
literature (3,529), bought (2,793), toread1 (2,661), 20C literature (1,742), novel (1,507), history (1,194), american literature (1,090), essays (1,042), english literature (1,018), indexed (967), literary criticism (895), biography (876), 19C literature (806), literary essays (803), england (729), british literature (654), poetry (652), travel (634), fiction (524), religion (510), short stories (469), humor (468), series (457), autobiography (416), boughtsold (378), reading2011 (370), world literature (363), collection (355), books about books (331), european history (307), christianity (303), travel guidebook (294), authors (287), anthology (256), war (255), montenegro (255), drama (251), journalism (249), literary biography (248), philosophy (245), reading2010 (243), europe (243), european literature (235), classical literature (219), culture (216), politics (211), classical history (210), 20C fiction (210), reading2012 (205), french literature (203), historical fiction (202), american history (195), 20C history (194), art (193), travel literature (187), british history (183), 19C history (181), english history (176), satire (176), victorian literature (174), united states (171), roman history (168), 18C literature (167), greece (166), reading2024 (164), omnibus (164), reading2020 (162), rome (158), greek literature (154), reading2023 (154), reading2016 (154), mythology (152), american fiction (150), regency literature (149), literary history (146), reading2015 (143), media (143), 17C literature (142), modernism (142), reading2014 (137), reading2013 (136), occasional essays (135), italy (135), romance (133), plays (132), memoirs (130), music (128), magazines (128), roman empire (126), medieval literature (126), theology (125), memoir (123), performing arts (122), letters (121), reading2021 (117), architecture (116), reading2022 (116), austria (115), historical novel (114), 21C literature (113), russian literature (113), movies (109), reading2017 (109), london (107), film (107), great britain (106), epic poetry (102), 16C literature (102), france (102), theater (102), roman republic (100), duplicate (99), wwii (98), regency england (98), novella (95), romanticism (94), bible (92), 19C england (91), reading2019 (90), government (90), greek mythology (90), book reviews (88), 18C history (87), medieval history (86), italian literature (86), judaism (84), german literature (82), elizabethan literature (81), cultural history (80), catholicism (80), sociology (80), book lists (79), gone (79), tragedy (78), british fiction (78), vienna (76), (2) bought (75), india (73), political essays (73), greek history (72), asian literature (72), readtoread (72), reading2018 (71), 17C history (70), renaissance literature (70), courtship (70), russia (65), latin literature (65), irish literature (64), manners (64), painting (63), diaries (63), television (62), 16C history (61), spain (61), hollywood (60), journals (60), social history (60), economics (59), political biography (59), islam (58), new york city (58), adventure (57), world history (56), british romanticism (56), film criticism (55), china (55), kings and queens (54), old testament (54), neo-regency fiction (53), new testament (52), cdcollection (52), art history (52), movie (52), ireland (50), balkans (50), photography (50), florence (49), play (49), scotland (49), political science (48), british empire (47), germany (47), anglo-irish literature (47), 15C history (47), comedy (47), newspapers (46), aristocracy (45), fantasy (45), saga (45), augustan literature (45), literary journals (44), 1930s (44), science (44), illustrated (44), asian religion (44), 14C literature (44), wwi (43), jeeves (43), sculpture (43), bertie wooster (43), american culture (43), map (42), roman fleuve (42), 21C fiction (42), feminism (41), bildungsroman (41), egypt (41), asian history (40), dvdcollection (40), postmodernism (40), japan (39), heroes (39), intellectual history (39), middle east (39), chinese literature (39), california (39), asian philosophy (38), buddhism (38), greek tragedy (38), cultural essays (37), reference (37), cartoons (37), renaissance history (37), greek philosophy (37), empire (36), church of england (36), commentary (36), primer (36), gothic literature (36), 1960s (35), (1) bought (35), political philosophy (35), travel essays (35), gods and goddesses (35), blandings castle (34), serbia (34), paris (34), venice (33), classical philosophy (33), spanish literature (33), music criticism (33), poets (33), gods (32), fitzwilliam darcy (32), edwardian literature (32), asia (32), clergy (32), language (31), american southwest (31), goddesses (31), film history (31), worldtravel (31), southern literature (31), death (31), protestantism (31), italian history (31), historical essays (31), travel map (30), latin american literature (30), historical romance (30), american civil war (29), 1950s (29), (1) boughtsold (29), yorkshire (29), french history (29), washington d.c. (28), military (28), music history (28), bloomsbury (28), churches (28), political history (27), arizona (27), byzantine history (27), 1920s (27), central europe (27), history of philosophy (27), mystery (27), japanese literature (27), monasteries (27), religious essays (27), driving (26), trivia (26), central european history (26), canadian literature (26), empires (26), san francisco (26), byzantine empire (26), criticism (26), discographies (26), virgil (26), music lists (25), literture (25), family saga (25), u.s. presidents (25), atlas (25), psychology (25), portugal (25), heros (25), constantinople (25)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Mar 8, 2007
A propos de ma bibliothèque

This is my general book collection which, when completed, should have 6000+ books.

I have MANY other separate LT lists (17+) relating to books, dvds, and cds -- owning them, reading them, watching them and listening to them. I also maintain lists for future reading, viewing and listening. I even have a separate list for my travel destinations. Some are public, most of them private (I mean do you actually care what I read, watch, or listen to?)

My genre fiction collection is listed on LT under 'mysterysf' (which, when finished, will probably have 4000+ books.)

So that I don't clog up my 'actual' libraries, I have created LT sites for those books that I wish to read/purchase under 'toread1' (for general books) and 'toread2' (for genre books.) Amazon also has a great website for listing books one is interested in purchasing in the future. My list there is over 400 books long. I buy about 200 books a year, many via amazon.

Because I wish to maintain 'pure' book collection lists, I also have LT lists for my cd collection ('cd collection')[now over 19,000 albums -- out of about 23-25,000 albums I own] and dvd collection ('dvdcollection')[now about 5500 films/tv series].

For personal purposes I maintain a private LT list of those movies/tv series watched/to be watched ('toview'.)

For reference purposes I also maintain private LT lists of books that I have obtained over the years and read over the years. I travel a fair amount and have an LT list 'worldtravel' of where I have been/what I have seen.

I attempt to keep these various lists tagged and cross-referenced as appropriate. (Yes, I know, I devote FAR too many hours of the day to updating/maintaining these lists.) Someday they will be done and the 4-6 hours a day I spend on LT can be put back into actual reading/viewing. I DO get to listen to my cd collection while working on my various LT lists.

A propos de moi
FAR too much time on LT

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