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Les domaines hantés (1948)

par Truman Capote

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MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,584505,829 (3.83)106
Truman Capote's first novel is a story of almost supernatural intensity and inventiveness, an audacious foray into the mind of a sensitive boy as he seeks out the grown-up enigmas of love and death in the ghostly landscape of the deep South. At the age of twelve, Joel Knox is summoned to meet the father who abandoned him at birth. But when Joel arrives at the decaying mansion in Skully's Landing, his father is nowhere in sight. What he finds instead is a sullen stepmother who delights in killing birds; an uncle with the face-and heart-of a debauched child; and a fearsome little girl named Idabel who may offer him the closest thing he has ever known to love.… (plus d'informations)
  1. 51
    Ne tirez pas sur l'oiseau moqueur par Harper Lee (Othemts)
    Othemts: These books are two sides of the same coin of life in a small Alabama town. Where there's dignity and hope in Mockingbird, Other Voices is decadence and demoralization
  2. 00
    A Visitation of Spirits par Randall Kenan (sturlington)
    sturlington: Gay teenagers coming of age in the South.
  3. 01
    Les Vierges suicidées par Jeffrey Eugenides (weener)
    weener: Both books with a srong sense of setting, with a sense of foreboding and decay.

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This is a really well-written novel, and it started very well, but I gradually lost interest in the story as it went on. The atmosphere is so decadent and so fed up with everything that it did not fit well with a coming-of-age novel. I felt sorry for Joel, trapped in that house with those selfish adults. Truman Capote really can write, but here I felt he lacked a more polished story to tell. It's a short novel, however, and I'm not sorry I read it. I would recommend it for people who consider literary quality as more important than plot and good storytelling. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
Cesta třináctiletého Joela Knoxe za tatínkem, která se mění v cestu do hlubin jeho tápajícího srdce, je lyrickým příběhem o lidské osamělosti a hledání lásky. V pohádkově viděném světě amerického Jihu, zaplněném přízračnými vidinami a fantastickými sny, žijí osobité postavy, které mají jedno společné: potíže s nalezením životního přítele.
  PDSS | May 21, 2024 |
13-year-old Joel Knox leaves his aunt's house in New Orleans, where he has been comfortably cared for since his mother's death, ostensibly having been summoned by the father he has never met. His solo journey into the gothic environs of Southern decay leads him to an obscure backwater where he meets blighted characters haunted by the past, struggling with the present and dubious of the future. Joel has long been able to take himself to a "secret room" in his mind, and often has unbidden visions as well. He puts his observations of the new people in his life to good use, eventually realizing basic truths about himself and what matters to him. A brilliant short novel packed with elegant prose, atmosphere and humanity. If only Capote could have held on to the wise young man inside himself shown to us here.

"...only hypocrites would hold a man responsible for what he loves" ( )
  laytonwoman3rd | Mar 6, 2024 |
Altre voci altre stanze potrebbe essere liquidato come l'ennesimo romanzo di formazione se non fosse così maledettamente ricco di significato.

Ciò che mi ha colpito di più è stato il disperato bisogno del protagonista tredicenne – Joel Knox – di essere amato, un grido muto, ma non meno potente, che si sente lungo tutto il romanzo. Un elemento dal sapore autobiografico, data la sfortunata infanzia di Capote, segnata da due genitori litigiosi e spesso assenti. In questo modo, l'autore deve aver imparato presto il gusto amaro della solitudine.

Così accade a Joel, che, tentato dalla prospettiva di trovare suo padre e, soprattutto, il suo affetto, si trasferisce a Noon City, nella casa paterna, Skully's Landing. Fin da subito il Landing appare un luogo lontano da ogni civiltà e consuetudine: lì il tempo sembra avere una propria scansione e i suoi abitanti sono altrettanto confusi tra realtà e sogno.

E in questo limbo Joel raggiunge la sua maturità: scopre che il padre delude ogni sua aspettativa, che la sua sessualità non segue una strada definita e che, per non perdersi, deve andare via da quel luogo di incubi e misteri. Come a dire che deve abbandonare la fanciullezza per una maturità consapevole. ( )
  lasiepedimore | Jul 28, 2023 |
Truman Capote's debut novel is amazing. It's been described as hallucinogenic or "gothic on steroids". I would have to agree with both descriptions. I listened on audio, which was a full immersion experience.

The story is reportedly semi-autobiographical. It opens with Joel Knox, a young 12-year old boy traveling to meet his father for the first time in his life. Up till now he's lived in New Orleans, but his father lives at a place called Skully's Landing - very remote and difficult to reach place in the deep south.

At Skully's Landing Joel encounters a menagerie of characters and odd incidents. Some of the incidents seem to actually occur, where others are only in Joel's imagination.

Altogether a wonderful listen and a good distraction! ( )
  sriddell | Aug 6, 2022 |
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Truman Capoteauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Berendt, JohnIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
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For Newton Arvin
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Now a traveler must make his way to Noon City by the best means he can, for there are no buses or trains heading in that direction, though six days a week a truck from the Chuberry Turpentine Company collects mail and supplies in the next-door town of Paradise Chapel: occasionally a person bound for Noon City can catch a ride with the driver of the truck, Same Radclif.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Truman Capote's first novel is a story of almost supernatural intensity and inventiveness, an audacious foray into the mind of a sensitive boy as he seeks out the grown-up enigmas of love and death in the ghostly landscape of the deep South. At the age of twelve, Joel Knox is summoned to meet the father who abandoned him at birth. But when Joel arrives at the decaying mansion in Skully's Landing, his father is nowhere in sight. What he finds instead is a sullen stepmother who delights in killing birds; an uncle with the face-and heart-of a debauched child; and a fearsome little girl named Idabel who may offer him the closest thing he has ever known to love.

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4 186
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