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Chargement... Rocher de Brighton (1938)par Graham Greene
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Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. Good early Greene dealing with right/wrong vs Good/Evil. A Noir-lke book filled with suspense. The end is really gripping and Greene finally finds his future voice near the end. Great read. ( ) The more I do not read Contemporary Fiction, the more important the predecessors become. Case in point: Graham Greene. Never has the degradation of every but one of the dramatis personae been so trepidatiously depicted. Imagine someone writing in those years between the apexes of Hammett and Chandler, a British Catholic, setting his terrors at the most cliched of sites, the seaside resort. Impotent wanna-be gangsters collide with both semi-professionals and well-meaning interlopers. Being me, I knew how it all would end. Graham Greene proved me very wrong, to my delight. I enjoyed visiting Brighton on my one trip to England, so I liked being reminded of that town through this book. I also like Greene's writing style, from all the other books of his I've read so far. This one is a murder-mystery/crime thriller, with a citizen sleuth, a middle-aged woman named Ida who spends some time hanging out with a nice stranger just shortly before that man dies. She realizes that the story about that man's seemingly natural death doesn't tally with what she knows of the victim's last hours, and when the police ignore her concerns she sets out to investigate on her own. An unlikely avenging angel, she nonetheless pursues a gang of toughs whose gang is going through the power struggles and adjustments that follow a regime change. In addition to the adventure/thriller elements, this book also explores the nature of mortal sin and good/evil, looking at the many complications and gradations that make it hard to hold to strict, black and white concepts of good and evil, while still also showing how maybe evil is still real, no matter how complicated real life can be.
This is no book for those who would turn delicate noses away from the gutters and sewers of life; but there is nothing that could give the faintest gratification to snickerers. If it is as downright as surgery, it is, also, as clean as a clinic. There is not an entirely admirable character in it; but there is not one that can, by any chance, be forgotten nor one that could be set aside as untrue to life. Why does this bleak, seething and anarchic novel still resonate? Its energy and power is that of the rebellious adolescent, foreshadowing the rise of the cult of youth in the latter part of the 20th century. And while Catholicism may have given way to secularism, Pinkie ultimately realises that hell isn't located in some distant realm: it's right here, present on earth, all around us. Greene's entertainments look better now than most of his pretentious and overpraised 'serious novels'. One of the few British crime novels of the time which matched the modernist tone of the Americans, while remaining completely authentic. Appartient à la série éditorialeEst contenu dansFait l'objet d'une adaptation dansContient une étude deContient un guide de lecture pour étudiantListes notables
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Google Books — Chargement... GenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)823.912Literature English English fiction Modern Period 1901-1999 1901-1945Classification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne: