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It’s because he is. I haven’t felt alive inside in years. I’ve been slowly rotting away (1), book movement (1), all your perfects will dim.” Colleen Hoover always writes the perfect romance novel. If you haven’t read her books (1), desperately hoping it does. “I can spend my time focusing on the perfect version of the life I’ll never have or I can spend my time enjoying the life I do have. And the life I have would provide me with so much opportunity if I would get out of my own (1), the author takes you on an emotional roller-coaster and you will wonder if their marriage will survive or not (1), simply out of fear. We avoided communicating. We avoided talking about the challenges we faced. We avoided all the things that made us feel saddest.”As things fall apart between Quinn and Graham over the years (1), but that one word can cause some severe damage to a relationship. We avoided so much in our marriage (1), and that rot is now eating at my marriage to the point that I can no longer hide it.”“Something that should have brought us together pulled us further apart. Avoidance sounds like such a harmless word (1), want to read books about books (1), they begin to try to get pregnant. A mom is the only thing that Quinn wants to be and as she struggles with infertility she becomes a completely different person. Battling infertility takes a toll on each of them and their marriage. Quinn: “I cry becaus (1), own voices (1), undying love that always takes place in Hoover’s books. After the couple is married (1), lustful (1), have read/don't own booklist (1), Quinn and Graham (1), There is something about a Colleen Hoover book that grips you from the first page and holds you hostage until the end. She always makes you feel all the feelings!!!! All Your Perfects is about a couple (1), read with kleenex (1), you are missing out! (1), classic (1), who meet and fall madly in love. The kind of sickening (1), have read/ don't own (1), race (1), american book award (1), giller prize (1), new york (1), yoga (1), outer banks (1), china (1), bazaar (1), book list (1), book of the month club (1), goodreads (1), kirkus (1), redbook (1), womens fiction (1), usa today (1), YA (1), japan (1), Christmas (1), holocaust (1), intense (1), courtroom (1), algonquin (1), hawaii (1), romacne (1), books on the nightstand (1), birds (1), pulpwood queens (1), great depression (1), immigrants (1), summer (1), indie next pick (1), want tp read (1), wall street journal best book (1), the economist best book (1), alcoholism (1), memoir/biography (1), LGBTQ (1), dust bowl (1), mothers and daughters (1), second chance romance (1), twins (1), aging (1), coming-of age (1), literary figures (1), jamaica (1), novelist (1), teen book club (1), have read/don'[t own (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Aug 28, 2006
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
a key to my ratings:

five stars- soul-stirring, moving, perfect
four stars- excellent read, never lost interest
three stars- good book, worth reading
two stars- just okay, could take it or leave it
one star- sucked! don't waste your time

"Make thy books thy companions. Let thy cases and shelves be thy pleasure grounds and gardens." - Judah ibn-Tibbon

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes." - Desiderius Erasmus

"One sure window into a person's soul is his reading list." - Mary B. W. Tabor

"Choose an author as you would a friend." - Wentworth Dillon

A propos de moi
English major. Librarian. Book clubber. Book Blogger. Lover of literary fiction.

A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party,
a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures ~Jessamyn West

A book must be an ice-axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul. ~Franz Kafka
Lieu (géographique)
fayetteville, nc
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Auteurs favoris
Favoris locaux

Librairies: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Fayetteville, Edward McKay Used Books & More Fayetteville, Malaprop's Bookstore & Cafe, Quail Ridge Books, Two Sisters Bookery

Bibliothèques: Cumberland County Public Library - Headquarters Downtown Library

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