Three Stars Book Award
Décerné par District of Columbia Library Association: School Library Section
244 oeuvres 163,245 Livres 8,105 critiques 4.3
The Three Stars Book Award, named after the three stars on the DC flag, is a project of the District of Columbia Library Association: School Library Section, local librarians, and reading afficher plus advocates. The inaugural award was created in 2017 by Emily Carmichael and Kate Sweeney.
Voting for the Three Stars Book Award takes place in May and June, and is open to students who live or go to school in Washington, DC. We strive to recognize books that incorporate diversity, multiculturalism, and other curricular connections as a means to connect reading to learning while building a culture of reading across DC schools. Nominees are chosen by a committee based on readers' interests and requests. Winners are chosen by students and readers across the district. afficher moins
Voting for the Three Stars Book Award takes place in May and June, and is open to students who live or go to school in Washington, DC. We strive to recognize books that incorporate diversity, multiculturalism, and other curricular connections as a means to connect reading to learning while building a culture of reading across DC schools. Nominees are chosen by a committee based on readers' interests and requests. Winners are chosen by students and readers across the district. afficher moins
Winner 20
Nominee 244
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