- Collections
- Toutes les collections (1,749), Ruby Manor (18), Tarot (18), Kir's Queer Kitchen (13), GNDST-333 MHC (1), Teaching STEAM in PR (1), Quill Queer Book Club (7), Cookbooks (7), OverDrive (1), Audible (8), Scribd (25), LT BDW Tumblr (20), For Lincoln (2), Kindle (62), PHIL 155 (8), Children's nature books (25), NookBooks (2), Readathon Oct 2016 (11), April 2016 readathon (14), 2ndary wishlist (23), Readathon 2015 Oct (8), readathon 2014 (6), Butch-Femme (12), Votre bibliothèque (1,177), Liste de livres désirés (404), À lire (262), En cours de lecture (8), Audiobooks (87), Fiction (52), Non-fiction (63), Favoris (136), Reference (30)
- Mots-clés
- a (591), fantasy (115), children's (87), YA (87), wishlist (68), graphic novel (55), ARC (43), fiction (36), queer (35), LGBTQI (28), alamw16 (28), classics (24), kink (23), sci-fi (23), memoir (22), gender (19), on words (18), MM (17), erotica (17), non-fiction (16), Ender (14), Nook (14), writing (13), anthology (12), mystery (10), femme (9), coffee table (9), NetGalley (9), dystopia (9), poetry (8), horror (8), comics (8), b-f fb group banner (8), trans (7), historical fiction (7), butch (6), widget (6), 1st ed. (6), plays (5), butch-femme (5), signed copy (5), ER (5), BDSM (5), Bean (5), chick lit (5), twitter (5), art (5), tarot (4), Eng57 (4), sexuality (4), netgalley (3), business (3), neuroqueer (3), biography (3), D/s (3), short stories (3), feminism (3), SFPL (3), autism (3), body image (3), compilation (3), literature & medicine (2), African-American (2), how-to (2), philosophy (2), on writing (2), neurodiversity (2), SantaThing (2), abandoned (2), SF (2), coming of age (2), body acceptance (2), satire (2), Hist1 (2), rec by loranne (2), Eng55 (2), nature (2), fairy tales (2), bullying (2), epic fantasy (2), weneeddiversebooks (1), Audible (1), LT BDW Tumblr (1), Read in 2018 (1), transmasc (1), rec by dan (1), SYNC 2018 (1), Spanish (1), French (1), African-American fiction (1), POC (1), African-American history (1), gifts for the kiddos (1), Kelly rec (1), bacha posh (1), chris heckman (1), OLOB (1), disability politics (1), rec by Heide (1), Spanish 1A (1), WOC (1), Eng1A (1), African-American literature (1), geography (1), Valdemar (1), magical realism (1), New England (1), baseball (1), activism (1), maps (1), religious (1), kitchen (1), Kelly (1), thriller (1), religion (1), Memoir (1), boxed set (1), collection (1), suspense (1), high school (1), K (1), banned books (1), comedy (1), family (1), foreign language (1), female protagonist (1), WWII (1), Red Sox (1), webcomic (1), crime (1), mythology (1), illustrated (1), movie (1), teen (1), crafts (1), textbooks (1), Dali (1), fitness (1), memoirs (1), needs to be replaced (1), foodie (1), non-monogamy (1), sports (1), poly (1), fairy tales retold (1), cyberpunk (1), autobiography (1), science fiction (1), EDUST-221 (1)
- Nuages
- Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
- Médias
- Groupes
- 75 Books Challenge for 2009, 75 Books Challenge for 2010, 75 Books Challenge for 2011, 75 Books Challenge for 2012, 75 Books Challenge for 2014, 75 Books Challenge for 2015, 75 Books Challenge for 2016, 75 Books Challenge for 2018, 75 Books Challenge for 2019, 75 Books Challenge for 2020, Alternative Sexuality, Ask LibraryThing, Audiobooks, Banned Books, Bay Area Bluestockings, BDSM Bibliophiles, Blog the Book, Bloggers, Board for Extreme Thing Advances, Book Nudgers, Bookcases: If You Build/Buy Them, They Will Fill, BookMooching, Butch-Femme Book Lovers, Cookbookers, Crambo!, Early Reviewers, FantasyFans, Feminist Theory, Femmes Who Read, Flash-Mob Cataloging, Geeks who love the Classics, genderqueer, Girlybooks, GLBT History, Go Review That Book!, Hogwarts Express, Le Salon Littéraire du Peuple pour le Peuple, List Five Books Parlour Game, Litsy, Mainers, Name that Book, Nook eBook Exchange, One LibraryThing, One Book, PaperBackSwap, Pedants' corner, Playing games and solving puzzles, Queer and Trans Lit, Queer Nation, Read YA Lit, ReadaThing, Reading Books by Women, Reviews reviewed, Science Fiction Fans, SF Bay Area Librarythingers, Stalking Tim & Company, Sustainability, TBR Challenge, The Green Dragon, TinyCat, TinyCat Testers, Writer-readers
- Inscrit depuis
- Sep 20, 2007
- Nom réel
- Kirsten
- A propos de ma bibliothèque
- The books, they are taking over! The fact is, there are more books I want to read than will be possible in my lifetime barring the development of a Matrix-style brain dump. Accepting this has informed my decision to prioritize authors who are: queer, persons of color, disabled, or otherwise marginalized and thus less likely to end up on mainstream bestseller lists and big box store endcaps.
Schoolbooks make up most of my reading when I'm not on break, but I do try to get in lots of audiobooks when I'm driving, cooking, and otherwise unable to have a book in my hands or in front of my eyes. - A propos de moi
- Hi there; thanks for stopping by! You can find me on Litsy, the bookish app, as @kgriffith, as well as in the 75 Book Challenge group on Talk: Kirsten's 2019 Reading
- Lieu (géographique)
- Portland, Maine
- Page d'accueil
- Adhésions
- Aussi sur
- En cours de lecture
- Auteurs favoris
- Listes de favoris
- Favoris locaux
Librairies: Annie's Book Stop, Badger Books, Borderlands Books, Bull Moose - Scarborough, Coast City Comics, Dog Eared Books - Valencia, Green Apple Books, Longfellow Books, Lux Mentis, Booksellers ABAA/ILAB, Modern Times Bookstore, Nonesuch Books & Cards, Phoenix Books, Print: A Bookstore, Sherman's Books & Stationery, Stormy Leather, The Green Hand Bookshop, Yes Books
Bibliothèques: Portland Public Library - Downtown Library, San Francisco Public Library - Main
Autre: LibraryThing H.Q.
Activité récente
Connexions des membres
- Amis
- 2BR02B, ablachly, AceOnRoam, amradio, AngelikaDevlyn, biblioholic29, booksandwine, bookworm12, bostonbibliophile, brandybrown, Branwen_33, brettadactyl, carebear10712, clawson.library, craftsmyn, cwflatt, DevourerOfBooks, dianahunter, donnathedead, Doodlebugs, eblachly, ejj1955, erinhasbooks, eyelit, foggidawn, GondorGirl, icanhasmeow, ismoon.maria, jchristie, jennsbookshelves, JenPrim, jfoster_sf, Jinjer.Hundley, jmchshannon, jugglingpaynes, JustinTheLibrarian, jwolfie76, katemcangus, Kayla2400, Kerian, kiparsky, kjgormley, KPinkbooks, Kristelh, kristilabrie, Lauranthalas, Lex_Lyon, librarybelle, LibraryPerilous, lisalees, lorannen, loristoyz, Loverofbooks22, lperil, lstover, LT_Ammar, Lynnsoprano, Lyssis, mathgirl40, matthewmason, megkrahl, megwaiteclayton, MinDea, MiraLunaNixon, misia, mpmleonard, MrAndrew, MrsGrinch, ms.sarahholmes, ms_samparker, MsDonna, nessa33, nminear1, ofthatilk, onceupon, Paiger1979, perfunctory, picolina, rabbitprincess, RaimeyGallant, RavenswoodPublishing, RealLifeReading, reconditereader, Renald128, RidgewayGirl, rubyslippersreads, Sace, sarah83L, saresmoore, sassymarseille, SexGeek, sophistiKate, SoubhiKiewiet, SpongeBobFishpants, SqueakyChu, stargirl95827, StefanieCaeners, subabat, suge, susiebright, TabithaMorey, Tanya-dogearedcopy, TexLiz19, TheBibliophage, thegreeneyedreader, thisbookends, timspalding, tscott11, umMichaela, Well-ReadNeck, wfwalsh, whitreidtan, xicanti
- Bibliothèque intéressante
- 4everfanatical, amradio, aspirit, benuathanasia, BingLGBTQ, Caryn.Rose, catfantastic, cattylj, CynthiaRobertson, dukedukegoose, ejj1955, foggidawn, indygo88, JanesList, LibraryCin, librarymeg, LibraryPerilous, LolaWalser, LucindaLibri, LynleyS, lyrrael, MeditationesMartini, missizicks, QueenOfDenmark, reconditereader, RefPenny, rivkat, ryvre, Salsabrarian, Saltvand, sassymarseille, smg023, StefanieGeeks, The_Hoard_MHC, theoria, turtlefly, wealhtheowwylfing, wyvernfriend
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