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Le passage

par Justin Cronin

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

Séries: The Passage Trilogy (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
9,494640846 (3.89)1 / 595
A security breach at a secret U.S. government facility unleashes the monstrous product of a chilling military experiment that only six-year-old orphan Amy Harper Bellafonte can stop.
  1. 805
    Le Fléau par Stephen King (Jacey25, drweb, smiteme)
  2. 245
    La lignée par Guillermo del Toro (kraaivrouw, smiteme, questionablepotato)
    kraaivrouw: Similar intentions and a lot more fun.
  3. 182
    Swan Song par Robert R. McCammon (Scottneumann)
  4. 132
    La Route par Cormac McCarthy (Utilisateur anonyme)
  5. 143
    World War Z par Max Brooks (divinenanny)
  6. 123
    Le dernier homme par Margaret Atwood (divinenanny)
    divinenanny: Post apocalyptic dystopia
  7. 92
    Under the Dome par Stephen King (jlparent)
    jlparent: The Passage reminded me greatly of "Under the Dome", with its intense look at how people cope in a 'new' world. Obviously it's also is hugely reminiscent of "The Stand" as already recommended.
  8. 40
    Station eleven par Emily St. John Mandel (RidgewayGirl)
    RidgewayGirl: Both books are inventive dystopian novels of a future after a pandemic collapses civilization.
  9. 52
    La Ligne verte par Stephen King (Thomas.Taylor)
  10. 30
    Les douze par Justin Cronin (sturlington)
    sturlington: Well, you have to read the sequel!
  11. 30
    The Reapers Are the Angels par Alden Bell (BeckyJG)
  12. 63
    The Walking Dead: Compendium One par Robert Kirkman (Jacey25)
  13. 31
    L'Échiquier du mal par Dan Simmons (Scottneumann)
  14. 20
    Celle qui a tous les dons par M. R. Carey (debbiereads, wifilibrarian)
  15. 10
    The Chrysalids par John Wyndham (kw50197)
  16. 10
    The Dead Lands par Benjamin Percy (4leschats)
    4leschats: Both this books and the 2 in The Passage Trilogy (The Passage and The Twelve)address alterations in the natural universe brought on by post-apocalyptic changes.
  17. 65
    Un cantique pour Leibowitz par Walter M. Miller Jr. (readaholic12)
    readaholic12: post-apocalyptic multi-generational science fiction, cyclic history, human caused crisis
  18. 21
    Rot and Ruin par Jonathan Maberry (Scottneumann)
  19. 10
    La Terre demeure par George R. Stewart (RidgewayGirl)
    RidgewayGirl: This classic dystopian novel explores the world after an unspecified apocalypse. Like The Passage, Earth Abides involves both the scavenging of the remains of civilization rather than production and a journey to see how others have coped. No vampires, though.… (plus d'informations)
  20. 21
    Pure par Julianna Baggott (Suhani)

(voir toutes les recommandations de 31)


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» Voir aussi les 595 mentions

Anglais (625)  Néerlandais (7)  Suédois (3)  Allemand (3)  Italien (2)  Espagnol (1)  Français (1)  Danois (1)  Toutes les langues (643)
Les 300 ou 400 premières pages se lisent facilement, on a envie de connaître la suite. Mais quelque part après la page 600, ça se dilue beaucoup trop. La vie dans la colonie isolée, intéressante, n'est pas assez fouillée et on se perd dans les personnages, trop creux. Dommage... ( )
  marind | Mar 1, 2015 |
I turned The Passage's pages feverishly to find out what happened next.
ajouté par simon_carr | modifierThe Observer, Alice Fisher (Jul 18, 2010)
Cronin leaps back and forth in time, sprinkling his narrative with diaries, ­e-mail messages, maps, newspaper articles and legal documents. Sustaining such a long book is a tough endeavor, and every so often his prose slackens into inert phrases (“his mind would be tumbling like a dryer”). For the most part, though, he artfully unspools his plot’s complexities, and seemingly superfluous details come to connect in remarkable ways.

ajouté par mks27 | modifierThe New York Times, Mike Peed (Jun 25, 2010)
When all's said and done, The Passage is a wonderful idea for a book that – like too many American TV series – knows how good it is and therefore outstays its welcome. There are enough human themes (hope, love, survival, friendship, the power of dreams) to raise it well above the average horror, but its internal battle between the literary and the schlock will, I
T MAY already have the Stephen King stamp of approval and the Ridley Scott movie-script treatment but American author Justin Cronin's 800-page blockbuster The Passage comes from humble beginnings.

"Every book starts somewhere and this came from a dare of a nine-year-old child," he says of his daughter Iris, who wanted a story where a young girl saves the world.

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (14 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Justin Croninauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Brick, ScottNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Craden, AbbyNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lanceniece, LigitaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ojo, AdenreleNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Schroderus, ArtoTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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When I have seen by Time's fell hand defac'd
the rich proud cost of outworn buried age;
When sometimes lofty towers I see down-raz'd,
And brass eternal slave to mortal rage;
When I have seen the hungry ocean gain
Advantage on the kingdom of the shore,
And the firm soil win of the watery main,
Increasing store with loss, and loss with store;
When I have seen such interchange of state,
Or state itself confounded to decay;
Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate
That Time will come and take my love away.

-William Shakespeare, Sonnet 64
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For my children, No bad dreams.
Premiers mots
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Before she became the Girl from Nowhere- the One Who Walked In, the First and Last and Only, who lived a thousand years- she was just a little girl in Iowa, named Amy.
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He stepped into the stars.
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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Références à cette œuvre sur des ressources externes.

Wikipédia en anglais (2)

A security breach at a secret U.S. government facility unleashes the monstrous product of a chilling military experiment that only six-year-old orphan Amy Harper Bellafonte can stop.

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Le livre The Passage de Justin Cronin était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Moyenne: (3.89)
0.5 4
1 85
1.5 9
2 162
2.5 37
3 506
3.5 150
4 1061
4.5 165
5 825

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