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Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881)

Auteur de Sybil, or The Two Nations

96+ oeuvres 1,698 utilisateurs 9 critiques 1 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Benjamin Disraeli was born in London, England on December 21, 1804. His first novel, Vivien Grey, was published in 1826. His other works include The Voyage of Captain Popanilla, Contarini Fleming, A Year at Hartlebury, Coningsby, Sybil, Tancred, and Lothair. He became England's first and only afficher plus Jewish prime minister, serving from 1867 to 1868 and again from 1874 to 1880. He is best remembered for bringing India and the Suez Canal under control of the crown. During his second term of office, when he was knighted, he took a name from his first novel and became the first Earl of Beaconsfield. He died on April 19, 1881 at the age of 76. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
Crédit image: Source: "Great Britain and Her Queen",
by Anne E. Keeling (1897)
(Project Gutenberg)


Œuvres de Benjamin Disraeli

Sybil, or The Two Nations (1845) 769 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Coningsby, or The New Generation (1844) 271 exemplaires, 1 critique
100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 2 (2021) — Contributeur — 72 exemplaires
Lothair (1870) 68 exemplaires
Tancred, or The New Crusade (1971) 59 exemplaires, 1 critique
Vivian Grey (1826) 46 exemplaires
Endymion (1880) 39 exemplaires
Henrietta Temple (1969) 30 exemplaires
Venetia (2005) 24 exemplaires
The Young Duke (2007) 20 exemplaires
Disraeli's reminiscences (1975) 13 exemplaires
Ixion in Heaven (1834) 8 exemplaires
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1860-1864 (Volume 8) (2009) 8 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Infernal Marriage (2008) 7 exemplaires
The Young Duke | Count Alarcos (1853) 6 exemplaires
Popanilla and Other Tales (1977) 4 exemplaires
The Rise of Iskander (2003) 4 exemplaires
The Benjamin Disraeli Collection (2015) 4 exemplaires
Sketches (2015) 4 exemplaires
The Voyage of Captain Popanilla (2011) 3 exemplaires
A True Story 3 exemplaires
Home letters (1885) 3 exemplaires
The letters of Runnymede (1968) 3 exemplaires
Vivian Grey, Volume II 2 exemplaires
Tancred, Volume II 2 exemplaires
Endymion and Falconet 2 exemplaires
Lothair, Volume 1 (2012) 2 exemplaires
Tancred, Volume I 1 exemplaire
Beaconsfield: Maxims 1 exemplaire
Venetia, Volume II 1 exemplaire
Alroy 1 exemplaire
Suez Canal Speech (2013) 1 exemplaire
Count Alarcos (2016) 1 exemplaire
Vivian Grey Volume IV 1 exemplaire
Selected Speeches (2005) 1 exemplaire
Endymion, Volume II 1 exemplaire
Tales and Sketches 1 exemplaire
Venetia | Tancred (1868) 1 exemplaire
Endymion, Volume I 1 exemplaire
Der tolle Lord 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

The Portable Conservative Reader (1982) — Contributeur — 214 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Portable Victorian Reader (1972) — Contributeur — 177 exemplaires
Curiosities of literature (1867) — Avant-propos, quelques éditions101 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Phoenix Tree: An Anthology of Myth Fantasy (1980) — Contributeur — 75 exemplaires
Disraeli: The Novel Politician (Jewish Lives) (2016) — Associated Name — 54 exemplaires
Selected English Short Stories (First Series) (1914) — Contributeur — 36 exemplaires
Great English Short Stories (1930) — Contributeur — 19 exemplaires, 1 critique
Selected English short stories XIX & XX centuries (1948) — Contributeur — 11 exemplaires
Novels of High Society from the Victorian Age (1947) — Contributeur — 9 exemplaires
Conservative Texts: An Anthology (1991) — Contributeur — 8 exemplaires
Famous Stories of Five Centuries (1934) — Contributeur — 4 exemplaires
The Queen’s Story Book — Contributeur — 2 exemplaires
The princess's story book — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire


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In 2015 The Guardian published a list of the 100 best novels published in English, listed in chronological order of publication. Under Covid inspired lockdown, I have taken up the challenge.
Number 11 in the list is Sybil, by Disraeli. Appropriately for a politician, the book has strong political roots. The writing is surprisingly good - more Trollope than Dickens. But while Trollope was never plot driven, this one has the hero and heroine fighting the odds to achieve their ends.
An excellent read and worthy of its place on this list.… (plus d'informations)
mbmackay | 4 autres critiques | Jul 20, 2020 |
For Benjamin Disraeli, the early years of the 1860s were ones of both excitement and frustration. Events such as the unification of Italy, the American Civil War, and the start of the wars of German unification brought upheaval and turmoil to the international scene. Such conflicts stood out in stark contrast to the torpor which characterized domestic politics in Britain, as Lord Palmerston’s government made few waves with its stance of practiced inactivity. With the Conservative Party winning by-election after by-election, the promise of a return to office seemed tantalizingly close yet frustratingly slow in arrival for Disraeli, who nonetheless patiently waited as the top of the greasy pole loomed ever closer to his reach.

This is the period detailed in the eighth volume of the Benjamin Disraeli Letters series. It contains over 900 letters written by Disraeli between 1860 and 1864 to a variety of correspondents. Addressing as they do the gamut of his social and political activities, they provide a window into Disraeli’s everyday life and his views on the myriad personalities and events of his time. Aiding in this is the meticulous editorial work of Mel Wiebe, Mary S. Millar, and Ann Robson, who carefully detail the location of each letter and its publication history, and provide extensive footnotes that supply the context of the letters and the texts of related correspondence. Over a half-dozen appendices provide supplemental materials and older documents discovered since the publication of the previous volumes, including a previously unattributed 1848 pamphlet coauthored with Lionel de Rothschild on Jewish emancipation.

The enormous amount of research and editorial effort put into assembling and presenting the letters is the key to the value of the book. With its comprehensive notation, thorough indexes, and detailed chronologies, this is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand Benjamin Disraeli or British politics during the 1860s. This makes it all the more regrettable that this was the last volume edited by Mel Wiebe, who in the Acknowledgments section notes his departure as the chief editor. Hopefully his successor maintained the high standards and regular output of this invaluable series, especially as it rests on the cusp of the vital years of Disraeli’s premiership.
… (plus d'informations)
MacDad | Mar 27, 2020 |

This is one of the many novels of Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), published in 1845, two years before he was elected to Parliament, seven years before he became Chancellor of the Exchequer for the first time and 23 years before the first of his two terms as Prime Minister of the UK. The only other British prime minister that I know published any novels was Churchill; I am fairly sure that the combined tally of all the others must be rather less than Disraeli's 16 or so.

The political sentiments of the novel are very interesting, and completely worn on its sleeve. Since the revolution of 1690, Britain has been run by the corrupt Whigs and their successors, out only to enrich themselves. The ancient and noble aristocrats, and the poor working classes, have both been exploited by the nouveaux riches and it's jolly well time that they got their act together. The working respectable poor live in horrible conditions, exploited by the Whigs and their own local bigwigs. The Catholic church (rather to my surprise) is a strong potential unifying factor, partly because the Whigs hate it but mainly just because. Egremont, noble both in blood and spirit, dares to openly state in Parliament that maybe the Chartists have a point and pays a social price. Sybil, whose father is a leader of the misguided but well-intentioned Chartists, orbits around Egremont and then it turns out - spoiler! - that she too has noble blood as well as noble sentiments. The establishment defeats the Chartists; yet nothing can ever be the same again.

The characters are paper-thin, but there's nice interplay within Egremont's own family (his stuck-up elder brother, his manipulative mother) and the political fixers Tadpole and Taper are quite good fun - as is Mr Hatton, fixer of family trees. I was also surprised by the number of memorable one-liners:

On Ireland in the eighteenth century: “to govern Ireland was only to apportion the public plunder to a corrupt senate.”

About an MP with a bee in his bonnet about foreign policy: “he had only one idea, and that was wrong.”

An old-fashioned lord harumphs: “pretending that people can be better off than they are, is radicalism and nothing else.”

Advice to a trainee lobbyist: “be ‘frank and explicit;’ that is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and to confuse the minds of others.”

Most surprisingly, on page 415: “Resistance is useless!” (Had Douglas Adams read this?)

Not everything stands the passage of time. “Slowly delivering himself of an ejaculation, Egremont leant back in his chair.” Errrr....

I picked this up (after a long time) mainly as a result of F.R. Leavis' recommendation in The Great Tradition. My main conclusion is that I wonder what he was on, recommending this ahead of most other novels of the nineteenth century? It's entertaining for a glimpse of the political atmosphere of 1845 (with the glaring absence of Ireland), but it really isn't Great Literature.
… (plus d'informations)
nwhyte | 4 autres critiques | Nov 1, 2019 |
If you don't like politics or satires, this is not the book for you. While I am not very political myself, I like satires very much. This one uses a variation of Romeo and Juliet as a framework: Charles Egremont, newly-elected aristocratic Member of Parliament, meets and falls in love with the beautiful poor Chartist Sybil Gerard. Disraeli used little subtlety in making his point of England being "Two nations; between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; ... THE RICH AND THE POOR." and amidst the humor and the romance, there are strong indictments about a government that allows the terrible conditions of the working classes. The book covers the conditions of farming labourers, mill workers, miners and metalworkers - each suffers in a different way but all suffering.

I particularly liked the satire of the political hostesses & the names Disraeli used for the minor characters (such as Lord Muddlebrains, Lady Firebrace, Colonel Bosky, Mr. Hoaxem etc.). I had a little bit of familiarity with the way aristocratic women sometimes figured as political hostesses before this & so Disraeli's lampooning of them struck me as very funny, such as Lady St. Julian's belief that all that is necessary for the party to secure a Member's vote on some particular issue is to have "asked some of them to dinner, or given a ball or two to their wives and daughters! ... Losing a vote at such a critical time, when if I had had only a remote idea of what was passing through his mind, I would have even asked him to Barrowley for a couple of days."
… (plus d'informations)
1 voter
leslie.98 | 4 autres critiques | Feb 6, 2017 |


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