
chapter books (823), math (223), ML (Shakespeare) (210), poetry (176), audiobooks (143), folktales/fairy tales (122), animals (119), ModH (WWII) (104), art (appreciation) (75), EMH (73), AL (Greek Myths) (72), AH (Roman Empire) (71), AL (Homer) (69), AH (Egypt) (66), MH (63), AH (Greece) (63), EML (Charles Dickens) (62), EMH (American Revolution) (61), ModH (early 1900s) (60), Native Americans (60), ModH (1930s) (59), ModH (59), english (grammar) (57), AL (Greek Plays) (56), EMH (slavery) (55), history (54), art (54), EMH (1600s) (53), China (51), astronomy (51), ModH (Civil War) (51), Russia (50), America (49), EML (Herman Melville) (48), human body (47), EMH (1700s) (46), Africa (45), nature study (44), ModL (Dostoevsky) (44), ModL (42), EMH (Wild West) (41), ModH (civil rights) (41), EMH (pioneers) (41), ML (King Arthur) (40), EMH (Colonial America) (40), invention (40), english (literary analysis) (38), ModF (Abraham Lincoln) (38), geography (37), cultures (36), music (36), EMH (early 1800s) (35), picture books (35), AH (35), dinosaurs (34), science (history of) (34), EMF (Darwin) (34), MH (1500s) (32), EMH (Pilgrims) (32), Russian Literature (32), EMF (Benjamin Franklin) (32), math (curriculum) (32), literature (31), Japan (30), birds (30), ModL (Tolstoy) (29), science (29), ModH (1940s) (29), MH (1400s) (29), industry (29), Arctic (28), sealife (28), EMH (1800s) (28), literature anthology (children) (27), Jews (27), earth science (27), physics (27), ModL (Mark Twain) (26), puzzles (26), AL (Greek Philosophers) (26), Spanish (26), African Americans (25), ModL (Proust) (25), logic (25), biology (24), ModH (late 1800s) (24), insects (24), Soviet Russia (24), ModH (WWII) (Holocaust) (23), art (children's literature) (23), art (instruction) (23), poetry (instruction) (23), plants (23), EML (John Milton) (22), EMF (George Washington) (22), ML (Arabian Nights) (22), ModH (1950s) (22), MH (Vikings) (22), earth science (geology) (21), ModL (Nabokov) (21), MH (1200s) (21), artists (Leonardo da Vinci) (20), ModL (Steinbeck) (20), ModH (1920s) (20), ML (Norse Myths) (20), MH (1300s) (20), archaeology/paleontology (20), engineering (20), habitats (deserts) (19), EML (Hans Christian Andersen) (19), EMH (Lewis/Clark) (19), theater (19), MH (Exploration) (Christopher Columbus) (19), english (writing) (19), Spanish (kids books) (19), AL (Roman Myths) (19), ModL (James Joyce) (19), ModL (Chekhov) (18), ModH (1960s) (18), U.S. Geography (18), Ideas (18), science experiments (18), ModH (WWI) (18), EMH (late 1700s) (18), Animals (cats) (18), EML (Jane Austen) (17), MH (castles) (17), ModH (immigration) (17), EMH (Pilgrims) (Thanksgiving) (17), evolution (17), EML (George Eliot) (17), chemistry (17), habitats (ocean) (17), ModH (1910-1920) (17), ModL (C.S. Lewis) (17), earth science (weather) (17), ModL (Turgenev) (16), ML (Beowulf) (16), pirates (16), ModL (Hemingway) (16), ModL (Fitzgerald) (16), ships (15), virtues (15), exploration (15), EMF (Thomas Jefferson) (15), ModL (J.R.R. Tolkien) (15), EML (William Blake) (15), AH (Prehistoric Era) (15), India (15), ModH (1860s) (15), ML (Robin Hood) (15), Native American Literature (15), math (history) (14), MF (Galileo) (14), ModF (Einstein) (14), ModL (William Faulker) (14), ModH (Vietnam War) (14), MH (Exploration) (14), Latin America (14), habitats (14), Netherlands (14), Middle East (14), animals (horses) (14), space exploration (Apollo) (14), ModF (Wright Brothers) (14), essays (14), ModL (Louisa May Alcott) (13), Antarctic (13), EML (Percy Bysshe Shelley) (13), EMH (slavery) (Underground Railroad) (13), EML (Edgar Allan Poe) (13), Native Americans (Eskimo) (13), MH (East) (13), ModF (Thomas Edison) (13), ModL (Toni Morrison) (13), EML (Robert Louis Stevenson) (13), MF (Joan of Arc) (13), art (projects) (13), plants (trees) (13), MH (China) (13), EMH (1820s) (13), AL (Herodotus) (12), animals (dogs) (12), EMF (Isaac Newton) (12), EMH (1840-1860s) (12), fairy tales (German) (12), France (12), earth science (volcanoes) (12), Africa (Literature) (12), ML (Dante) (12), ModH (1900-1910) (12), artists (Michelangelo) (12), ModL (Kurt Vonnegut) (12), EMH (1830s) (12), architecture (11), mythology (11), England (11), AL (Ovid) (11), ML (Don Quixote) (11), AH (Prehistoric Animals) (11), english (vocabulary) (11), AL (Gilgamesh) (11), ModH (Titanic) (11), ModH (1890s) (11), EML (Jonathan Swift) (Gulliver's Travels) (11), MH (Renaissance) (11), ModH (Exploration) (11), ModH (1870s) (11), MF (Queen Elizabeth) (11), ModH (WWII) (Pacific) (11), ModF (Marie Curie) (11), EMH (Gold Rush) (11), ModH (2000 ) (10), ModL (J.M. Barrie) (10), microbiology (10), Jewish Literature (10), EML (Mary Shelley) (10), physics (simple machines) (10), artists (Picasso) (10), presidents (10), ModH (WWII) (Nazis/Hitler) (10), EML (Emily Dickinson) (10), EML (Gogol) (10), AL (Aesop's Fables) (10), ML (Chaucer) (Canterbury Tales) (10), ModF (Hellen Keller) (9), MH (1100s) (9), MH (1000 ) (9), ModH (1980s) (9), MH (Exploration) (Marco Polo) (9), ModL (George MacDonald) (9), Bible resources (9), ModL (Jack London) (9), artists (9), ModL (Rudyard Kipling) (9), EML (Keats) (9), English language (9), Germany (9), ML (Shakespeare) (Romeo and Juliet) (9), Asia (Korea) (9), ModL (Oscar Wilde) (9), insects (butterflies) (9), seasons (winter) (9), AH (China) (9), animals (wolves) (9), ModH (1990s) (9), EMH (slavery) (Harriet Tubman) (8), ModL (Henry James) (8), mathematicians (8), ModH (WWII) (Europe) (8), AH (Egypt) (Tutankhamun) (8), sealife (sharks) (8), Greece (8), AH (Greece) (Alexander the Great) (8), military history (8), reference (8), shipwreck (8), WWII (8), EMH (Early American Settlement) (Jamestown) (8), habitats (rainforest) (8), AF (Archimedes) (8), ModL (Nietzsche) (8), sealife (whales) (8), EML (Alexander Pushkin) (8), Celts (8), AH (Prehistoric Man) (8), EMF (Audubon) (8), amphibians (8), artists (Monet) (8), EML (8), Italy (8), MH (Maya) (8), EML (Lewis Carroll) (Alice in Wonderland) (8), EMF (Frederick Douglass) (8), EML (Nathaniel Hawthorne) (8), ModL (L. Frank Baum) (8), ModL (Robert Frost) (8), AH (Mesopotamia) (8), ModL (Walt Whitman) (8), ModF (Shackleton) (8), art (history) (8), ModH (1970s) (8), EMF (Paul Revere) (8), ModF (MLK) (8), physics (electricity) (7), chapter books (mature) (7), AH (Roman Empire) (Pompeii) (7), ModL (James Baldwin) (7), insects (spiders) (7), EMH (Industrial Revolution) (mills) (7), China (literature) (7), ModF (Nikola Tesla) (7), animals (forest) (7), Scandinavia (7), ModL (Frances Hodgson Burnett) (7), food (7), ModF (Franklin D. Roosevelt) (7), dance (7), seasons (7), ModF (Amelia Earhart) (7)
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Mar 20, 2014