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Winesburg-en-Ohio (1919)

par Sherwood Anderson

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6,0021221,697 (3.8)1 / 269
Classic Literature. Fiction. Short Stories. HTML:

Winesburg, Ohio is a series of loosely linked short stories set in the fictional town of Winesburg. The stories are held together by George Willard, a resident to whom the community confide their personal stories and struggles. The townspeople are withdrawn and emotionally repressed and attempt in telling their stories to gain some sense of meaning and dignity in an otherwise desperate life. The work has received high critical acclaim and is considered one of the great American works of the 20th century.

.… (plus d'informations)
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Affichage de 1-5 de 121 (suivant | tout afficher)
Here's what I wrote in 2014 about this read: "Check for another classic read, this one a American. Shows up on various "best of" literary list and a sweet collections of life in small town, America 1910's. Beatles "Eleanor Rigby" kept running through my mind while reading . . . ."all the lonely people". Quotations in the comments section are my exact kindle highlights. ( )
  MGADMJK | Jun 1, 2024 |
The good: I appreciate his writing style. Every so often he hits upon a phrase or paragraph that reflects humans. His ideas of situations are sometimes interesting, even though they aren't reflective of reality.

The bad: first thing, the ridiculous setting. It feels like 90% of what's referred to as "great American" works or on those top 100 lists is set in some rural, pastoral town which feels like a complete fantasy. I cannot believe for one second this town exists. I feel kind of stupid saying this, given he was born and presumably grew up in such a town, but what's shown is not a town. He describes random houses and random people. Nobody wants for money, even if they're poor. There is no town past a few houses where characters live. Characters that should exist don't. There are no consequences. Nothing makes sense. This is what killed the book for me. I'm so sick of these utopian, rural towns, the conception of which is incredibly reactionary. Maybe this is unfair on the book itself but ugh. Nobody in the town has a life, except for what's described in each person's story. It's frustrating. The artificiality of the book shone through - ostensibly it's a reflection of reality yet it feels like fantasy.

Every character's story is a sort of melancholy. The first chapter warns us that every character is going to be a "grotesque," but it's ridiculous. Everybody has some sort of obvious but ridiculous and unlikely problem and ridiculous thoughts. They don't do anything except for the one event described by the story. A sad thing happens but although it defines their life for us the events don't change how they think or how they live. Apparently nobody can get over anything. Everything is static, even when it describes an incredibly long period of time. Nobody reacts to what happens.

There feels a strong divide between the description of what people do and how they think/what they are/what's going on. One character is described as having serious trouble speaking and apparently having serious, debilitating delusions yet he has a whole load of friends and a wife. It doesn't match at all. One character apparently goes through being walked home by a dude for 2 years (!) with nothing else happening - not even inviting him in to her house - and then suddenly decides she doesn't like it. Ok sure whatever. I can't think of many specific examples, just a general pervasive sense that the characters aren't real and what we're being told once doesn't fit what we're told later.

What made me give up on the book is incredibly minor but was the straw that broke the camel's back. A minor character is called "Sugars McNutts." The rest of the book is deadly serious. Come on.

I think my strong dislike of this book is influenced by how I'm feeling right now and is pretty over the top but my frustrations are real and all too typical of this sort of book. One star is maybe too little but what I liked about it was constantly overshadowed by the problems. It quickly felt like a chore to read. I didn't feel like I was reading about humans or anything that happens in real life.

later note: As I said I think my review is probably unfair. It's at least a little better than I make out, it just hit a lot of my pet peeves ( )
2 voter tombomp | Oct 31, 2023 |
Winesburg, Ohio, em princípio, é um livro de contos, pois traz 22 histórias. Como os personagens aparecem nas diversas histórias e o espaço seja o mesmo (uma pequena cidade do centro oeste americano), lê-se-o como se lê p.ex. ¨Go down Moses¨ de Faulkner. Aliás, esta obra pode ser considerada precursora da moderna ficção americana porque teve forte influência sobre autores como Faulkner, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Henry Miller, etc. Há ligações entre os contos e uma cronologia que os amarra. ( )
  jgcorrea | Oct 14, 2023 |
Winesburg, Ohio, is often cited as one of the seminal works in modernist American literature. Some commentary states that great American writers such as Hemingway and Faulkner credit Anderson with influencing their writing styles. The book depicts small-town life with a certain darkness that is not very complimentary.

The book contains seemingly unrelated short stories, yet a common character, George Willard, is a journalist. The motley cast of characters shares their experiences and thoughts about loneliness and alienation in Winesburg. Many are hiding out in Winesburg after having had difficulties elsewhere. There are stories of missed dreams, unhappy marriages, sexual perversion, and repression. Some characters seek the truth and meaning of life, sometimes through their religious faith. ( )
  LindaLoretz | Aug 6, 2023 |
Every so often I come upon a 'classic' worth reading, meaning: an older book that still has something to say; a book that is of its time but not a Sweeping Epic about its time; a story whose humanity isn't lost in the Zeitgeist, then or now. ( )
  Kiramke | Jun 27, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 121 (suivant | tout afficher)
In the autumn of 1915, while living in a bohemian boardinghouse on Chicago’s Near North Side, Sherwood Anderson began work on a collection of tales describing the tortured lives of the inhabitants of Winesburg, a fictional Ohio town, in the 1890s. Drawing on his own experience growing up in the agricultural hamlet of Clyde, Ohio, he breathed life into a band of neurotic castaways adrift on the flatlands of the Midwest, each of them in their own way struggling — and failing — to locate meaning, personal connection and love amid the town’s elm-shaded streets.
Barely a day has passed in more than 20 years during which my thoughts haven’t turned, however fleetingly, to Anderson, “the minor author of a minor masterpiece,” as he once described himself. Winesburg has become my life’s great literary obsession, though for reasons that remain obscure even to me.
ajouté par rybie2 | modifierNEH website, Bruce Falconer (Oct 8, 2017)
Het boek kent enkele zich nogal herhalende thema’s en lijdt wat onder de afwezigheid van de psychologische inzichten die de er opvolgende decennia gemeengoed zouden worden. Toch heeft deze terechte heruitgave meer dan louter literair historische waarde. Het toont een Amerika op de historische grens van een agrarische naar een industriële samenleving, en het toont de onmacht, de hopeloos lijkende ontsnappingsstrategieën, de dieptrieste psychologische problematiek van het voetvolk dat nooit erkenning zou krijgen in het Amerikaanse succesverhaal. Sherwood Anderson zal dit nooit als oogmerk hebben gehad, omdat hij het lot van zijn personages als universeel zag en dat met veel mededogen noteerde.
ajouté par Jozefus | modifierNRC Handelsblad, Jan Donkers (payer le site) (May 26, 2011)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (124 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Anderson, Sherwoodauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Cowley, MalcolmIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Howe, IrvingIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Koontz, DeanPostfaceauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Stahl, Ben F.Illustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Trevisani, GiuseppeTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
To the memory of my mother, Emma Smith Anderson, whose keen observations on the life about her first awoke in me the hunger to see beneath the surface of lives, this book is dedicated.
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(Introduction) Rereading Sherwood Anderson after many years, one feels again that his work is desperately uneven, but one is gratified to find that the best of it is as new and springlike as ever.
The writer, an old man with a white mustache, had some difficulty in getting into bed. The windows of the house in which he lived were high and he wanted to look at the trees when he awoke in the morning. A carpenter came to fix the bed so that it would be on a level with the window.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Classic Literature. Fiction. Short Stories. HTML:

Winesburg, Ohio is a series of loosely linked short stories set in the fictional town of Winesburg. The stories are held together by George Willard, a resident to whom the community confide their personal stories and struggles. The townspeople are withdrawn and emotionally repressed and attempt in telling their stories to gain some sense of meaning and dignity in an otherwise desperate life. The work has received high critical acclaim and is considered one of the great American works of the 20th century.


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