Iowa High School Book Award
Décerné par Iowa Association of School Librarians (IASL)
59 oeuvres 417,786 Livres 16,056 critiques 3.9
Purpose of the Iowa High School Book Award
To encourage to read more and better books
To provide an avenue for positive dialogue between teachers, parents, and students about books and authors
To afficher plus give recognition to those who write books for young adults.
To provide students an opportunity to choose a book to receive the award
To offer an avenue for students to suggest books for the yearly reading list
To promote leisure reading among Iowa high school students
To provide Iowa high school students with a diversified, quality reading list afficher moins
To encourage to read more and better books
To provide an avenue for positive dialogue between teachers, parents, and students about books and authors
To afficher plus give recognition to those who write books for young adults.
To provide students an opportunity to choose a book to receive the award
To offer an avenue for students to suggest books for the yearly reading list
To promote leisure reading among Iowa high school students
To provide Iowa high school students with a diversified, quality reading list afficher moins
Winner 21
Nominee 40
Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série
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