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Richard Wright (1) (1908–1960)

Auteur de Un enfant du pays

Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Richard Wright, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

55+ oeuvres 17,429 utilisateurs 220 critiques 33 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Richard Wright was generally thought of as one of the most gifted contemporary African American writers until the rise of James Baldwin. "With Wright, the pain of being a Negro is basically economic---its sight is mainly in the pocket. With Baldwin, the pain suffuses the whole man. . . . If afficher plus Baldwin's sights are higher than Wright's, it is in part because Wright helped to raise them" (Time). Wright was born on a plantation near Natchez, Mississippi, the son of a sharecropper. At the age of 15, he started to work in Memphis, then in Chicago, then "bummed all over the country," supporting himself by various odd jobs. His early writing was in the smaller magazines---first poetry, then prose. He won Story Story's $500 prize---for the best story written by a worker on the Writer's Project---with "Uncle Tom's Children" in 1938, his first important publication. He wrote Native Son (1940) in eight months, and it made his reputation. Based in part on the actual case of a young black murderer of a white woman, it was one of the first of the African American protest novels, violent and shocking in its scenes of cruelty, hunger, rape, murder, flight, and prison. Black Boy (1945) is the simple, vivid, and poignant story of Wright's early years in the South. It appeared at the beginning of a new postwar awareness of the evils of racial prejudice and did much to call attention to the plight of the African American. The Outsider (1953) is a novel based on Wright's own experience as a member of the Communist party, an affiliation he terminated in 1944. He remained politically inactive thereafter and from 1946 until his death made his principal residence in Paris. His nonfiction writings on problems of his race include Black Power: A Record of Reactions in a Land of Pathos (1954), about a visit to the Gold Coast, White Man, Listen (1957), and Twelve Million Black Voices: A Folk History of the Negro in the United States. (Bowker Author Biography) Richard Wright was born on a plantation near Natchez, Mississippi. His father left the family when Wright was only five years old, and he was raised first by his mother and then by a series of relatives. What little schooling he had ended with his graduation from ninth grade in Memphis, Tennessee. At age 15, he started to work in Memphis, and later worked in Chicago before traveling across the country supporting himself with odd jobs. When Wright finally returned to Chicago, he got a job with the federal Writer's Project, a government-supported arts program. He was quite successful, winning a $500 prize from a magazine for the best fiction written by a participant in that program. In Chicago, he was also introduced to leftist politics and became a member of the Communist Party. In 1937, Wright left Chicago for New York, where he became Harlem editor for the Communist national newspaper, The Daily Worker, and where he met future novelist, Ralph Ellison. Wright became a celebrated author with the publication of Native Son (1940), a novel he wrote in only eight months. Based on the actual case of a young black murderer of a white woman, it was one of the first of the modern black protest novels, violent and shocking in its sense of cruelty, hunger, rape, murder, flight, and prison. This novel brought Wright both fame and financial security. He followed it with his autobiography, Black Boy (1945), which was also successful. In 1942, Wright and his wife broke with the Communist Party, and in 1947, they moved to France, where Wright lived the rest of his life. His novel The Outsider (1953) is based on his experiences as a member of the Communist Party. Wright is regarded as a major modern American writer, one of the first black writers to reach a large white audience, and thereby raise the level of national awareness of the continuing problem of racism in America. In many respects Wright paved the way for all black writers who followed him. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
Crédit image: Richard Wright (1908-1960)
Photograph by Gordon Parks, May 1943
(Farm Security Administration-
Office of War Information Photograph Collection,
Library of Congress)

Œuvres de Richard Wright

Un enfant du pays (1940) 7,830 exemplaires, 102 critiques
Black Boy (1945) 5,271 exemplaires, 69 critiques
Les enfants de l'oncle Tom (1938) 757 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Le transfuge (1953) 398 exemplaires, 7 critiques
Later Works: Black Boy [American Hunger] / The Outsider (1991) 315 exemplaires, 3 critiques
The Man Who Lived Underground (2021) 274 exemplaires, 13 critiques
L'homme qui vivait sous terre (1961) 269 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Native Son (Abridged) (1940) 227 exemplaires, 1 critique
Rite of passage (1994) 187 exemplaires
Une faim d'égalité (1977) 186 exemplaires, 1 critique
12 Million Black Voices (1988) 156 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Haiku: This Other World (1998) 138 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Pagan Spain (1957) 121 exemplaires
Bon sang de bonsoir (Lawd today) (1963) 100 exemplaires, 3 critiques
A Father's Law (2008) 100 exemplaires
The Long Dream (1958) 96 exemplaires
White Man, Listen! (1978) 82 exemplaires
Le Barbare du 7 jour (1975) 62 exemplaires, 1 critique
Richard Wright Reader (1978) 39 exemplaires
Native Son / Black Boy (1998) 37 exemplaires
The Man Who Lived Underground {story} (2021) 22 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Thy Fearful Symmetry (2012) 16 exemplaires, 1 critique
Almos' a Man (2000) 9 exemplaires
Injustice: Vintage Minis (2018) 8 exemplaires
Bright and Morning Star (1939) 8 exemplaires
Down by the Riverside 4 exemplaires
Richard Wright (2002) 3 exemplaires
Neli meest : [novellid] (1963) 3 exemplaires
Blueprint for Negro Writing (1937) 2 exemplaires
Black Boy [Easy Reader] (1971) 2 exemplaires
Der schwarze Traum (1971) 1 exemplaire
Callaloo Vol. 9 No. 3 (1986) 1 exemplaire
Wright Richard 1 exemplaire
Mi vida de negro 1 exemplaire
Długi sen 1 exemplaire
Sangre negra 1 exemplaire
Fire and cloud 1 exemplaire
Five Famous Writers 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

The Best American Short Stories of the Century (2000) — Contributeur — 1,576 exemplaires, 10 critiques
Winter Poems (1994) — Contributeur — 1,223 exemplaires, 10 critiques
Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Contributeur, quelques éditions938 exemplaires, 7 critiques
The Best American Essays of the Century (2000) — Contributeur — 789 exemplaires, 4 critiques
The Oxford Book of American Short Stories (1992) — Contributeur — 761 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study (1992) — Contributeur, quelques éditions518 exemplaires
Le dieu des ténèbres. (1944) — Contributeur — 434 exemplaires, 3 critiques
American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, Volume Two: E. E. Cummings to May Swenson (2000) — Contributeur — 410 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader (1994) — Contributeur — 409 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness (1993) — Contributeur — 338 exemplaires, 2 critiques
A Treasury of Short Stories (1947) — Contributeur — 298 exemplaires
This Is My Best (1942) — Contributeur — 191 exemplaires
Modern American Memoirs (1995) — Contributeur — 190 exemplaires, 3 critiques
African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song (2020) — Contributeur — 181 exemplaires, 4 critiques
The Best Short Stories by Black Writers, 1899-1967: The Classic Anthology (1967) — Contributeur — 177 exemplaires, 1 critique
Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City (1993) — Introduction, quelques éditions162 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Le Monde du blues (1980) — Avant-propos — 152 exemplaires
The Mark Twain Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Work (2010) — Contributeur — 143 exemplaires, 1 critique
Growing Up in the South: An Anthology of Modern Southern Literature (1991) — Contributeur — 140 exemplaires, 1 critique
An American Album: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Harper's Magazine (2000) — Contributeur — 134 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Signet Classic Book of Southern Short Stories (1991) — Contributeur — 121 exemplaires, 1 critique
Black on White: Black Writers on What It Means to Be White (1998) — Contributeur — 121 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry (2009) — Contributeur — 116 exemplaires
Voices from the Harlem Renaissance (1976) — Contributeur — 110 exemplaires
Calling the Wind: Twentieth Century African-American Short Stories (1992) — Contributeur — 102 exemplaires
The Literature of the American South: A Norton Anthology (1997) — Contributeur — 99 exemplaires
The 100 Best African American Poems (2010) — Contributeur — 98 exemplaires, 5 critiques
American Short Stories (1976) — Contributeur, quelques éditions95 exemplaires
Voices in Our Blood: America's Best on the Civil Rights Movement (2001) — Contributeur — 94 exemplaires
Brotherman: The Odyssey of Black Men in America (1995) — Contributeur — 91 exemplaires
200 Years of Great American Short Stories (1975) — Contributeur — 69 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Concise Edition (2003) — Contributeur — 69 exemplaires, 1 critique
D.C. Noir 2: The Classics (2008) — Contributeur — 63 exemplaires
Racism and Sexism: An Integrated Study (1988) — Contributeur — 62 exemplaires, 1 critique
American Negro Short Stories (1966) — Contributeur — 61 exemplaires
Trouble the water : 250 years of African-American poetry (1997) — Contributeur — 57 exemplaires
Chicago Noir: The Classics (2015) — Contributeur — 52 exemplaires, 14 critiques
Eleven Modern Short Novels (1970) — Contributeur — 50 exemplaires, 1 critique
Soulscript: Afro-American Poetry (1970) — Contributeur — 41 exemplaires, 1 critique
Southern Dogs and Their People (2000) — Contributeur — 40 exemplaires
Years of Protest: A Collection of American Writings of the 1930's (1967) — Contributeur — 39 exemplaires, 1 critique
New Masses; An Anthology of the Rebel Thirties, (1980) — Contributeur — 38 exemplaires, 1 critique
Fifty Best American Short Stories 1915-1965 (1965) — Contributeur — 36 exemplaires, 1 critique
50 Best American Short Stories 1915-1939 (2013) — Contributeur — 28 exemplaires
America on Stage : Ten Great Plays of American History (1976) — Contributeur — 22 exemplaires
Black Theater USA : 45 Plays By Black Americans : 1847-1974 (1974) — Contributeur — 20 exemplaires
Ebony Rising: Short Fiction of the Greater Harlem Renaissance Era (2004) — Contributeur — 16 exemplaires
Half-a-Hundred Stories for Men, Great Tales by American Writers (2005) — Contributeur — 16 exemplaires
Modern American Short Stories (1945) — Contributeur — 15 exemplaires
Mississippi Writers: An Anthology (1991) — Contributeur — 14 exemplaires
Fifty Years of the American Short Story from the O. Henry Awards 1919-1970 (1970) — Contributeur — 13 exemplaires, 1 critique
Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City, Volume I (1962) — Introduction, quelques éditions10 exemplaires, 1 critique
Richard Wright's Black Boy (American Hunger): A Casebook (2003) — Subject — 10 exemplaires
Quintet: 5 of the World's Greatest Short Novels (1956) — Contributeur — 6 exemplaires
Native Son [1951 film] (2003) — Actor / Original book — 5 exemplaires
The Best American Short Stories 1958 (1958) — Contributeur — 5 exemplaires
O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1938 (1938) — Contributeur — 4 exemplaires
Let Us Be Men (1969) — Contributeur — 3 exemplaires
Twelve short novels (1976) — Contributeur — 3 exemplaires
Strange Barriers (1955) — Contributeur — 2 exemplaires
The Ethnic Image in Modern American Literature, 1900-1950 (1984) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
Introduction to Fiction (1974) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire
Native Son [2019 film] (2019) — Original novel — 1 exemplaire


Partage des connaissances



Roman autobiographique de l'auteur noir américain Richard Wright. Histoire terrible de l'enfance et de la jeunesse d'un Nègre dans le Mississippi à l’époque de la ségrégation raciale. Un monde marqué par les injustices économiques, sociales et raciales et sur lequel pèse le poids d'une morale rigidifiée.
BibliOdyssee | 68 autres critiques | Dec 26, 2013 |
Cross Damon, Noir de Chicago, est employé des P.T. T. Marié, père de trois enfants, il a séduit une fille de seize ans. Un hasard lui permet d'échapper aux conséquences de son acte : pris dans un accident de métro, il passe pour mort. Mais peut-on changer de personnalité ? Reconnu par un camarade, Cross le tue. Il s'enfuit à New York, réussit à se procurer des papiers et devient Lionel. Mis en rapport avec des communistes, Lionel est sollicité par eux de s'inscrire au parti. Mais une fatalité du crime semble peser sur Lionel, qui commet encore trois assassinats. Cependant, il a fait la connaissance du District-Attorney Houston, homme subtil, et il se trouve engagé avec lui dans un jeu étrange qui n'est pas sans rappeler celui que jouent Porphyre et Raskolnikov.… (plus d'informations)
vdb | 6 autres critiques | Jun 7, 2011 |


1940s (1)
AP Lit (2)

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Edwin Rosskam Photo-Direction
Arnold Rampersad Notes, Introduction, Editor, , Afterword
Malcolm Wright Afterword
Nina Crews Introduction
John Reilly Afterword
David Diaz Cover artist, Illustrator
Caryl Phillips Introduction
Camillo Pellizzi Translator
Mary Schuck Cover designer
Gösta Olzon Translator
Peter Cade Cover artist
Bruno Fonzi Translator
Jerry W. Ward, Jr. Introduction
Julia Wright Contributor
Richard Yarborough Introduction
Ethan Herisse Narrator
Stephanie Rosenfeld Book and cover designer
Keneth Kinnamon Contributor
Cornel West Introduction
John Williams Foreword


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