The Ten Greatest Books of All Time - TIME

Décerné par TIME

12 oeuvres 304,017 Livres 4,438 critiques ½ 4.0,8599,1578073,00.html
Tous, 2007 (12)


1001(753) 1001 books(833) 1920s(890) 19th century(3,359) 20th century(1,138) adultery(734) adventure(855) American(1,502) American literature(2,622) British(565) British literature(550) classic(8,745) classic fiction(714) classic literature(1,149) classics(9,213) drama(2,193) ebook(921) English(651) English literature(822) favorites(735) fiction(24,966) France(846) French(939) French literature(1,221) goodreads(625) historical fiction(1,406) jazz age(578) Kindle(875) literature(6,447) love(755) novel(4,962) own(1,189) owned(606) paperback(527) play(1,044) plays(1,074) read(3,129) Roman(783) romance(1,240) Russia(2,663) Russian(2,271) Russian literature(3,208) slavery(616) theatre(819) to-read(9,878) tragedy(1,075) translation(556) unread(1,119) usa(655) William Shakespeare(2,040)

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