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Frindle (1996)

par Andrew Clements

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9,911214789 (4)35
When he decides to turn his fifth grade teacher's love of the dictionary around on her, clever Nick Allen invents a new word and begins a chain of events that quickly moves beyond his control.

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When he decides to turn his fifth grade teacher's love of the dictionary around on her, clever Nick Allen invents a new word and begins a chain of events that quickly moves beyond his control.
  PlumfieldCH | May 9, 2024 |
"Frindle" is a witty and thought-provoking novel that celebrates the creativity and imagination of children and the importance of questioning the status quo.
  alexablocker | Apr 29, 2024 |
Nick is known to be the funny guy. His main idea is trying to prove to his teacher that words can come out of anywhere. He is creative and always coming up with unique ideas to try and get people to go with them. ( )
  mdmanon | Apr 16, 2024 |
This is another classic book I read in middle school. I remember reading this book with my dad and we often still talk about it. This book is great for curious students who like to know the meaning of things and use their imagination. ( )
  ergoldie | Apr 3, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
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Andrew Clementsauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Selznick, BrianIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Becky, Charles, George, Nate, and John - A.C.
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If you asked the kids and the teachers at Lincoln Elementary School to make three lists – all the really bad kids, all the really smart kids, and all the really good kids – Nick Allen would not be on any of them. Nick deserved a list of his own, and everyone knew it.
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So many things have gone out of date. But after all these years, words are still important. Words are still needed by everyone. Words are still used to think with, write with, to dream with, to hope and pray with. And that is why I love the dictionary. It endures. It works. And as you know, it also changes and grows.
"This is not an easy visit for me. We are having some trouble at school, and it appears Nick is in the middle of it."
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When he decides to turn his fifth grade teacher's love of the dictionary around on her, clever Nick Allen invents a new word and begins a chain of events that quickly moves beyond his control.

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