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Nevil Shute (1899–1960)

Auteur de Le dernier rivage

49+ oeuvres 18,661 utilisateurs 648 critiques 73 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Nevil Shute Norway was born in Ealing, London, England, on January, 17 1899. At the age of 11, Norway played truant from his first preparatory school in Hammersmith. After he was discovered, he was sent to the Dragon School, Oxford, and from there to Shrewsbury. He was on holiday in Dublin at the afficher plus time of the Easter rising of 1916 and acted as an ambulance driver, winning a commendation for gallant conduct. He then entered the Royal Military Academy, intending to be commissioned into the Royal Flying Corps, but a bad stammer led to his being failed at his final medical examination and returned to civil life. The last few months of the war were spent on home service as a private in the Suffolk Regiment. In 1919, Norway went to Balliol College, Oxford, where he took a third class honors course in engineering science in 1922. During the vacations he worked, unpaid, as an aeronautical engineer, for the Aircraft Manufacturing Company at Hendon, and then for Geoffrey de Havilland's own firm, which he joined as an employee upon finishing at Oxford. He learned to fly and gained experience as a test observer. During the evenings he diligently wrote novels and short stories unperturbed by rejection slips from publishers. In 1924 Norway took the post of Chief Calculator to the Airship Guarantee Company, to work on the construction of the R100. In 1929 he became Deputy Chief Engineer under Barnes Wallis, and in the following year he flew to and from Canada in the R100. After the end of the airship project, jobs were hard to come by due to the depression so Shute started an aircraft manufacturing company, Airspeed Limited. This company was ultimately successful and built a large number of aircraft during the war. Shute remained joint managing director until 1938. When the business became too routine, he decided to get out of the rut and live by writing. The de Havillands, the first aviation job Shute had ever had, wound up buying Airspeed Ltd. He had by then enjoyed some success as a novelist and had sold the film rights of Lonely Road and Ruined City. At the outbreak of war in 1939, Norway joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Miscellaneous Weapons Department. Rising to Lieutenant Commander, he found experimenting with secret weapons a job after his own heart. But he found that his growing celebrity as a writer caused him to be in the Normandy landings on 6th June 1944, for the Ministry of Information, and to be sent to Burma as a correspondent in 1945. He entered Rangoon with the 15th Corps from Arakan. Soon after demobilisation in 1945 he emigrated to Australia and made his home in Langwarrin, Victoria. His output of novels, which began with Marazan (1926) continued to the end. Shute was one of the leading aeronautical engineers in Britain during the 30's and a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. When he began writing in the 20's, he feared that a reputation as a writer of fiction might harm his engineering career. For this reason he published under his two Christian names, Nevil Shute and engineered under his "real" name, Nevil S. Norway. Nevil Shute Norway died in Melbourne on January, 12 1960. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
Crédit image: Courtesy of the NYPL Digital Gallery (image use requires permission from the New York Public Library)

Œuvres de Nevil Shute

Le dernier rivage (1957) 4,939 exemplaires, 178 critiques
Le testament (1950) 3,781 exemplaires, 139 critiques
Trustee from the Toolroom (1960) 907 exemplaires, 32 critiques
Pied Piper (1942) 897 exemplaires, 37 critiques
No Highway (1948) 599 exemplaires, 21 critiques
Pastoral (1944) 592 exemplaires, 12 critiques
The Far Country (1952) 585 exemplaires, 15 critiques
The Chequer Board (1947) 560 exemplaires, 11 critiques
Requiem for a Wren (1955) 549 exemplaires, 21 critiques
Round the Bend (1951) 503 exemplaires, 14 critiques
In the Wet (1953) 450 exemplaires, 12 critiques
Old Captivity (1940) 449 exemplaires, 59 critiques
Most Secret (1945) 437 exemplaires, 12 critiques
The Rainbow and the Rose (1958) 395 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Slide Rule (1954) 369 exemplaires, 9 critiques
Landfall (1940) 342 exemplaires, 12 critiques
Beyond the Black Stump (1956) 331 exemplaires, 7 critiques
What Happened to the Corbetts (1939) 321 exemplaires, 8 critiques
Ruined City (1938) 304 exemplaires, 4 critiques
So Disdained (1928) 283 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Marazan (1926) 272 exemplaires, 8 critiques
Lonely Road (1932) 256 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Stephen Morris (1961) 193 exemplaires, 5 critiques
On the Beach (abridged) (1972) 70 exemplaires, 2 critiques
A Town Like Alice [Macmillan Readers] (1977) 49 exemplaires, 1 critique
A Town Like Alice (New Windmills) (1968) 45 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Vinland the Good (2000) 37 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Seafarers (2002) 14 exemplaires
Ruined City / Landfall (1969) 10 exemplaires
See List 2 exemplaires
Formynderen 1 (1988) 1 exemplaire
Formynderen 2 (1988) 1 exemplaire
Most Secret AND The Legacy (1966) 1 exemplaire
Förmyndaren 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Armes secrètes (1956) — Avant-propos, quelques éditions81 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Valancourt Book of Horror Stories: Volume Two (2017) — Contributeur — 75 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Once is enough (1959) — Avant-propos, quelques éditions70 exemplaires, 5 critiques
On the Beach [1959 film] (1959) — Original book — 49 exemplaires, 2 critiques
A Town like Alice [1981 TV mini series] (1997) — Original novel — 45 exemplaires, 1 critique
Reader's Digest Condensed Books 1976 v01 (1976) — Contributeur — 31 exemplaires
Great World War II Stories: 50th Anniversary Collection (1989) — Contributeur — 30 exemplaires
A Town Like Alice [1956 film] (1956) — Original book — 28 exemplaires, 1 critique
Reader's Digest Condensed Books 1960 v03 (1960) — Auteur — 21 exemplaires
Reader's Digest Condensed Books 1959 v01 (1959) — Contributeur — 16 exemplaires
On the Beach [2000 film] — Original book — 9 exemplaires
The Far Country [1987 miniseries] (1987) — Original book — 4 exemplaires, 1 critique
Pied Piper [1942 film] — Original book — 2 exemplaires


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January 2022: Nevil Shute à Monthly Author Reads (Juin 2022)


On the Beach se déroule en Australie, sur le seul continent qui n’a pas encore été affecté par la guerre nucléaire qui domine l’hémisphère nord de la planète terre, mais qui va bientôt ressentir les effets nocifs et inattendus de cette catastrophe mondiale. L’auteur Nevil Shute nous développe des personnages complexes et désespérés, qui vivent un bouleversement soudain dans leur vie commune de tous les jours, en ne trouvant aucun moyen de ressortir de cette situation.
Taleen6344a18 | 177 autres critiques | Dec 11, 2018 |
Un an auparavant, la Troisième Guerre mondiale a eu lieu; cette guerre, nucléaire, a presque tout détruit sur son passage. En Australie, des survivants attendent le passage de radiations qui les tueront à coup sûr. Chacun, homme ou femme, vit différemment l’approche de cette mort imminente : alors qu’un capitaine de la marine tente de rejoindre l’Ouest américain après avoir capté un message en code morse, des survivants plantent un potager, d’autres festoient et certains pensent au suicide.… (plus d'informations)
marie-pier6344a18 | 177 autres critiques | Dec 10, 2018 |


1960s (1)
1950s (2)

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