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Anansi Boys par Neil Gaiman

Anansi Boys (original 2005; édition 2006)

par Neil Gaiman (Auteur)

Séries: American Gods (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
20,379467226 (3.94)1 / 426
When Fat Charlie's dad named something, it stuck. Like calling Fat Charlie "Fat Charlie." Even now, 20 years later, Charlie Nancy can't shake that name, one of the many embarrassing "gifts" his father bestowed-before he dropped dead on a karaoke stage and ruined Fat Charlie's life. Because Mr. Nancy left Fat Charlie things. Things like the tall, good-looking stranger who appears on Charlie's doorstep, who appears to be the brother he never knew. A brother as different from Charlie as night is from day, a brother who's going to show Charlie how to lighten up and have a little fun. And all of a sudden, things start getting very interesting for Fat Charlie. Exciting, scary, and deeply funny, Anansi Boys is a kaleidoscopic journey deep into myth, a wild adventure, as Neil Gaiman shows us where gods come from, and how to survive your family.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Anansi Boys
Auteurs:Neil Gaiman (Auteur)
Info:Headline Review (2006), Edition: New Ed, 480 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Anansi Boys par Neil Gaiman (2005)


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» Voir aussi les 426 mentions

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Finally a fully satisfying novel by Neil Gaiman. The writing of Anansi Boys is top-notch and the mix of comedy and horror works wonders. This novel is perfectly wrapped up and masterfully delivered. While at first sight this is a light and comic novel, it goes very deep on the philosophical level with interesting and subtle views on family, parent-children relationships and the challenge of growing up. Perhaps Gaiman’s best novel.

Strong points
1. Witty and well written
2. Many layers of meaning
3. Intelligent use of mythology

Weak points
1. Connection with American Gods quite loose
2. Some characters evolution hard to follow
3. Could have been a little longer ( )
  corporate_clone | Jan 7, 2024 |
Gaiman kutoo tapansa mukaan sujuvan ja houkuttelevan kertomuksen, joka ammentaa tarinoiden ja myyttien maailmasta. Sujuvan lukukokemuksen viimeistelee onnistunut suomennos.

Gaimaniin mieltyneille Hämähäkkijumala on puolipakollinen kirjahyllyn täyte ja kevytfantasiaa hakeville ihan yhtä hyvä tutustumiskirja kuin mikä tahansa varhaisempi romaani. Vaikka kirjan juoni ei juuri yllätäkään, Gaiman esittelee tarinankertojan lahjaansa: kykyä tehdä mahdottomasta todenmakuista.
ajouté par msaari | modifierKeskisuomalainen, Riku Ylönen (Jan 30, 2009)
And Charlie, who has become a successful singer and fathered a son, has come to terms with the powers and responsibilities of ''a boy who was half a god," having learned what Gaiman knows better, and communicates more forcefully, than any other contemporary writer: Stories and poems, songs and myths, represent us, sustain and complete us, and survive us, while also ensuring that all that's best in us survives with them.
ajouté par stephmo | modifierBoston Globe, Bruce Allen (Nov 20, 2005)
The focus on Anansi and tricksters, I think, goes a long way towards explaining the tone of this novel. It really feels more like some of the established "funny" sci-fi/fantasy authors (like Gaiman's Good Omens co-author Terry Pratchett) than "classic" Neil.
ajouté par stephmo | modifierPopMatters, Stephen Rauch (Nov 7, 2005)
The problem in "Anansi Boys" is the type of fantasy Gaiman has chosen. The tales of Anansi outwitting his foes leave you feeling you've eaten something heavy and sugary. There's an Uncle Remus folksiness to the stories that sends the airy blitheness of the farce plummeting down to earth.

There is also, I regret to say, the warm hand of instruction lying uneasily on this tale. Charlie works through his ineffectualness and his family issues to find happiness, contentment and - ugh - acceptance. It leaves you with the uncomfortable feeling that for Gaiman, farce by itself would simply have been too frivolous, that he feels the need to impart a lesson.
Anansi Boys contains a couple of traditional-style Anansi fables, and the book itself takes a similar ambling but wry, pointed tone; like any good Anansi story, it's about cleverness, appetite, and comeuppance, and it's funny in a smart, inclusive way. And like any good Gaiman book, it's about the places where the normal world and a fantastic one intersect, and all the insightful things they have to say about each other.

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (14 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Gaiman, Neilauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Henry, LennyNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hopkinson, NaloIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Mcginnis, RobertArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Trueblood, HoustonArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Vallejo, FrancisIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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You know how it is, you pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.

Not this time.

Because we haven't yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are just crazy about each other/haven't seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but will, I trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other ....

This one's for you.

With you know what, and you probably know why.
NOTE: The author would like to take this opportunity to tip his hat respectfully to the ghosts of Zora Neale Hurston, Thorne Smith, P.G. Wodehouse, and Frederick "Tex" Avery.
Premiers mots
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It begins, as most things begin, with a song.
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Fat Charlie wondered what Rosie's mother would usually hear in a church. Probably just cries of "Back! Foul beast of Hell!" followed by gasps of "Is it alive?" and a nervous inquiry as to whether someone had remembered to bring the stakes and hammers. (Chapter 5)
"Your job is safe and sound. Safe as houses. As long as you remain the model of circumspection and discretion you have been so far."
"How safe are houses," asked Fat Charlie.
"Extremely safe."
"It's just that I read somewhere that most accidents occur in the home." (Chapter 5)
"The ties of blood," said Spider, "Are stronger than water."
"Water's not strong," objected Fat Charlie.
"Stronger than vodka, then. Or volcanoes". (Chapter 6)
The beast made the noise of a cat being shampooed, a lonely wail of horror and outrage, of shame and defeat. (Chapter 13)
"I figured even if there was a nuclear war, it would still leave radioactive cockroaches and your mum." (Chapter 14, Charlie speaking to Rosie)
Derniers mots
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

When Fat Charlie's dad named something, it stuck. Like calling Fat Charlie "Fat Charlie." Even now, 20 years later, Charlie Nancy can't shake that name, one of the many embarrassing "gifts" his father bestowed-before he dropped dead on a karaoke stage and ruined Fat Charlie's life. Because Mr. Nancy left Fat Charlie things. Things like the tall, good-looking stranger who appears on Charlie's doorstep, who appears to be the brother he never knew. A brother as different from Charlie as night is from day, a brother who's going to show Charlie how to lighten up and have a little fun. And all of a sudden, things start getting very interesting for Fat Charlie. Exciting, scary, and deeply funny, Anansi Boys is a kaleidoscopic journey deep into myth, a wild adventure, as Neil Gaiman shows us where gods come from, and how to survive your family.

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OT - Signed limited edition Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman à Folio Society Devotees

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