BILBY: Books I Love Best Yearly
Décerné par Children's Book Council of Australia (Queensland Branch)
Autres noms: BILBY (Anglais), BILBY Awards (Anglais), Books I Love Best Yearly (Anglais)
85 oeuvres / 88 élements 1,156,232 Livres 25,481 critiques 4.2
BILBY Awards (Books I Love Best Yearly) are Queensland's children's choice awards, run by the Children's Book Council of Australia (Queensland Branch). They are not limited in any way, except afficher plus winners from the previous two years are not eligible. Categories: Older Readers (12 years and older); Younger Readers (9 to 11 years)and Early Readers (8 years and younger). afficher moins
Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série
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