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Apuleius(2) Jane Austen(2) Martin Bailey(1) Peter Barber(1) Richard Barber(1) William Barnes(1) Giovanni Boccaccio(2) Richard Boswell(1) Sir Thomas Malory; revised Sue Bradbury(1) Rupert Brooke(2) Lewis Carroll(3) Emily Jane & Anne Bronte Charlotte(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(3) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1) Minta Collins(1) George Introduction By Crossley-Holland Crabbe, Kevin Illustrator Alan Powers(1) Kevin Crossley-Holland(1) De Segur Louis Philippe Edited With An Introduction By Evaline Cruikshanks(1) Francisco de Goya(1) Thomas Dekker(1) Emily; selections & introduction by Johnson Dickin(1) Diogo Homem (Cartographer) / Peter Barber (Commentary)(1) John Donne(1) Charles Doughty(1) John; Letts Dreyfus, John(1) Christopher; Illustrated by Lee ; Edited by Tolkien, Alan Tolkien, J.R. R.(1) A.s. G. Edwards John Lydgate(1) Orlando Figes(1) James Elroy Flecker(1) Lafcadio (trans.) Anatole; Hearn France(1) John Galsworthy(1) Patrick Garland(1) Théophile Gautier(1) Intro. Folio Society. Churchill (W. S). Gilbert (M)(1) Martin Gilbert(1) Helen Gittos(1) Arthur; Ed. Forey Golding, Madeleine) Ovid (trans.(1) Elizabeth Goudge(1) Robert; Selected and Introduced By Sue Bradbury Graves(1) Thomas Gray(1) Brothers Grimm(1) Jacob Grimm(1) David A. Hinton(1) Russell Hoban(1) James Hogg(1) Robert Hooke(1) Horace(1) S. And Spawforth (Editors) Hornblower, A.(1) Roger Hudson(1) Victor Hugo(1) Charles E. Victor; Translated by Wilbour Hugo(1) Robert Irwin(1) Freiherr von Nikolaus Joseph Jacquin(1) Henry James(1) Henry Jones(1) James Joyce(1) John Keats(1) Omar Khayyám(1) Rudyard Kipling(2) British Library(1) H. P. Lovecraft(1) Thomas Babington Macaulay(1) J.C. Illustrated by Eric Fraser. Mardrus(1) Walter de la Mare(1) E. Powys Mathers(1) George du Maurier(1) Herman Melville(2) James Michie(1) John Milton(1) Nigel J. Morgan(1) Ian Mortimer(1) Blair Mowat(1) Prosper Mérimée(1) Paul W. Nash(1) Ovid(1) Wilfred Owen(1) Brown. Michelle P(1) Alexander Pope(1) Kathryn Powell(1) Terry Pratchett(2) Andrew Prescott(1) Thomas de Quincey(1) Simone Roux(1) Christopher Tolkien J. R. R.;Tolkien(1) Lettice Sandford(1) D. G. Scragg(1) William Shakespeare(1) Percy Bysshe Shelley(1) Richard Brinsley Sheridan(1) Charles Singer(1) Sir Francis Meynell & Hugh Williamson [introductions]:(1) Folio Society(2) Edmund Spenser(1) Laurence Sterne(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) R. S. Surtees(1) Jonathan Swift(2) Edward Thomas(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(3) Tolstoi(1) Leo Tolstoy(2) Anthony Trollope(2) Queen Victoria(1) Virgil(1) M. de Voltaire(1) Izaak Walton(2) H. G. Wells(1) Peter (editor) Oscar : Forster Wilde(1) Hugh Williamson(1) William Butler Yeats(1)