Grand Canyon Reader AwardNominee
Décerné par Arizona Library Association
Autres noms: Arizona Young Readers Award (Anglais)
1,484 oeuvres / 1,486 élements 278,456 Livres 5,828 critiques 4.1
General Description
1. The purpose of the Grand Canyon Reader Award is:
to encourage Arizona young readers to become better acquainted with recently published afficher plus quality books.
to honor favorite books and authors.
2. The award is given annually in the following categories:
Picture Books
Intermediate Books
Tween Books
Non-fiction Books
3. The winning book in each category is determined by the vote of young readers in Arizona.
4. An award is given in each category, including the illustrator for the winning picture book.
5. The awards are presented at the annual AzLA conference.
6. The Grand Canyon Reader Award is sponsored by the Arizona Library Association. afficher moins
General Description
1. The purpose of the Grand Canyon Reader Award is:
to encourage Arizona young readers to become better acquainted with recently published afficher plus quality books.
to honor favorite books and authors.
2. The award is given annually in the following categories:
Picture Books
Intermediate Books
Tween Books
Non-fiction Books
3. The winning book in each category is determined by the vote of young readers in Arizona.
4. An award is given in each category, including the illustrator for the winning picture book.
5. The awards are presented at the annual AzLA conference.
6. The Grand Canyon Reader Award is sponsored by the Arizona Library Association. afficher moins
Nominee 1,486
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