jan 12, 2017, 1:38 pm

I thought the mother drinking was exactly right for the story because she was so selfish and patently uninterested in being a mother. So while it was uncomfortable to read about, it made perfect sense to me.

Jan 12, 2017, 1:40 pm

Yep. Me, too, Katie. And I think it was supposed to make us uncomfortable.

Jan 12, 2017, 1:57 pm

Good afternoon! Looks like things are rolling in Mamie's thread.

Jan 12, 2017, 2:00 pm

Good afternoon, Jim! I try to keep things moving along, but I am not always successful.

Jan 12, 2017, 2:25 pm

>130 Crazymamie: Oh, I like that reading: so by feeling it as wrong and unsettling, I might have been getting the book?!

Jan 12, 2017, 2:29 pm


Jan 12, 2017, 4:41 pm

>84 Crazymamie: nice reviewing, Mamie! I may join Joe on Nutshell -- and giver Ian McEwan another try!

Modifié : Jan 12, 2017, 5:26 pm

Thank you, Marianne! I hope you do give Nutshell a try.

*edited to fix the touchstone

Jan 12, 2017, 5:42 pm

>106 Crazymamie: I loved that series! If you don't mind TV series with subtitles, I think you might also like Dicte. I wasn't sure about it at first, but it grew on me after a couple of episodes. Paranoid is a fairly recent Netflix original series I enjoyed even though there are a few things I found annoying about it.

Is Going After Cacciato the Odyssey book? I made a mental note to read that one, and I'm looking forward to your thoughts after you've finished it.

Jan 12, 2017, 6:23 pm

I don't mind subtitles, Carrie. I will check out both of those that you mention, so thanks for that.

Going After Cacciato is the Alice in Wonderland/ Sacajawea reference in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, if that's what you're referring to. Maybe you're thinking of Omeros by Derek Walcott?

Jan 12, 2017, 6:34 pm

>138 Crazymamie: I was thinking there was a Viet Nam novel that he compared to the Odyssey.

Jan 12, 2017, 8:09 pm

Maybe I'm not there yet.

Jan 13, 2017, 1:59 am

>126 charl08: >128 Crazymamie: Yeah, there are mothers like that. I can remember many years back, when I was pregnant with my one and only, I was talking to this woman who had just had a baby. She said that when she went into labour she didn't know if she was having a baby or just had a really bad hang over - and she wasn't kidding. I was stunned at that the time and couldn't fathom how she could be blasse about something like that. So, yeah, there are mothers like that.

Jan 13, 2017, 2:48 am

It's Friday!!!

Jan 13, 2017, 8:38 am

>141 Familyhistorian: Meg, that is a sad story. There are all kinds of mothers - this I know.

>142 Berly: Yes! Hooray for Friday, Kim!!

Modifié : Jan 13, 2017, 9:05 am

Happy Friday, Mamie!

Going After Cacciato is the Alice in Wonderland/ Sacajawea reference in How to Read Literature Like a Professor That sure is one strange combination. Would it be too spoilerish to explain what the reference in Foster's book is about?

Jan 13, 2017, 9:36 am

Morning, Joe! Happy Friday! I don't think it would be too spoilerish, but I'll put it in the spoiler thing just in case. In the early chapters of the book, while they are following after Cacciato, the group falls down a hole (the land gives way beneath them) and into one of the underground tunnels - this is the Alice in Wonderland part, and events here become surreal. One of the characters they meet on their journey, and who falls down the hole with them is a young girl named Sarkin Aung Wan, and she is the Sacajawea character because she will lead them on their quest.

Jan 13, 2017, 9:37 am

Good morning, Mom. Happy Friday.

Jan 13, 2017, 9:38 am

Morning, Birdy! Happy Friday to you!

Jan 13, 2017, 10:07 am

Morning, Mamie!

Jan 13, 2017, 10:07 am

Morning, Amber!

Jan 13, 2017, 1:02 pm

Those of you who remember my desk project last year will appreciate that I have finally conquered the desk. I can't make any promises as to how long it will last, but as usual, I have very high hopes.

Jan 13, 2017, 1:10 pm

Nice! Especially the signboards. :)

Jan 13, 2017, 1:13 pm

Thank you, Jim. The sign boards are gifts from my sister.

Jan 13, 2017, 1:14 pm

A penguin flask! Very nice desk too.

Jan 13, 2017, 1:17 pm

Lovely! Love all the basket thingies too, and of course, the piles of books!

Jan 13, 2017, 1:21 pm

Nice photo, Mamie! If you need motivation to keep it conquered, we could just demand to see a new photo every month...

Jan 13, 2017, 1:22 pm

>150 Crazymamie: - Looking good!

I saw this on Facebook and thought of you:

Jan 13, 2017, 1:23 pm

>153 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte! The Penguin flask is one of my favorite things.

>154 ronincats: Thanks, Roni! The basket thingys are actually practical - the ones hanging by my computer hold large and small envelopes, and the ones hanging over the shredder hold things that need to be shredded (shredder freaks the kitties out, so I don't shred if they are napping in the bedroom) and extra printer ink. The books are the ones I have out from the library. Thanks so much for getting me to finally just finish the project already.

Jan 13, 2017, 1:26 pm

>155 susanj67: Thank you, Susan. And good thinking!

>156 katiekrug: Thanks, Katie. And I LOVE that!

Jan 13, 2017, 2:52 pm

>156 katiekrug: LOVE it, Katie.

Happy Friday, Mamie.

The desk is impressive. Do you work for others? Mine is quite a disaster.

Modifié : Jan 13, 2017, 3:29 pm

>150 Crazymamie: OOOooooOoooooh, so clean and neat!

Not enough books though.

(And the wine. Where's the wine?)

Jan 13, 2017, 3:39 pm

Great job on the desk. Wish mine looked that put-together.

Jan 13, 2017, 3:53 pm

>150 Crazymamie: Are those genuine Longaberger baskets? They look very familiar to me. :-)

Jan 13, 2017, 5:06 pm

>159 BLBera: Happy Friday, Beth! Thank you - I'm guessing if you thought about how long it took me to get the job done, you would withdraw your offer. Ha!

>160 Morphidae: Thanks, Morphy! Laughing about the not enough books - there are actually ten library books sitting there on the desk. The wine, of course, is in the glass - in my hand!

>161 RebaRelishesReading: Thank you, Reba! It took me a good long while to get it there.

>162 rosalita: Good eye, Julia! Yep. Those are Longaberger baskets.

Jan 13, 2017, 5:28 pm

Book #8: Summer Knight by Jim Butcher (4 stars), audiobook, urban fantasy, off my shelves - Roberta said to keep going

Okay. SO Roberta was right. This fourth entry in the Harry Dresden books is a step up - not so angsty, and Harry lets others help him with a minimum of whining. I love the audiobooks narrated by James Marsters (Spike to those of you who followed Buffy), who does a fabulous job.

Jan 13, 2017, 6:15 pm

Oh, lovely desk! Well done, lady!

Jan 13, 2017, 6:22 pm

>150 Crazymamie: I LOVE the desk! I love those book stacks. Is this where you do your LT perusing?

Happy Friday, Mamie! I am glad to be home in the warm & cozy Man-Cave!

Jan 13, 2017, 6:29 pm

>165 scaifea: Why, thank you kindly, Amber!

>166 msf59: Thanks, Mark! And yep - that is where I am sitting right now. Happy Friday to you, my friend. Glad you are home safe and sound!

Jan 13, 2017, 6:39 pm

>164 Crazymamie: Go, Roberta! She's always right, isn't she?

>145 Crazymamie: Thanks! That makes sense, and now I'm more intrigued by GAC.

Jan 13, 2017, 6:43 pm

Yep. She knows her stuff. And you are welcome, Joe!

Jan 13, 2017, 6:50 pm

What are the 2 stacks? Things you are reading? Getting ready to read or just shelving? We NEED to know these things.

Jan 13, 2017, 6:58 pm

All caught up now. *pant, wheeze*

Hope you're feeling better. I am in love with North Carolina today. 68 degrees, light breeze, partly cloudy. My kind of weather. All I needed was my soon to be porch for it to be perfect. :)

Jan 13, 2017, 7:08 pm

>150 Crazymamie: Your desk looks wonderful! Now, if your stack of library books were just facing us so I could read the titles, it would be perfect!

Jan 13, 2017, 7:13 pm

>170 msf59: The books I have out from the library, Mark.

>171 nittnut: Thanks for catching up with me, Jenn! Glad you got a good weather day. It was warmer than that here - mid 70s. And yes, you need that porch!

>171 nittnut: Thanks, Diana! I'll post a pic of them tomorrow for you.

Jan 13, 2017, 7:18 pm

Keeping those library books in sight is always a good thing. If you move them somehwhere else...fuhgeddaboudit!

Jan 13, 2017, 7:36 pm


Jan 13, 2017, 11:59 pm

>150 Crazymamie: You look so organized, Mamie. Good to take a photo too. Hopefully it will inspire you to keep it that way.

Jan 14, 2017, 1:40 am

>150 Crazymamie: Looking good girl!!! I just got through organizing my desk at work after all the mold remediation and it made me so happy!!! Whoohoo!!

>156 katiekrug: LOL It's my lucky day!

Jan 14, 2017, 8:36 am

>176 Familyhistorian: Remember, Meg - looks can be deceiving. Ha! I am getting there with the organization, and you are so right - maintaining it will be the hard part.

>177 Berly: Thank you, Kim! I need to do that to the entire house one corner at a time because clearing the clutter is so rewarding. It feel relaxing just looking at my desk now, knowing it is ready and waiting for me without me having to clear a space first.

Jan 14, 2017, 8:42 am

I am not sure why, Mamie, but the desk doesn't come up on my computer.

Whilst I go back and look again.......have a lovely weekend.

Jan 14, 2017, 8:59 am

Last night we were treated to a gorgeous full moon and a heaven full of bright clear stars just begging to be gazed at. Exactly the right amount of crispness in the air, and Orion shining down on us in all of his why weren't we on the deck with our blankets and wine glasses, taking it all in? I wanted to be. Unfortunately, a few houses down they were burning fallen tree limbs and yard waste, so the air was clogged with that smoke smell. Such a bummer. I am hoping tonight will be clear again and we can snag some time with the stars and a not quite full moon.

Instead, Rae and I finished watching Witnesses - there are just six episodes of the show in total, as it only got one season, but they did a really good job with it. A full storyline with resolution at the end. Highly recommended if you like police procedurals and don't mind subtitles.

On the reading front, I started listening to The End of the Affair by Graham Greene, which is narrated by the delectable Colin Firth (his Darcy makes me swoon). His narration feels exactly right for the book - very good so far. I also started (in print) a new release that I heard about on Jennifer's (inge87) thread - The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. I just opened the book and fell right in. This is a fractured Russian fairytale, and I LOVE how the author begins her fairytale with the telling of an old fairytale - perfect. Now all I need is the snow and the cold winter air to completely immerse myself - this is definitely a good one for those of you who are feeling trapped by the season.

Jan 14, 2017, 9:00 am

Happy Saturday, Mamie!

Jan 14, 2017, 9:02 am

>179 PaulCranswick: Hmmm...that's odd, Paul, because I loaded it into my junk drawer here on LT and then posted it from there. Thanks for those weekend wishes, BTW.

Jan 14, 2017, 9:03 am

>181 cbl_tn: Happy Saturday, Carrie!

Jan 14, 2017, 9:06 am

Morning, Mom. Are you ready to cheer for the Falcons?

Jan 14, 2017, 9:09 am

Morning, Birdy. Your Falcons are playing the Seahawks, which I also love, so I will cheer that the team who plays the best game today will win. But I do love to watch Devonta Freeman!

Jan 14, 2017, 9:10 am

Happy Saturday, Mamie! Bummer the neighbors polluted your air space on such a beautiful night :0(
Your desk looks mahvalous! Is this the spot where you LT?

Jan 14, 2017, 9:12 am

Morning, Lynda! Happy Saturday! It was a total bummer - such a waste of a lovely evening. And thank you - yes, I do most of my LTing there. I do have a laptop, but I have to be very careful about being on it too much as it irritates my carpal tunnel.

Jan 14, 2017, 10:10 am

Morning Mamie! That sucks that you couldn't sit outside and stargaze last night! The moon was lovely and quite low, but too cold to sit outside here anyway. I admired it from my car on the way home

Jan 14, 2017, 10:18 am

Morning, Mamie! I love the idea of Colin Firth reading to me - I may have to track that one down...

Jan 14, 2017, 10:20 am

Morning Mamie! Happy Saturday!

Jan 14, 2017, 10:21 am

Morning, Chelle! It was a total bummer. It was such a clear night, and the moon and the stars were so pretty.

Jan 14, 2017, 10:23 am

>189 scaifea: Morning, Amber! You need to track it down - he's a perfect match for the story, and his voice in your ear....need i say more? I think not.

>190 msf59: Morning, Mark! Happy Saturday!

Jan 14, 2017, 10:34 am

Our moon was completely covered by clouds last night so no view for us. The night before was gorgeous, though.

Jan 14, 2017, 10:40 am

Oh, that's a shame, Jim. I'm hoping that we get clear skies again tonight, as I think the neighbor is done with the burning.

Jan 14, 2017, 10:44 am

Oh yeah, I started the audio of Nutshell. Sooooooo good.

This narrator reminds me of Mr. Gaiman.

Jan 14, 2017, 10:45 am

Told ya! I knew you'd love it - a perfect fit for the story.

Jan 14, 2017, 11:21 am

Happy Saturday, Mamie!

Jan 14, 2017, 11:24 am

>191 Crazymamie: I hate it when that happens. Especially as I'm asthmatic and smoke drives my lungs NUTS. Sorry your plans didn't turn out as, um, planned. Maybe tonight they'll be done and you'll be able to get fresh air.

(There outta be a law!)

Jan 14, 2017, 11:46 am

So, Mamie, we were at the mall to see Hidden Figures yesterday (SUCH a good movie!) and I found this for you in the Charlotte Russe window. Only a virtual one, but still...

Jan 14, 2017, 11:47 am

>197 jnwelch: Happy Saturday, Joe!

>198 Morphidae: Morning, Morphy! It wasn't really a plan, but it would have been a lovely indulgence. The smoke thing was annoying because they burned ALL day and into the night, so we had to keep the windows closed and then lose a lovely evening that could have been spent on the deck. There is no smoke smell today, so I am hopeful.

Jan 14, 2017, 11:47 am

>199 ronincats: Oh, Roni! I WANT! That is so full of fabulous!

Jan 14, 2017, 11:58 am

>180 Crazymamie: What a beautiful photo!! So sad you weren't able to sit outside and enjoy it. I never could understand the joy of campfires because to me smoke isn't a pleasant thing to inhale. Hope it's gone tonight and the moon is still there.

Jan 14, 2017, 12:01 pm

>202 ronincats: Thanks, Roni. I think maybe those shoulders are too young for me, but ti would be lovely on one of my girls.

>203 RebaRelishesReading: I just snagged it off the internet, Reba, but it is pretty, isn't it? I don't do well with smoke, either - it gives me a killer headache. Me, too with the hoping!

Jan 14, 2017, 12:49 pm

Gorgeous moon picture. Hope for a clear night for you all.

I think the idea of Colin Firth reading Greene is a perfect match. I will look for it. I have been listening to a *whisper it* abridged, serialised version of Knausgaard's first memoir on the radio. The narrator is an actor I admire a lot - but kind of the opposite of Firth's accent.

Jan 14, 2017, 1:11 pm

I love it, too, Charlotte - stunning. And thanks for those good thoughts.

Oh, I do hope you find the Firth narration. I rarely do abridged, but I would totally do it with that one. Ha! I have been tempted by the abridged version of The Snow Leopard because it has Peter Matthiessen reading it himself, and I like how the voice and the memoir fit together. I think I will probably use an Audible credit for it, and then follow along with the print version so I can just stop the audio and read the parts that have been left out. That way I get the whole thing but also Matthiessen narrating his own thoughts.

Jan 14, 2017, 3:04 pm

>150 Crazymamie: Love the desk! We moved offices about a year ago, and were downsizing, so I had to do a massive purge. I am proud to say that my desk remains neat - unbelievably - but I do have a drawer that is accumulating a stack of documents that is going to need to be dealt with soon! :)

Jan 14, 2017, 3:26 pm

>150 Crazymamie: is that a thermos on the top left shelf? That is decked out like a penguin book? So cool :)

>180 Crazymamie: we had an incredible evening here last night, with some gorgeous yellow low light at dusk. It had been windy and overcast all day, and then the sun came out demo under the clouds near the horizon, and everything went yellow and orange. It was amazing, it reminded me of the solar eclipse I saw in Cornwall.
I hope you get your moon viewing next month!

Jan 14, 2017, 6:50 pm

>207 lalbro: Glad you love the desk, Liz! And get on that drawer sooner rather than later - just make yourself file one thing each day, and it will be taken care of before you know it.

>208 LovingLit: Yep. It's this one:

That sounds like a night full of fabulous, Megan. Tonight it is clear and beautiful again, so we are going to sit on the deck with our wine and gaze at the stars and the moon directly after dinner.

Jan 14, 2017, 7:07 pm

Mamie. You have raised a child who is a Falcons fan. How is this possible? ;-)

Lovely desk. I'll give you two months to sustain it.

Roni saw "Hidden Figures" last night and we're going to see it tonight. I'll check in later (Monday, probably, since tomorrow is Skagit Valley, bald eagles, and Bread Farm day) to confirm her opinion.

Jan 14, 2017, 7:15 pm

>150 Crazymamie: Brava on the desk organization!

>180 Crazymamie: The Moon was gorgeous last night! Boo for the neighbors! We once made a point to get up in the middle of the night to catch what was supposed to be a spectacular meteor shower. The neighbors chose that night to leave on their extremely bright halogen out door lights. Couldn't make out a thing. Ugh!

>209 Crazymamie: Ha! I see what you did there! Because you take your thermos On the Road!!!!

Jan 15, 2017, 3:11 am

Stopping by to say hi! Fabulous thermos! I am jealous! :)

Jan 15, 2017, 9:06 am

>150 Crazymamie: I do remember the desk organisation project - well done! Happy Sunday Mamie! I hope you enjoyed moon and star gazing last night.

Jan 15, 2017, 9:11 am

Morning Mamie! Happy Sunday! Hope you have a nice day planned.

Love that thermos!!

Jan 15, 2017, 9:34 am

Happy Sunday, Mamie!

Please tell me you will NOT be rooting for the Cowboys this afternoon.....

Jan 15, 2017, 10:10 am

Morning, Mamie!

Jan 15, 2017, 11:09 am

Good morning, Mamie!

>209 Crazymamie: Nice! I was a nut about On the Road when I was a youngster.

Jan 15, 2017, 1:12 pm

Happy Sunday Mamie.

>164 Crazymamie: & >168 jnwelch: thank you kindly!

>156 katiekrug: LOVE!

Jan 15, 2017, 4:03 pm

I did get to sit on the deck last night, pretty much out of sheer stubbornness - directly after dinner clouds moved in to obscure those lovely stars. So I sat with my blanket, glass of wine and audiobook and enjoyed the evening air which in the winter is free of bugs. This is when all decks in the Deep South should be used - at night in winter. It was delightful, and as if to reward me for my patience, after two hours the clouds moved along, and the stars winked out at me in all their glory. And I even had company - after the first hour, Craig came out to join me and he brought me a refill for my wine. Bliss!

On the reading front, I am almost finished listening to The End of the Affair which is sad and melancholy and contains a lot of internal dialogue, but which is also perfectly narrated by Colin Firth. I am liking it, although I don't now if I would be enjoying it if it were the print version - Firth's voice and his inflections elevate it, I think.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:13 pm

>210 EBT1002: Ellen! Lovely to see you! I know, right, about the Falcons?! It's funny because each of them has their own favorite team - I guess if nothing else, I at least taught them to choose for themselves.

Your supreme confidence in me concerning my desk made me laugh! Hopefully I can maintain it for 21 days - isn't the what they say it takes to form a habit?

I am really wanting to see Hidden Figures, but I will wait for it to be released for home viewing - it doesn't look like one I need to see in the theater to appreciate.

Your plans sound stellar - especially the bit about the Bread Farm! Yum.

>211 michigantrumpet: Thank you, Marianne! And total bummer about missing the meteor shower - much worse than my missing sitting under the stars and full moon. I love star gazing here because when we lived in Indiana, we could not see many stars from our property - too many really tall trees.

Yep. you got it, but actually I would have bought any Penguin thermos - I just love that Penguin stuff.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:31 pm

>212 vancouverdeb: Hello, Deborah! Thanks for stopping in, and glad you love the thermos.

>213 souloftherose: Thank you, Heather! And Happy Sunday to you! I did indeed have a lovely evening on the deck.

>214 msf59: Afternoon, Mark! Happy Sunday! No plans today except the watching of football. Hooray for all the thermos love.

>215 katiekrug: Happy Sunday, Katie! No worries about me rooting for the Cowboys - I have a soft spot for the Packers.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:33 pm

Happy Sunday Mamie! Going waaaaaaaaayyyy back to your first thread, I loved the cookie and milk conversation. For me, milk needs to be ice cold when I drink it, so we keep a couple of glass tumblers in the freezer so I can pour the milk into a chilled glass. As for the Biscoff cookies, those are the cookies that are offered on Westjet flights that I take when I fly between Victoria and Calgary. Those are good cookies!

Cats and bird watching do seem to go hand in hand. ;-) I love the story of how the two new kittens joined the household. Love the pics of Mayhem and Mischief! Sorry to read that you have developed a cold. Colds suck. Hope you are feeling better already and if not, then really soon.

... Oh, and I see you have managed to get in some reading time, too. Making note of the 5 star rating for Nutshell.

>150 Crazymamie: - Great job on conquering your desk! I won't tell you what my desk looks like right now....

All caught up. For now.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:33 pm

>219 Crazymamie: That sounds lovely! I long for days warm enough to sit outside and relax!

Jan 15, 2017, 4:38 pm

>216 scaifea: Afternoon, Amber!

>217 jnwelch: Good Afternoon, Joe! Glad you like the thermos! I have On the Road in print form and on audio - Will Patton narrates it, and he is very good.

>218 luvamystery65: Happy Sunday, Roberta! You are most welcome. I loved Katie's sign, too! A classic is born!

Jan 15, 2017, 4:44 pm

>220 Crazymamie: Sorry, dear, it's 28 days.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:47 pm

>222 lkernagh: Hello, Lori! So lovely to see you here! Bonus points to you for catching all the way up - very impressive. The milk and cookie conversation took on a life of it's own, didn't it?! I adore Biscoff cookies.

Mayhem and Mischief have added a high level of entertainment to our household, and I love when I find them hanging out with Mercy and watching the birds that she loves so much.

My cold is slowly, ever so slowly going away. I did not develop the terrible cough that Craig had, so I cannot complain.

The reading is going really well for me this month, and I am pleased that I haven't had any losers yet. I really loved Nutshell, so hoping you like it when/if you get to it.

The desk makes me smile big- so nice to be able to sit down and not feel immediately overwhelmed by paperwork and mail.

Thanks ever so much for taking the time to catch up with me and to post your thoughts. May your coming week be filled with fabulous!

>223 ChelleBearss: We do have a heater thingy for the deck, but we didn't need it. Just a blanket and the wine. And it was so relaxing. I need to do that more often. It's currently 74F here, so I am guessing the temp would be good for you.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:47 pm

>225 Morphidae: Is this like the snake info, Morphy?

Jan 15, 2017, 4:52 pm

I am almost tempted by that McEwan. He is a writer I have never warmed to. Is this one of the Shakespeare do-overs like Hag-Seeed? So far they've all been good, I hear. I've got Hag-Seed but the only one I've read is the one that Anne Tyler did, forget the title, but it was riffing off of The Taming of the Shrew and was very entertaining.

Jan 15, 2017, 4:57 pm

>227 Crazymamie: Huh, looks like you were right.

And, no, I wasn't trying to pull a snake trivia on you.

This time.

Jan 15, 2017, 5:01 pm

>226 Crazymamie: I had to google what 74f would be and that is right in my comfort zone! That would be a midsummer evening temperature for us! Even more jealous now! Our temps are hovering around -1c (30f) which is warm for our winter but still too cold for my liking! (not sure if I used enough !!!!! )

Modifié : Jan 15, 2017, 5:08 pm

Your desk is lovely. That chair looks super comfy, too. I have an old library table that I use as a desk. I should jazz it up a bit so that I will actually use it more often. The best thing about it is that it is in an upstairs window that looks out over the driveway so I can keep an eye on what's up in the neighborhood. Otherwise, I have to depend on Lucky's barking to let me know when a car pulls in, etc.

It's too cold and rainy here for deck-sitting. We do have a few days in the 60s coming up next week. I may try and blanket and a warm drink and my current audio book, Hidden Figures. I get some great ideas from you, Mamie. Thanks!

ETA: So glad you didn't develop The Cough. Mind is getting better…finally.

Jan 15, 2017, 6:05 pm

>228 sibylline: Lucy, as far as I know it is not part of the Hogarth Shakespeare project, but it s definitely a retelling of Hamlet - it's very well done. I have not read anything else by him, so I don't know how it compares to his other stuff. I know the book you are talking about Vinegar Girl - I liked that one, too.

>229 Morphidae: Right. I'm keeping my eye on you, Morphy. I know you have a heart for shenanigans!

>230 ChelleBearss: Yep - it does not feel like winter to this Indiana girl. We're supposed to be mid to high 70s all next week.

>231 Donna828: Thank you, Donna! I love the chair - very comfy and fits nicely with the desk. Our entire bedroom wall behind the desk is windows - it's where the photos of the cats were taken. It looks out over the pecan grove behind us, so the view is full of beauty.

We have rain moving in late in the week, so I will have to take advantage of the deck in the next few days. Oh, do let me know if you manage the deck with the audiobook and warm things. I am hoping to do it again tonight.

I was thankful to avoid the cough, too, as Craig has had his forever. Glad to hear that yours is on the mend.

Jan 15, 2017, 6:52 pm

Hi Mamie! Thanks for posting the picture of your desk, now I can picture you there chatting to all of us Lters. I am currently working on sorting my books but after that, I definitely need to spend some time tidying my desk area - it's practically a condemned property!

Jan 15, 2017, 6:52 pm

Hmm...I may try the McEwan. He and I have an up-and-down relationship...

Your desk! Lovely! Keep up the good work.

You're not finding it a bit too warm for this time of year? I could wish for about 10 or 15 degrees cooler. But it's better than the 20's we had here a bit ago.

Have a wonderful week, Mamie, full of books and fun

Jan 15, 2017, 8:11 pm

>233 DeltaQueen50: Hello, Judy! I am sitting there right now. I still have a few stacks of books that could use some sorting, but that is a much funner project than cleaning and organizing my desk. Now I just have to be sure to maintain it. Wishing you good luck with yours!

>234 Matke: It seems like a lot of LTers agree with you, Gail - I have Atonement in the stacks, so that will probably be the next one I tackle by him.

Thank you - I shall endeavor to keep it looking that way.

YES! It is definitely too warm for this time of year - this is NOT winter. I think you should at least have to put on socks and long sleeves to even come close to qualifying. I would much prefer low 50s temps. I am just trying to make the best of what is on offer, but I am missing winter big time.

Thanks for those good wishes - wishing for you a week full of fabulous.

Modifié : Jan 15, 2017, 9:43 pm

>232 Crazymamie: *hand over heart* Moi? Well, I never!

Most of the time.


More often than not.


Jan 15, 2017, 10:11 pm

Jan 16, 2017, 6:57 am

Morning, Mamie! Your deck time sounds surreal right now, but lovely...

Jan 16, 2017, 9:12 am

Morning, Mamie! That deck time does sound awfully good right now.

Happy MLK Day! Good day to be reminded of some important principles that got a bit trampled on in the election.

Jan 16, 2017, 10:18 am

>235 Crazymamie: I agree that winter should come with the need for warm clothes. However, I wouldn't mind just skipping it one year. Maybe two years. I would miss it long term though because the snow is very pretty and Chloe loves it.

Jan 16, 2017, 11:58 am

>236 Morphidae: MmmHmmmm....I'm not buying what you're selling, Morphy.

>237 msf59: LIKE! Thanks for that, Mark!

>238 scaifea: Morning, Amber! It is surreal - one should not be able to sit on the deck in the dead of winter. It just ain't right, I tell you.

>239 jnwelch: Morning, Joe! It was very relaxing. Oh, the irony of honoring MLK in the same week as the upcoming inauguration.

>240 ChelleBearss: Hey there, Chelle! I have skipped it for five years now, and I am ready for the cold. Longing for the cold. This year has really been weird, though, because usually we at least get a few solid weeks of lower temps.

Jan 16, 2017, 11:58 am

Happy week Mamie! that night sky sounds SO lovely! We're having crystal clear winter nights as well, but way too cold to stay outside. I enjoy my early morning walks though when the moon is still up and some stars.

Some books gain so much when read by a great narrator. If I had any credits left, the Colin Firth one would be for me, and I can also imagine that I would have rated Nutshell higher as audio.

Jan 16, 2017, 12:01 pm

>241 Crazymamie: Perhaps you are due for a winter vacation and instead of going to the warmth go to the cold! Perhaps a ski trip?

Jan 16, 2017, 12:02 pm

>242 Deern: Thank you, Nathalie! I love star gazing - something about the darkness and the relative stillness as people reset for another day. And I am in love with the moon, so I never tire of looking upon it.

The narrator makes all the difference in the world. I am loving the Colin Firth narration - I know that I will visit it again. And the audio of Nutshell sold it for me. I am always on the look out for the perfect combination of narrator and story - such magic when it happens.

Jan 16, 2017, 12:06 pm

>243 ChelleBearss: That's a good idea - the problem is that this time of year is Craig's busiest. And no skiing for me, as I have a bum knee, but I could definitely go and hang out while everyone else enjoyed the skiing. I am very good with holding down the fort. Heh.

Jan 16, 2017, 12:20 pm

>241 Crazymamie: Le sigh. I'm so misunderstood. *falls back onto the settee, back of hand over forehead*

Modifié : Jan 16, 2017, 12:59 pm

" I am always on the look out for the perfect combination of narrator and story - such magic when it happens."

^I am with you there, Mamie! Nutshell is a wonderful example. Hope you are having a good day. Chilly and damp here. Good day to curl up with the books. Nearly finished with The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne. It is getting bleaker by the minute. This poor woman...

Jan 16, 2017, 3:10 pm

Hi Mamie!

>219 Crazymamie: Lovely photo. Sitting out at night here is not done at present:)

And but which is also perfectly narrated by Colin Firth I'm in! What was the book again? ;)

Jan 16, 2017, 3:18 pm

Good morning, Mamie! I hope all is well with you.

If you have not seen Ben Affleck's 'The Accountant', I highly recommend it. I saw this weekend and it met all my expectations. I can't remember if I read that you saw this one or not.

Jan 16, 2017, 4:14 pm

>246 Morphidae: There, there. *pat, pat*

>247 msf59: It's very nice here, Mark, 76F and sunny. *sigh* I have been reading more in both The Bear and the Nightingale and Going After Cacciato. Both very good but totally different from one another.

>248 AMQS: Hello, Anne! I can't take credit for the photo - just snagged it off the internet. The book I was referring to is The End of the Affair by Graham Greene.

>249 brodiew2: Afternoon, Brodie! All is well. I have seen that movie, and I really liked it. I thought Affleck did a great job with that role. That was one that we all watched together, and everyone liked it.

Jan 16, 2017, 4:32 pm

I just added the audio of The Bear and the Nightingale from my elibrary. Just sayin'...

Cannot find my O' Brien. Double drat!!

Jan 16, 2017, 4:36 pm

Oh, good, Mark - it's really good so far, although I am reading it in print. Birdy is waiting for it, so I have to keep moving along in it. Heh.

Bummer about the O'Brien - I would send you my copy when I finish, but I have it out from the library.

Jan 16, 2017, 5:41 pm

>250 Crazymamie: *steals the watch off your wrist*

Jan 16, 2017, 6:27 pm

Oh, good. Now I have a valid excuse for not getting my steps in - Mophy stole my Fitbit.

Jan 16, 2017, 6:35 pm

>254 Crazymamie: Ew! Exercise cooties! *gives it back*

Jan 16, 2017, 6:44 pm

Well, I doubt there are any exercise cooties on it right now, Morphy, as it has practically been hibernating.

Jan 16, 2017, 6:48 pm

The rest gives the cooties time to multiply. They attach themselves as you go by exercising, but cannot procreate until they have peace and quiet, and a lack of a wind. So now ya know.....

TheBoyfriend has just informed me my insanity is leaking out tonight thanks to a lack of sleep. He then said 'but your insane isn't much different from your normal, so I'm perfectly happy'. I'm not sure whether to be offended or not?!

Jan 16, 2017, 7:30 pm

Jan 16, 2017, 7:47 pm

>257 lunacat: Oh, dear! *looks at Fitbit with suspicion*

I think the BF is a keeper, Jenny.

>258 cbl_tn: Hello, Carrie! I'll check that out right now - thanks for the link!

Jan 16, 2017, 8:48 pm

Your desk looks fabulous! Sleek and fun!

Jan 16, 2017, 9:21 pm

Thank you, Joanne!

Jan 16, 2017, 10:40 pm

Crazy--Love the Penguin thermos!!! Hope you are enjoying the fantastic, clean and organized desk of yours!!! And the fact that Mmphleday is almost over. ; )

>237 msf59: Indeed!

Jan 16, 2017, 11:41 pm

>250 Crazymamie: Was it? ;) I saw "perfectly narrated by Colin Firth" and stopped reading!

Jan 17, 2017, 8:57 am

Morning, Mamie!

My fitbit has been in hibernation lately, too...

Jan 17, 2017, 9:06 am

Morning Mamie!!
>219 Crazymamie: Sounds like a lovely evening, Mamie!! Sheer contentment!
Have a wonderful day!

Jan 17, 2017, 9:14 am

>262 Berly: Glad you love the thermos, Kim - me, too! And the desk still looks fabulous, so three days down towards forming a habit of keeping it organized. Happy Tuesday to you!

>263 AMQS: Ha! Yep. I finished it up last night, and now I have to decide how to rate it because Firth's narration definitely takes it up a level.

>264 scaifea: Morning, Amber! It's terrible, but I am happy to see that I am not the only one.

>265 Carmenere: Morning, Lynda! It was full of fabulous. Hoping that your Tuesday is also full of wonder.

Jan 17, 2017, 9:44 am

>263 AMQS:, >266 Crazymamie: - My Fitbit has been strapped to my wrist consistently. It's me that's been in hibernation :-P

Jan 17, 2017, 9:46 am

I was just over at your place, Katie! Right - mine, too, with the Fitbit. I am enabling it to hibernate. Heh.
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