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Pachinko (2017)

par Min Jin Lee

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MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6,7602921,421 (4.09)366
Following one Korean family through the generations, beginning in early 1900s Korea with Sunja, the prized daughter of a poor yet proud family, whose unplanned pregnancy threatens to shame them all. Deserted by her lover, Sunja is saved when a young tubercular minister offers to marry and bring her to Japan. So begins a sweeping saga of an exceptional family in exile from its homeland and caught in the indifferent arc of history. Through desperate struggles and hard-won triumphs, its members are bound together by deep roots as they face enduring questions of faith, family, and identity.… (plus d'informations)
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Affichage de 1-5 de 287 (suivant | tout afficher)
not sure what to say. only, i’m very surprised that my dad wanted like 17 year old me to read such a sexually explicit book ( )
  puppyboykippo | Jul 25, 2024 |
not sure what to say. only, i’m very surprised that my dad wanted like 17 year old me to read such a sexually explicit book ( )
  puppyboykippo | Jul 25, 2024 |
Every once in a while you pick up a book that gets into your blood. It runs through you and it changes your perspective, or maybe it awakens something in you that was there all the time, but the author has managed to put words to something you otherwise couldn’t have articulated. Min Jin Lee describes something universal, and yet personal to characters in her story. And her story could easily describe the treatment of Blacks in America, or Jews in Germany pre and post WWII, or any minority in the world who are taking refuge in another country other than their home at a time when returning home isn’t a welcoming option either. She does it in such a way that a person who has never lived through such discrimination (like me) feels more enlightened afterwards and hopes to never treat anyone with such blind ignorance, and at the same time the story of motherhood and family, love and loss is so relatable, anyone will feel what the characters are feeling. ( )
  BB_Soto | Jul 12, 2024 |
As the years go on in this sweeping family saga, the number of characters naturally increases, and it becomes hard to keep everyone straight. ( )
  bookwyrmm | Jun 20, 2024 |
Sweeping multigenerational family saga about a Korean family's experience in Japan. This is not a part of history I know much about - and this story made me interested in learning more. The book follows one family, and the story jumps forward a few years for each new chapter. Felt like a series of related vignettes, but I was very engaged with the story and the characters. I really liked this one. ( )
  DocHobbs | May 27, 2024 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Lee, Min Jinauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Blum, GabrieleNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hiroto, AllisonNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kim, IntaeNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lecq, Paul van derTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Leger, PatrickArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lenting, InekeTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Pearson, BrigidConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit answered to, in strongest conjuration.
-Charles Dickens
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For Christopher and Sam
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History has failed us, but no matter.
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A snake that sheds its skin is still a snake.
The penalties incurred for the mistakes you made had to be paid out in full to the members of your family. But she didn't believe that she could ever discharge these sums.
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Wikipédia en anglais


Following one Korean family through the generations, beginning in early 1900s Korea with Sunja, the prized daughter of a poor yet proud family, whose unplanned pregnancy threatens to shame them all. Deserted by her lover, Sunja is saved when a young tubercular minister offers to marry and bring her to Japan. So begins a sweeping saga of an exceptional family in exile from its homeland and caught in the indifferent arc of history. Through desperate struggles and hard-won triumphs, its members are bound together by deep roots as they face enduring questions of faith, family, and identity.

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Moyenne: (4.09)
0.5 1
1 6
1.5 1
2 42
2.5 10
3 197
3.5 112
4 615
4.5 101
5 469

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