Redbridge Children's Book Award
Décerné par London Borough of Redbridge
59 oeuvres 98,748 Livres 5,024 critiques 4.2
Each year, we run the Redbridge Children's Book Awards.
There are 2 categories:
the Children’s Book Award for school students aged 10 to 12 years old
the Teenage Book Award for school students aged afficher plus 13 to 16 years old
The awards process starts in September and ends in June. We invite all schools in the Borough to take part in the awards and vote for their favourite children and teen books published in the UK in the current year. There is an opportunity for students to get signed copies of the shortlisted titles and meet the authors whose books they have voted for.
The award is still evolving and each year will build on experiences from the last. The first year we ran the award, 4 schools took part. This year, 16 secondary schools and 9 primary schools are taking part. afficher moins
There are 2 categories:
the Children’s Book Award for school students aged 10 to 12 years old
the Teenage Book Award for school students aged afficher plus 13 to 16 years old
The awards process starts in September and ends in June. We invite all schools in the Borough to take part in the awards and vote for their favourite children and teen books published in the UK in the current year. There is an opportunity for students to get signed copies of the shortlisted titles and meet the authors whose books they have voted for.
The award is still evolving and each year will build on experiences from the last. The first year we ran the award, 4 schools took part. This year, 16 secondary schools and 9 primary schools are taking part. afficher moins
Winner 27
Shortlist 7
Longlist 30
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