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Jonathan Strange et Mr Norrell

par Susanna Clarke

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Séries: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

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27,374784111 (3.94)2 / 1195
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:In the Hugo-award winning, epic New York Times Bestseller and basis for the BBC miniseries, two men change England's history when they bring magic back into the world.

In the midst of the Napoleonic Wars in 1806, most people believe magic to have long since disappeared from England - until the reclusive Mr. Norrell reveals his powers and becomes an overnight celebrity.
Another practicing magician then emerges: the young and daring Jonathan Strange. He becomes Norrell's pupil, and the two join forces in the war against France.
But Strange is increasingly drawn to the wild, most perilous forms of magic, and he soon risks sacrificing his partnership with Norrell and everything else he holds dear.
Susanna Clarke's brilliant first novel is an utterly compelling epic tale of nineteenth-century England and the two magicians who, first as teacher and pupil and then as rivals, emerge to change its history.
… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parDamienHerne, Sophiene, etl, mermind2, AmberEugenio, Test_Infinite,, EmilyChak, bibliothèque privée, turtle3016
  1. 421
    Les dames de Grâce Adieu par Susanna Clarke (billiecat, celtic)
  2. 341
    Stardust, le mystère de l’étoile par Neil Gaiman (GreenVelvet, GreenVelvet, GreenVelvet)
    GreenVelvet: Both Stardust and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell are detailed, well-written and riveting explorations of the world of fairie.
  3. 251
    Little, Big par John Crowley (VisibleGhost)
  4. 231
    Le cirque des rêves par Erin Morgenstern (-Eva-, BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Magical rivalries are at the heart of these unconventional Fantasy novels, which play out over decades and against elaborate, atmospheric 19th-century backdrops. Their initially relaxed pacing gains momentum as the various narrative threads dramatically converge.… (plus d'informations)
  5. 212
    Le livre des choses perdues par John Connolly (derelicious, jonathankws)
  6. 192
    La fille du roi des Elfes par Lord Dunsany (billiecat)
    billiecat: Clarke's descriptions of Faerie share the dreamlike qualities of Dunsany's novel.
  7. 236
    Gormenghast, Tome 1 : Titus d'enfer par Mervyn Peake (saltmanz)
    saltmanz: Both extrememly atmospheric books, with vivid visuals and memorable characters.
  8. 171
    Lud-in-the-Mist par Hope Mirrlees (TheSpecialistsCat)
    TheSpecialistsCat: Both Clarke and Mirrlees lived briefly in Spain, then returned home to write about fairies and also, ostensibly, what it means to be English.
  9. 183
    Le treizième conte par Diane Setterfield (majkia)
    majkia: both books evoked the same sort of feeling for me.
  10. 195
    L'amulette de Samarcande par Jonathan Stroud (clif_hiker)
  11. 141
    Sorcery and Cecelia, or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot par Patricia C. Wrede (fyrefly98)
    fyrefly98: Both have the same "Jane-Austen-meets-Harry-Potter" vibe to them; "Jonathan Strange" is denser and more grown-up, while "Sorcery & Cecelia" is funnier and more of a romp.
  12. 185
    Les dragons de sa majesté par Naomi Novik (Rodo)
  13. 187
    Les portes du temps : A l'assaut des ténèbres par Susan Cooper (ErlendSkjelten)
    ErlendSkjelten: I don't remember making this recommendation, much less why I did; they are very different books. I think I felt that they both conjured up the same mystic mood, and they are both concerned with a very British magic.
  14. 133
    Sans parler du chien ou Comment nous retrouvâmes la potiche de l'évèque par Connie Willis (hiredman)
  15. 100
    Sorcerer to the Crown par Zen Cho (jen.e.moore)
  16. 134
    Le Nommé Jeudi par G. K. Chesterton (flissp)
  17. 60
    La nuit de l'infamie : Une confession par Michael Cox (Utilisateur anonyme)
  18. 82
    À la pointe de l'épée par Ellen Kushner (spiphany)
  19. 60
    Le projet Eidolon, Dossier 1 : Les racines du mal par Ian Tregillis (Aerrin99)
    Aerrin99: Books which focus on a fascinating historical Britain, but with added fun like magicians and more.
  20. 126
    Le Prestige par Christopher Priest (Patangel)

(voir toutes les recommandations de 66)


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» Voir aussi les 1195 mentions

Anglais (761)  Français (6)  Italien (3)  Allemand (2)  Catalan (2)  Suédois (2)  Finnois (2)  Japonais (2)  Espagnol (1)  Toutes les langues (781)
Affichage de 1-5 de 6 (suivant | tout afficher)
A delicious horrific tale that largely draws from nineteenth-Century British writers like Jane Austen or Charles Dickens. Clarke takes us to another world, in all senses of the term. The mysterious ending definitely calls for a follow-up. ( )
  corporate_clone | Mar 26, 2023 |
Nous nous retrouvons dans une Europe en pleine guerre napoléonienne, où réapparait la magie.
Des personnalités intéressantes dans un univers uchronique passionnant.

La narration est un peu trop lourde, le style pas assez concis. C'est peut être ce qui donne à ce bouquin son atmosphère désuète, assez agréable in fine. ( )
  Mr_Inverno | Oct 3, 2009 |
Un bijou de narration et d'invention à la fois roman historique, récit fantastique et comédie de mœurs. L'intrigue est palpitante, les personnages passionnants et le travail de recherche et de création de l'auteure stupéfiant.
Les 1300 pages se lisent avec une grande facilité tant le lecteur est happé par l'histoire.
Un classique inclassable en devenir. ( )
1 voter Leiloune | Jul 28, 2009 |
Ce bouquin, encensé partout m'est tombé des mains... ( )
1 voter fleg0063 | May 14, 2009 |
Ce roman a un charme fou. Il est extrêmement fouillé et très bien écrit. L’idée de départ est originale et la réalisation ne l’est pas moins. Avec son style de narration, son vocabulaire, ses notes de bas de page, on le croirait tout droit sorti de la bibliothèque d’un vieux manoir anglais.
Il est très long et l’intrigue n’est pas toujours très palpitante (c'est le meilleur euphémisme que j'ai fait depuis que je rédige des billets). Même si certaines de ces longueurs font partie du charme, le roman gagnerait parfois à être plus concis (tiens encore un à moins que ce ne soit une litote cette fois). Il se prêterait très bien à une adaptation cinématographique car il réunit tous les ingrédients nécessaires (et il deviendrait du même coup bien plus digeste). Il est rare que je défende le cinéma mais il faut dire que parfois, comme pour Le seigneur des anneaux, il est capable de réaliser un travail d'utilité publique. ( )
2 voter yokai | Apr 13, 2009 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 6 (suivant | tout afficher)
Her deftly assumed faux-19th century point of view will beguile cynical adult readers into losing themselves in this entertaining and sophisticated fantasy.
Many charmed readers will feel, as I do, that Susanna Clarke has wasted neither her energies nor our many reading hours.
Susanna Clarke, who resides in Cambridge, England, has spent the past decade writing the 700-plus pages of this remarkable book. She's a great admirer of Charles Dickens and has produced a work every bit as enjoyable as The Pickwick Papers, with more than a touch of the early Anne Rice thrown in for good measure.
"Move over, little Harry. It’s time for some real magic."
A chimera of a novel that combines the dark mythology of fantasy with the delicious social comedy of Jane Austen into a masterpiece of the genre that rivals Tolkien.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierTime, Lev Grossman (Aug 16, 2004)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (13 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Clarke, Susannaauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bützow, HeleneTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Gaiman, NeilIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Janiš, ViktorTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Merla, PaolaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Prebble, SimonNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Rosenberg, PortiaIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ruben, PaulProducerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Webb, WilliamConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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He hardly ever spoke of magic, and when he did it was like a history lesson and no one could bear to listen to him.
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In memory of my brother, Paul Frederick Gunn Clarke, 1961-2000
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Some years ago there was in the city of York a society of magicians.
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At sixteen she spoke -- not only French, Italian & German -- which are part of any lady's commonplace accomplishments -- but all the languages of the civilized (and uncivilized) world. She spoke the language of the Scottish Highlands (which is like singing). She spoke Basque, which is a language which rarely makes any impression upon the brains of any other race, so that a man may hear it as often and as long as he likes, but never afterwards be able to recall a single syllable of it. She even learnt the language of a strange country which, Signor Tosetti had been told, some people believed still existed, although no one in the world could say where it was. (The name of the country was Wales.)
It is also true that that his hair had a reddish tinge and, as everybody knows, no one with red hair can ever truly be said to be handsome.
"Soldiers, I am sorry to say, steal everything." He thought for a moment and then added, "Or at least ours do."
"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted "but a gentleman never could."
It may be laid down as a general rule that if a man begins to sing, no one will take any notice of his song except his fellow human beings. This is true even if his song is surpassingly beautiful. Other men may be in raptures at his skill, but the rest of creation is, by and large, unmoved. Perhaps a cat or a dog may look at him; his horse, if it is an exceptionally intelligent beast, may pause in cropping the grass, but that is the extent of it. But when the fairy sang, the whole world listened to him. Stephen felt clouds pause in their passing; he felt sleeping hills shift and murmur; he felt cold mists dance. He understood for the first time that the world is not dumb at all, but merely waiting for someone to speak to it in a language it understands. In the fairy's song the earth recognized the names by which it called itself.
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Wikipédia en anglais (3)

Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:In the Hugo-award winning, epic New York Times Bestseller and basis for the BBC miniseries, two men change England's history when they bring magic back into the world.

In the midst of the Napoleonic Wars in 1806, most people believe magic to have long since disappeared from England - until the reclusive Mr. Norrell reveals his powers and becomes an overnight celebrity.
Another practicing magician then emerges: the young and daring Jonathan Strange. He becomes Norrell's pupil, and the two join forces in the war against France.
But Strange is increasingly drawn to the wild, most perilous forms of magic, and he soon risks sacrificing his partnership with Norrell and everything else he holds dear.
Susanna Clarke's brilliant first novel is an utterly compelling epic tale of nineteenth-century England and the two magicians who, first as teacher and pupil and then as rivals, emerge to change its history.

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Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell à Folio Society Devotees

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