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Le temps du déluge (2009)

par Margaret Atwood

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

Séries: MaddAddam Trilogy (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
7,3663621,269 (3.92)642
When a natural disaster predicted by God's Gardeners leader Adam One obliterates most human life, two survivors trapped inside respective establishments that metaphorically represent paradise and hell wonder if any of their loved ones have survived.
  1. 250
    Le dernier homme par Margaret Atwood (haeji)
  2. 190
    La servante écarlate par Margaret Atwood (smiteme)
  3. 60
    Auprès de moi toujours par Kazuo Ishiguro (DCBlack)
  4. 52
    La fille automate par Paolo Bacigalupi (souloftherose)
    souloftherose: Another novel about a dystopian future with strong environmental themes.
  5. 30
    L'orange mécanique par Anthony Burgess (Utilisateur anonyme)
  6. 30
    MaddAddam par Margaret Atwood (Philosofiction)
  7. 22
    Epitaph Road par David Patneaude (eenerd)
    eenerd: Another interesting look into bio/eco-warfare fallout.
  8. 11
    Shelter par Susan Palwick (wifilibrarian)
    wifilibrarian: Covers these similar themes near future, ecological collapse, eco-christian religion, female main characters, families and friendships.
  9. 00
    Station eleven par Emily St. John Mandel (sturlington)
  10. 01
    Homo disparitus par Alan Weisman (Niecierpek)
  11. 45
    Hunger Games - Tome 1 par Suzanne Collins (hbsweet)
  12. 23
    Pure par Julianna Baggott (eenerd)
  13. 01
    Un ami de la terre par T.C. Boyle (JuliaMaria)
    JuliaMaria: Dystopien bzgl. kommender Umweltkatastrophen
  14. 02
    The Prepper Room par Karen Duve (JuliaMaria)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 364 (suivant | tout afficher)
So nice to read a really good book again after a bunch of dissatisfying ones. ( )
  RaynaPolsky | Jun 9, 2024 |
Las predicciones de Adán Uno; líder de los Jardineros de Dios ?consagrados a la fusión de la ciencia y la religión; así como a la co nservación de la fauna y la flora?; se han hecho realidad; y el Diluvio Seco ha asolado el planeta y parece haber acabado con cualquier traza de vida humana. Entre los sobrevivientes de la gran catástrofe natural se encuentran Ren; una joven artista del trapecio encerrada en un distinguido club donde trabajan «las chicas malas más limpias de la ciudad»; y Toby; una mujer que se ha atrincherado en un balneario de lujo. Y mientras Ren y Toby deciden cuál será su siguiente paso; proliferan las nuevas especies transgénicas creadas por el hombre; que amenazan con destruirlo todo. La crítica ha dicho... ( )
  AmicanaLibrary | May 13, 2024 |
"What am I living for and what am I dying for at the same time?"

'The Year of the Flood' is a continuation of, rather than a sequel or prequal of 'Oryx and Crake', Atwood herself described it as a 'simultanial'. Several characters from the earlier book appear, along with institutions such as 'God's Gardeners' and the security arm of the 'Corporations', 'CorpSeCorps'.

The Gardeners, are an eco-religious sect of organic farmers who farm rooftops, which can be defended from the marauding gangs who infest the streets outside their compounds. The Gardeners try to live in harmony with nature rather than rely on manufactured commodities. In contrast the Corporations control pretty well every facet of everyday life. As in the earlier book, all science and technology is Corporation-owned, and is employed in the service of furthering capitalist growth, destroying the resources and ecological balances of the planet in the process.

There is no given setting for this book but is probably either the American mid-west or Canada. The book opens in Year 25 when most of humanity have died and the few survivors are struggling for existence. Much of the novel takes place in flashbacks to as early as the Year Five, when things were bad, but not that bad yet.

Each section of this book opens with a sermon from Adam One and a hymn but the story is largely told from the viewpoint of two women, Toby and Ren. The two women are very different in both age and physique yet they also compliment each other with their very different experiences and life stories. The demise of mankind is consequently seen through the eyes of these two powerless women, whose individual characters, temperaments, loyalties and emotions are vivid and memorable. In contrast none of the male characters are developed at all; they play their roles nothing more.

The future that Atwood paints here is pretty bleak but believable. This book manages to fill in a few gaps and solving the cliff-hanger at the end of 'Oryx and Crake' but whilst I did enjoy reading it it wasn't as much as I enjoyed the original. I also feel that whilst 'O & C' would work well as a stand alone novel this book wouldn't. ( )
  PilgrimJess | Jan 10, 2024 |
I enjoyed The Year of the Flood even better than Oryx and Crake. The story was exciting, and Atwood clearly had fun delving into the world of God's Gardeners, a loopy but likable band of eco-Christians whose theology seems to have been lifted from a Dr. Bronner's soap label (though with better lyrics).

(The God's Gardeners surprise us, too—they begin as loving satire, but their earnest sermons and hymns become increasingly pointed and moving. This novel is one very good answer to the question of how to write fiction in the age of climate change.)

Atwood did a clever job nesting the plot of this book around Oryx & Crake. I loved the idea that while Jimmy is spiraling into his existential haze, quite different stories are happening. Yet I wasn't crazy about Ren's character development being dependent on the scaffolding of the previous novel—her obsession with Jimmy felt a little too neat, a literary flourish rather than an integral part of the story. ( )
  raschneid | Dec 19, 2023 |
This was really a 2 1/2 stars. It might even be a three but honestly I was so disappointed in the book it left me bewildered. It was just no where near as good as the first one. It was also filled with a lot of old themes. I have read a lot of science fictions books that covered this subject and felt way more unique. I am guessing this book will be fine for others but reading it so soon after the first one it felt hollow. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 364 (suivant | tout afficher)
Om Margaret Atwoods ”Syndaflodens år” kommer att räknas till de stora framtidsskildringarna går inte att säga ännu, men potentialen finns.
In Hieronymus Bosch–like detail, Atwood renders this civilization and these two lives within it with tenderness and insight, a healthy dread, and a guarded humor.
"The Year of the Flood" is a slap-happy romp through the end times. Stuffed with cornball hymns, genetic mutations worthy of Thomas Pynchon (such as the rakuunk, a combined skunk and raccoon) and a pharmaceutical company run amok, it reads like dystopia verging on satire. She may be imagining a world in flames, but she's doing it with a dark cackle.
Personally, though, I prefer Atwood in a retro mood. I’d easily take “Alias Grace” or “The Blind Assassin” over the lucid nightmares of “The Handmaid’s Tale” or “Oryx and Crake.” But fans of those novels should grab a biohazard suit, crawl into a hermetically sealed fallout shelter, and dive right in.
Canada's greatest living novelist undoubtedly knows how to tell a gripping story, as fans of "The Blind Assassin" and "The Handmaid's Tale" already know. But here there's a serious message, too: Look at what we're doing right now to our world, to nature, to ourselves. If this goes on . . .

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (34 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Margaret Atwoodauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bramhall, MarkNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Drews, KristiinaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Dunne, BernadetteNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Katie MacNicholNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Mann, DavidConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Sawdon, VictoriaIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Whiteside, GeorgePhotographeauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Who is it tends the Garden,
The Garden oh so green?

’Twas once the finest Garden
That ever has been seen.

And in it God’s dear Creatures
Did swim and fly and play;

But then came greedy Spoilers,
And killed them all away.

And all the Trees that flourished
And gave us wholesome fruit,

By waves of sand are buried,
Both leaf and branch and root.

And all the shining Water
Is turned to slime and mire,

And all the feathered Birds so bright
Have ceased their joyful choir.

Oh Garden, oh my Garden
I’ll mourn forevermore
Until the Gardeners arise,
And you to Life restore.

From The God’s Gardeners Oral Hymnbook
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For Graeme and Jess
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In the early morning Toby climbs up to the rooftop to watch the sunrise.
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Maybe sadness was a kind of hunger, she thought. Maybe the two went together.
“Who lives here?” she says out loud. Not me, she thinks. This thing I’m doing can hardly be called living. Instead I’m lying dormant, like a bacterium in a glacier. Getting time over with. That’s all.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

When a natural disaster predicted by God's Gardeners leader Adam One obliterates most human life, two survivors trapped inside respective establishments that metaphorically represent paradise and hell wonder if any of their loved ones have survived.

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