Cyril Connolly's 100 Key Books of the Modern Movement1924

2 oeuvres 15,893 Livres 174 critiques ½ 3.7
"In 1965 Cyril Connolly published The Modern Movement, 100 [sic] Key Books from England, France and America, 1880-1950. These books, in his opinion, best illustrated the spirit of the modern afficher plus movement which "dawned with Flaubert and Baudelaire, reached its zenith early in the century and only became past history in the fifties - if it has become past history." The list is limited to French , English and American literature because, as Connolly put it "without knowing German or Russian, I cannot absolutely judge a book from translation, however perfect..."" afficher moins
Tous, 1949 (1), 1948 (2), 1947 (1), 1946 (1), 1945 (1), 1943 (1), 1942 (1), 1941 (2), 1940 (3), 1939 (3), 1938 (1), 1936 (2), 1935 (1), 1934 (3), 1933 (2), 1932 (4), 1931 (4), 1930 (3), 1929 (7), 1928 (4), 1927 (1), 1926 (5), 1925 (1), 1924 (2), 1923 (4), 1922 (5), 1921 (2), 1920 (2), 1918 (5), 1917 (3), 1916 (2), 1915 (1), 1914 (2), 1913 (3), 1911 (1), 1907 (3), 1906 (1), 1903 (1), 1902 (2), 1899 (1), 1896 (1), 1891 (1), 1887 (2), 1886 (1), 1885 (1), 1884 (1), 1883 (1), 1881 (1), 1880 (1)


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