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Gulliver's Travels

par Jonathan Swift

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1,1391117,998 (3.51)Aucun
From the preeminent prose satirist in the English language, a great classic recounting the 4 remarkable journeys of ship's surgeon Lemuel Gulliver. For children it remains an enchanting fantasy; for adults, a witty parody of political life in Swift's time and a scathing send-up of manners and morals in 18th-century England.… (plus d'informations)
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It was all right. Gulliver got on my nerves quite a bit. It seems to me that Jonathan Swift would have been either someone you would have loved to hang around or someone who could annoy you to no end. ( )
  littlebookjockey | Sep 15, 2020 |
This is considered a masterpiece of satire and is Jonathan Swift's longest work. It is a satire of both humans and of travel literature. Written in 1726 it is still relevant today. I don't believe I have read the entire work before but was so well acquainted with most of it, I must have read an abridged version. I still like A Modest Proposal best by this author but this was good too. This can be read as a children's story, as almost science fiction/fantasy genre, but the author meant it as political satire as well as a satire of travel literature. In fact there is a lot of references to bodily functions and to sexual activity that makes this not a work for children though children will certainly find the defecating and urinating funny. The book is a study of human nature and whether man is just a Yahoo or if there is some that are kind and generous.
Part I: A Voyage to Lilliput (Small)
Part II: A Voyage to Brobdingnag (big)
Part III: A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan (wise)
Part IV: A Voyage to the Land of the Houyhnhnms: (ignorant)
The book has had mixed receptions but it cannot be denied that it has had lasting influence on the development of the novel as well as our language. ( )
  Kristelh | Aug 10, 2020 |
Gulliver’s Travels is still among the most enduring stories ever written, and is still being read nearly 300 years after it was originally published. The book’s durability is due to its unique storytelling qualities despite being more of a satire than an actual novel. Some of that satire’s relevance has diminished over time, but the story itself is still a timeless classic. Imagery and words from it have saturated into everyday life over the centuries. I highly recommend giving this book a read, to become familiar with a classic, and to enjoy a compelling adventure. ( )
  DominicHayes | Aug 1, 2020 |
Gulliver’s Travels details the voyages of Lemuel Gulliver. First he arrives in Lilliput where he discovers miniature world in which he towers over the people and their city. This is the source of the iconic image of him being tied to the ground. As a giant, he is able to see their society from the viewpoint of a god. Soon afterwards, he arrives in Brobdingnag where he is dwarfed by the giants there. Gulliver himself is now the curiosity that comes under observation. The word Brobdingnagian stems from this story. He also travels to Laputa, a flying island hosting a population that has lost its grip on everyday reality; Finally he visits the Houyhnhnms, a species of sentient horses that exude civility in contrast with the filthy humanoid Yahoos.

True to the writing of Jonathan Swift, this book is really a satirical look on our own society- or at least the one that existed in 1726 (which has a striking amount of similarities to 2020). The book beautifully translates this satire into an exciting adventure story, filled with vivid imagery and an imaginative new reality. This 250 year old novel still had me flipping eagerly through the pages. The narration in the audio version is great, but bear in mind that some of the language can be challenging to grasp. ( )
  ryvaut | Jul 31, 2020 |
I'm going to have to say, it's surprisingly readable for a 300 year old book. ( )
2 voter Jon_Hansen | Nov 10, 2018 |
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From the preeminent prose satirist in the English language, a great classic recounting the 4 remarkable journeys of ship's surgeon Lemuel Gulliver. For children it remains an enchanting fantasy; for adults, a witty parody of political life in Swift's time and a scathing send-up of manners and morals in 18th-century England.

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Moyenne: (3.51)
1 6
2 14
2.5 6
3 35
3.5 7
4 48
4.5 2
5 23

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