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Scepter of the Ancients (Skulduggery…

Scepter of the Ancients (Skulduggery Pleasant) (original 2007; édition 2008)

par Derek Landy

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,1711364,415 (3.98)130
A la mort de son oncle, Stephanie Edgley, 12 ans, hérite d'une vaste propriété. Lors de la lecture du testament fait irruption dans le bureau du notaire un individu dissimulé derrière un long manteau, des lunettes noires et un chapeau. Il dit s'appeler Skully Foubery et est détective privé, mais aussi le squelette vivant d'un magicien mort 400 ans auparavant.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Scepter of the Ancients (Skulduggery Pleasant)
Auteurs:Derek Landy
Info:Harper Trophy (2008), Paperback, 416 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Skulduggery Pleasant par Derek Landy (2007)

  1. 41
    La trilogie de Bartiméus (complet en 3 tomes : L'amulette de Samarcande, L’œil du Golem, La porte de Ptolémée) par Jonathan Stroud (FFortuna)
  2. 20
    Kiki Strike dans la cité clandestine par Kirsten Miller (MyriadBooks)
    MyriadBooks: For dangerous heroines.
  3. 10
    Courtney Crumrin, tome 1 : Les Choses de la nuit par Ted Naifeh (FFortuna)
  4. 10
    Le livre des choses perdues par John Connolly (Beorn_se_Bacaire)
    Beorn_se_Bacaire: Both comic fantasy with darker overtones
  5. 10
    The Screaming Staircase par Jonathan Stroud (nessreader)
    nessreader: strong likable girl heroes, the trappings of gothick (walking skeleton in skulduggery, ghost exorcism business in lockwood) without feeling creeping horror; the drama moves too briskly for that and the heroes take action rather than brooding
  6. 00
    Les Dossiers Dresden, tome 1 : Avis de tempête par Jim Butcher (FFortuna)
    FFortuna: These books are geared toward kids/teens and adults respectively, but they deal with similar material in a very similar tone and both are excellent.
  7. 00
    Zorgamazoo par Robert Paul Weston (FFortuna)
  8. 00
    The Magic Thief par Sarah Prineas (FFortuna)
  9. 00
    Demonkeeper par Royce Buckingham (FFortuna)
  10. 00
    Chasing the Moon par A. Lee Martinez (Beorn_se_Bacaire)
    Beorn_se_Bacaire: Both comic fantasy novels dealing with the end of the world by means of "Elder Gods".

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» Voir aussi les 130 mentions

Anglais (129)  Allemand (3)  Espagnol (1)  Toutes les langues (133)
Affichage de 1-5 de 133 (suivant | tout afficher)
Great fun! ( )
  Eiketske1004 | Sep 18, 2024 |

Es dificil para mi darle una puntuación a esto.
Supongo que a alguien de 12 a 15 años de gustara mucho. A mi me pareció demasiado infantil, claro.
Entiendo que es entretenido pero no es de mi estilo.
A la vez lo recomiendo xD ( )
  trusmis | Aug 12, 2024 |
I thought I might not love this as much as I used to but I need not have worried. I loved it just as much as I did the first couple times. ( )
  Fortunesdearest | Feb 2, 2024 |
I don't know. I wanted to like this book, but it felt kind of derivative. You have: (1) Names that evoke character traits (2) A magical world kept secret from the normal human world (3) A super evil villain bent on taking over the world just because he feels like it and (4) A kid caught in the middle who's got a special connection to the magic world.

Outside of that there are these facts: (1) Said special kid is not an orphan (2) Adult hero is a detective and (3) The story doesn't take itself all that seriously most of the time.

So I didn't love it, but I think I'm being overly critical, so I'll split the difference and say it was worth a read but there's no need to put it at the top of your list.

Oh, and I've heard that the audio is better than the book because of the Irish accents. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
A rollicking and inventive tale of magic and a plot to doom the world, being fought by a skeleton detective and the young girl who accompanies him. Great fun.. ( )
  gjky | Apr 9, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 133 (suivant | tout afficher)
Amy Sisson (VOYA, August 2007 (Vol. 30, No 3))
Considering how many fantasy novels are imported into the U.S. these days, one hardly expects freshness and originality, so this Irish author's debut novel is a very pleasant surprise. Twelve-year-old Stephanie Edgley is perplexed when her eccentric Uncle Gordon dies, leaving her his vast estate. She is utterly astonished to find that his closest friend is a walking, talking skeleton who also happens to be a well-dressed, hard-boiled detective named Skulduggery Pleasant. Intrigued by Skulduggery's dangerous world of magic, Stephanie ignores his protests and begins tagging along on his adventures. Before long, she encounters a troll-killing warrior named Tanith Low, vampires completely unlike those about which she has read, an evil henchman made mostly out of paper, and many other wonders and perils. Quite simply, this book is designed to appeal on every level. The book's cover, the illustrated drop caps that lead off each chapter, and the narrative's tone give it a graphic novel sensibility, even though it is really almost four hundred pages of straight text. Stephanie displays wisdom and courage beyond her years, and as such, will appeal to older teen readers as well as younger ones. Stephanie and Skulduggery's witty repartee is most enjoyable, and the pacing is fast, with constant action and fight scenes during which the author neither sugarcoats the violence nor revels in it unnecessarily. This book likely will be a big hit, and thus belongs in every library that serves young adult readers. VOYA CODES: 4Q 5P M J S (Better than most, marred only by occasional lapses; Every YA (who reads) was dying to read it yesterday; Middle School, defined as grades 6 to 8; Junior High, defined as grades 7 to 9; Senior High, defined as grades 10 to 12). 2007, HarperCollins, 400p., $17.99 and PLB $18.89. Ages 11 to 18.
ajouté par kthomp25 | modifierVOYA, Amy Sisson

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (8 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Derek Landyauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Degas, RupertNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Falk, PederNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Henderson, MerylIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Karlin, LenaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Percival, TomIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Perschke, Mette SkotTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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This book is dedicated to my parents, John and Barbara.
Dad - this is for your bizarrely unwavering support and unflinching faith.
Barbs - this is for that look on your face when I told you the good news.
I owe you absolutely everything, and y'know, I suppose it's entirely possible that I feel some, like, degree of affection toward the two of you...
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Gordon Edgley's sudden death came as a shock to everyone -- not least himself.
Gordon Edgley's sudden death came as shock to everyone -- not least himself. One moment he was in his study, seven words into the twenty-fifth chapter of his new book, And the Darkness Rained upon Them, and the next he was dead. "A tragic loss," his mind echoed numbly as he slipped away.
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"Every solution to every problem is simple. It's the distance between the two where the mystery lies" Skulduggery Pleasant
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

A la mort de son oncle, Stephanie Edgley, 12 ans, hérite d'une vaste propriété. Lors de la lecture du testament fait irruption dans le bureau du notaire un individu dissimulé derrière un long manteau, des lunettes noires et un chapeau. Il dit s'appeler Skully Foubery et est détective privé, mais aussi le squelette vivant d'un magicien mort 400 ans auparavant.

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