
sff (3,834), short fiction (2,981), kids (1,255), recorded music (1,241), picture book (868), returned (669), literary fiction (313), collection (290), mystery/detectives (289), ezreader (233), non-fiction (211), horror (147), children's fiction (144), hugo winner (124), teens (112), drama (86), humor (82), nebula winner (77), elizabeth (77), action/adventure (76), mom (69), star wars (64), general fiction (63), music (61), pringle sf 100 (56), donated (56), suspense (44), read in 2021 (44), ya (42), omnibus (41), Caldecott Honor (39), Caldecott Medal (38), reading group (28), poetry (26), cookbook (26), western (23), post-apocalyptic (23), children's non-fiction (23), history (22), business (21), philosophy (18), historical fiction (17), wwii (17), signed (17), religion (14), postmodern (13), politics (11), Newbery (9), ebook (8), toberead (6), Newbery Honor (5), x-files (5), mythology (3), audiobook (3), aff (1), photography (1), romance (1), spanish (1), short fictoin (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Dec 25, 2007
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Over the years I've read lots of just about everything (except horror and romance), encouraged at a young age by my English-teacher-turned-librarian mother. In my early teens I read mystery voraciously (especially Agatha Christie, Erle Stanley Gardner--I loved his A.A. Fair books--and Dick Francis) and westerns (just about everything by Louis L'Amour). Then I fell in love with the Lord of the Rings and got hooked on a bit of science fiction (the Foundation Trilogy, Dune, and a bit of Heinlein). Then came my years as an English major at the University of Chicago, where I set aside genre fiction for Literature and Drama and never really went back until my mother gave me the first three books of the Wheel of Time when I turned 32 (or so). Since then its been back to fantasy and especially science fiction with a vengeance.

Some taggage explanation: "elizabeth" are books that belong to my wife, "teens" are books that I read in my teens (location unknown), "mom" are books that I read in my teens which are presumably still on a shelf or in a box somewhere at my mom's house, and "returned" are books that have been returned to the library.

I recently added my fairly extensive library of recorded music.
A propos de moi

I am a 60 years old male, married with children ages 24, 22 and 19. I grew up in Southern California, went to college at the University of Chicago and graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley. After 14 years as Executive Director of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra in Dayton, OH, and 9 years as President of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra in Birmingham, AL, six years ago I moved to Rochester, NY where I am President and CEO of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra.

I spent several years as a site administrator at the Internet Book List and the Internet Book Database of Fiction, where I moderated forums for Heather Gladney, John Marco, Jack McDevitt, Elizabeth Bear, and David B. Coe (our Steve Miller/Sharon Lee and Debra Doyle/James Macdonald forums never attracted any participation). I came over to Librarything over fifteen years ago looking for a site with more members and more potential.

My favorite authors in recent years have been J.G. Ballard, Theodore Sturgeon, Cordwainer Smith, James Tiptree, Jr., and Steven Erikson.
Lieu (géographique)
Rochester, NY
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Librairies: Bookman/Bookwoman Used Books, Books & Company #309, Books & Company #313, Dark Carnival, Dark Star Books, Houghton Book Shop, Powell's - Hyde Park, Reed Books / The Museum of Fond Memories, Strand Bookstore

Bibliothèques: Greene County Public Library - Xenia Community Library

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